Chapter 2542

Name:Lord of All Gods Author:风云再起
Ye Liuyun was not too polite, and he accepted all the resources Xiao Muan sent as ordered.

Liu Kui not only conveyed Xiao Muan's good intentions, but also expressed his worries, worrying that foreigners would attack them again.

Ye Liuyun couldn't say whether the next foreign race's attack on the Holy Land would be more violent. It can only be said that the Holy Land Dynasty should be prepared, be vigilant at all times, and stop slacking off.

But he was also secretly worried. The Holy Land Dynasty could not move away and could only defend passively, which was indeed very dangerous.

However, the powerhouses, martial arts, soldiers and resources of the Holy Land Dynasty are getting fewer and fewer, and the situation is getting more and more pessimistic. Now I can only hope that the foreign race will come later, so that the Holy Land Dynasty can relax.

However, this is probably a good wish. The foreign race has suffered a huge loss this time, and will not stop there. What's more, this little resistance can't stop them from plundering everywhere.

Ye Liuyun also felt deeply that he was not strong enough. To fight against alien races, a stronger force is needed.

So Ye Liuyun asked Tong Xin, Qiongqi and others to help refine another 3,000 sets of outer armor to deal with a larger-scale attack from foreign races.

At the same time, in coordination with the Holy Land Dynasty, the death tour was opened again, allowing Yu Xiaofeng to select the strongest among the soldiers to train and improve.

Although too many people going in would weaken the effect of the training, it was still better than no training at all.

Ye Liuyun calmed down, and first refined all the collected alien three-eyed eyes with his avatar to improve his white light and black light attack capabilities.

Now his white light and black light, even Mu Lai is far from his opponent.

Then Ye Liuyun and the avatar began to replenish the original power in the space world while improving Xuanyuan.

Ten times the time in the avatar space world also allowed their strength to improve rapidly.

After the realm of the magic vine was improved, it became Ye Liuyun's training partner again. And those two half-beast demon puppets, Ye Liuyun often came to practice with them.

After the Sharp Knife Group cleaned up almost all the corpses, they returned to the space world and began to practice fighting against five thousand outer armor soldiers.

Ye Liuyun also trained another 100,000 demons and demon half-orcs in the demon world, taught them skills, and let them serve as a backup force for the demon army.

The battle of the demon army is also progressing very smoothly, and it has been destroyed all the way. Although the alien army knew that there was no way out and was desperately resisting, its strength was still far inferior to these demons.

Not only was the demon army undefeated in a single battle, but they also kept killing the aliens. The task of cleaning the battlefield was handed over to Yu Xiaofeng, and the aliens were not even given time to breathe.

The alien race's 6 million army was almost wiped out by the demons in less than half a month.

These demons also fought extremely fiercely because they had a revenge mentality against the foreign races attacking the demon world. In the end, under the siege of the army led by Yu Xiaofeng, the six million alien army was killed.

Yu Xiaofeng will also give almost all the Yuan Dan obtained from cleaning the battlefield to the demons, so that they can improve their strength as soon as possible.

The armor and weapons were handed over to Tong Xin and other refiners, and the corpses were all given the Demon Sealing Tablet and Magic Vine, so that they could absorb them and enhance their defense.

Ye Liuyun distributed the resources in the alien storage ring to the million-strong army so that they could also use the resources.

Afterwards, all the troops were taken back to the space world by Ye Liuyun, allowing them to cultivate in peace.

Array masters, crafting masters, and alchemists are all actively trying to find ways for the army to improve their combat power.

Xiao Muan and Liu Kui were also stimulated by the strength of Ye Liuyun's army, and began to recruit strong martial arts practitioners, train soldiers, and comprehensively improve their combat power.

In the lair of the foreign race, more than a dozen golden-armored elders of the foreign race also gathered to discuss countermeasures.

At the top of the main hall, sat a burly alien in golden armor, who was obviously the leader of these alien races.

In the Jinjia alien race, they don't call them princes, they just call them patriarchs. Only foreign races other than Jinjia like to call them princes to distinguish their status, which is also learned from the ruling system outside.

Other alien races also refer to their patriarchs as patriarchs. Is the supreme leader of all alien races.

The front line of the foreign race is very long now. In fact, they not only encounter the obstacle of Ye Liuyun, but also encounter many powerful opponents in various theaters.

So they now also need to change their strategy and concentrate their superior forces to break through the bottleneck.

Of course, Ye Liuyun's situation here is quite special. Because Ye Liuyun not only captured a golden-armored alien alive, but also killed an elder who ruled the realm.

In the eyes of foreign races, this is a great shame and humiliation. The patriarchs and elders present here are all powerhouses who dominate the realm, and they will definitely not stop there.

But after discussing and discussing, they decided to speed up the training of the three-eyed alien race among the golden-armored alien race.

They believe that the strength of a race depends on the next generation. Otherwise, their old generation alone cannot continue the invasion and expansion of foreign races.

In the end, the king of that clan made the final decision and made three resolutions.

The first is to concentrate the army and focus on the attack. Most of the troops and powerhouses of the foreign races distributed in various strongholds will start to gather in one place and attack a planet together.

The second point is to increase the strength of the alien army. Now the power to fight against them is getting stronger and stronger, so the alien army must also increase its combat power.

And the so-called method for the aliens to increase their combat power is to prey on the strong. The alien races with high realms devour the alien races with low realms to improve their strength.

The third point is to let those so-called princes fight, and at the same time speed up the training and breeding of the younger generation of the golden-armored three-eyed alien race.

Kings like Xiang Mulai who became famous among other races also had three eyes, but this time they had to participate in the battle. They are experienced in combat and can effectively lead large armies.

And those golden-armored three-eyed alien cubs who came by hybridization are the targets that the alien race should focus on training. The foreign race must use resources to cultivate an all-around strong man like Ye Liuyun among them, and finally prepare for the successor patriarch and elders.

Therefore, after this discussion, the alien race also began to comprehensively improve the strength of the invading team, and mobilized the strong, troops, and supplies of the alien race to the front line. The army in each direction has assembled tens of millions.

From the lair of the gold-armored alien race, more than a dozen golden-armored kings and a large number of silver-armored aliens under them were transferred to the front to lead the army.

During this period, the teleportation array is also open in one direction, and it will be closed immediately after teleporting the army, in case someone like Ye Liuyun comes in to make trouble.

Afterwards, the weaker aliens in the alien army began to become the food of the strong, eliminating the weak and making the strong stronger.

In this way, although the total number of alien troops has decreased, their strength has increased rapidly. Alien races below the ninth level of the divine realm are rare in the army.

At least, this method of improving the strength of alien races is much faster than that of human martial arts. In less than two months, the first alien army with tens of millions of people has already started to march.