Chapter 2314

Name:Lord of All Gods Author:风云再起
Chapter 2314 The Last Battle

What Sui Fenghu is most worried about now is that Ye Liuyun will suddenly appear and take advantage of the final opportunity of the decisive battle to launch a surprise attack on him.

As the commander of a large army, it is impossible not to take advantage of such a good opportunity.

Ye Liuyun would not be so stupid as to wait for all his allies to be killed before fighting him alone.

As for the rest of the common people, except for the women who can be useful, the others are not even worthy of being slaves, and they are considered useless.

He didn't care too much, and Ye Liuyun probably didn't care too much either.

So as long as Ye Liuyun didn't make a move during his battle, he could be sure that Ye Liuyun had already left before they arrived.

So he first cautiously led his troops into the city opposite the United City-State, hoping to wait for those martial artists to attack him, so that he could rely on the city wall to defend without distracting his troops.

He went to the city wall every day to inquire about the surrounding situation, and even sent several teams of decoy soldiers to scout everywhere, luring Ye Liuyun and Wu Xiu to attack him, but there was no movement.

How did he know that Ye Liuyun was seizing the opportunity to control the soldiers at this moment.

After this period of time, Ye Liuyun has even controlled two complete teams of 10,000 people, and other controlled people can attack those key leaders at any time.

Those local martial artists also knew how expensive it would be to attack the city, so they didn't want to take the initiative to attack at all, but to defend with all their strength.

They all felt that the longer they dragged on, the easier it would be for the people to disperse and hide.

Sui Fenghu waited for nearly half a month, but when he saw that the opponent did not intend to attack him, and could not find any trace of Ye Liuyun, he decided to send troops.

After all, they are not locals, so it is impossible to waste time with them here all the time.

But before he sent troops, he still left 3,000 war wolf cavalry and 10,000 soldiers in the city as a reserve force, ready to meet him at any time.

The 20,000-strong team controlled by Ye Liuyun, because the whole team deliberately slowed down when they set off, became the rear team of this army.

Sui Fenghu didn't care, and directly ordered the front team's 40,000 soldiers to be the main attacking team, with 10,000 soldiers on the left and right sides to defend, and the two 10,000-man troops controlled by Ye Liuyun to be alert and ready.

At the beginning of the battle, the United City-States also activated a protective array, trying to consume their real energy as much as possible.

After the defensive formation was breached, the local martial arts knew that they could not defend the city, so they all rushed out.

Many low-level martial artists rushed forward, using their bodies and treasures to block arrows for the higher-level martial artists behind.

Then, a few higher-level martial arts practitioners were used as cannon fodder to attract the soldiers' attention, and the nine-layer powerhouse among them launched a fatal blow.

As soon as the two sides started fighting, Wuxiu with low local level fell down row by row, but they still couldn't stop their determination to fear death.

This also put a lot of pressure on the Tiger Sharks.

The soldiers responsible for their attack were 20,000 in front and 20,000 in the rear.

Soon the 20,000 soldiers in front were torn open by local martial artists and rushed in.

Although the casualties of the local martial arts were heavy, the advantage in numbers was finally brought into play.

Nearly 400,000 soldiers desperately attacked collectively, which indeed put a lot of pressure on these 40,000 soldiers.

Sui Fenghu frowned as he watched from behind.

But now was the critical moment, but he didn't dare to send all his troops up to confront the opponent.

He didn't even move the left and right wings, but let the 20,000 soldiers in the front try to hold on, and the 20,000 soldiers behind him used crossbow bolts to attack from a distance.

At this time, some of the local martial artists with lower realms all stood up to block the arrows and protected their higher realm martial artists from fighting these soldiers.

They took out all the treasures that could be used, and stood in several rows to form a human wall.

Although the 20,000 former troops in front had shield defenses, they were still struggling to deal with this kind of crowd tactics.

When Sui Fenghu saw that something was going wrong, Ma Shan released 3,000 war wolf cavalry and asked them to go around and attack the 400,000 soldiers to relieve the pressure on the 20,000 soldiers in the front.

The beast tide formed by these three thousand war wolves running wildly, circled behind the local martial arts and charged into them.

The local martial arts did not flinch, and all the treasures were thrown at these cavalrymen from all directions.

Wu Xiu, who was in front of the beast horde, didn't give way, and attacked with all his strength, and he could block a little bit.

This caused the cavalry team to suffer a lot of losses. Although the local martial arts had more casualties, they didn't care at all.

"These people are really not afraid of death!"

Seeing it, Ye Liuyun admired their spirit very much.


Sui Fenghu saw that his cavalry team also suffered heavy losses, and the beast tide became more and more immobile, so he finally ordered another 20,000 people to join the battle.

At the same time, the left and right wings and the rear army all moved forward appropriately.

The 20,000-year-old soldiers who newly joined the battle group were immediately swept by the tide of martial arts, forming a battlefield of melee.

There was constant shouting and killing on the battlefield, and people fell every moment.

"The two armies on the left and right will each mobilize 5,000 men, and use crossbow arrows to assist in the attack."

Sui Fenghu saw that the battle situation was tight, and immediately transferred 10,000 soldiers to assist with crossbow arrows.

At the same time, he nervously explored his surroundings with his spiritual sense.

"It stands to reason that if that army is still there, it's time to make a move!"

He thought to himself.

At this moment, the number of local martial arts is decreasing sharply, and there is already a layer of corpses on the ground. If the killing continues, the local martial arts will be killed.

Although there are quite a few of these martial arts cultivators, not many are of high realm.

So killing them is fast.

Now he only used more than 50,000 soldiers, which was enough to resist their desperate fight.

Of course, if he sent more soldiers up, there would definitely be fewer casualties, and the battle would end more quickly.

Therefore, judging whether Ye Liuyun is present will have a great impact on the outcome of his final battle.

He waited for a while, and seeing that there was still no movement, he let the 10,000 soldiers who were reinforced with crossbow arrows join the battle directly.

Then let 10,000 people from the left and right wings step forward again to reinforce with crossbow arrows, and Ye Liuyun's 20,000 reserve army will send out 5,000 each to supplement the left and right wings.

After everything was arranged, Ye Liuyun finally felt that the opportunity had come.

Now Sui Fenghu had only 4,000 war wolf cavalry in the space world besides the 1,000 guards around him.

The team that Ye Liuyun could control had already surrounded Sui Fenghu.

"Do it!"

With Ye Liuyun's order, Qiongqi, Mo Shaowen, Liu Yang and others who had ambushed in advance launched attacks against the leaders of the two ten-thousand teams respectively.

As soon as the soul contract in their sea of ​​consciousness was destroyed, Sui Fenghu also immediately noticed something strange.


He thought Ye Liuyun made a move.

"Be alert!"

He immediately gave orders to all the soldiers.

But apart from the guards around him, the soldiers on all sides came directly to him.