Chapter 2564

Name:Lord of All Gods Author:风云再起
If Sang Han said that he personally went to inquire, Dian Qing would wonder how the foreign race would let Sang Han come back.

Such a detailed layout plan can only be drawn if you see it up close. But Dian Qing didn't believe that Sang Han could not be found by other races after such a close inspection.

After Dianqing was confirmed, he set off with everyone, including Sang Han.

Ye Liuyun also took the opportunity to lean forward while wearing the invisibility cloak, ready to make a move.

He even released the avatar and Mu Lai ahead of time, allowing them to get closer with their invisibility cloaks on.

He was thinking that if Dian Qing, Sang Han and the others lost, he would make a move. If they can deal with the alien race, he will take the opportunity to steal some resources and make two-handed preparations.

Those alien races who were in ambush were also very upset after waiting for these two days. Because they suddenly lost track of Ye Liuyun. According to Ye Liuyun's itinerary, they should have arrived here long ago.

But now suddenly several strongholds were wiped out by human martial arts, and they didn't know if it was Ye Liuyun's people, so they could only continue to wait for news here.

Unexpectedly, Ye Liuyun and the others did not wait, but Dian Qing and others came.

Although Tianhong World also wiped out their tens of millions of troops. But according to the reports, Dian Qing's threat to them was far less than Ye Liuyun's. So the foreign race didn't think about dealing with Dianqing first.

But now that Dianqing came to kill him himself, the foreign race naturally couldn't wait to die, so all the attacks prepared for Ye Liuyun were given to Dianqing and these martial arts.

Due to Dianqing's targeted arrangements in advance, the battle became fierce from the very beginning, and the two sides fought fiercely.

Dian Qing is fighting against the elder of the foreign race Hong Guang, while Sang Han is fighting against the elder of the foreign race Quan Sheng.

Don't look at Ye Liuyun's control of Sang Han when he didn't make a move when he was fighting against Ye Liuyun, but when he was facing a foreign race, he also fully displayed his strength.

It gives people the impression that they are powerful and powerful, and they slapped away with one palm after another, forcing Quan Sheng to be unable to get close.

Quan Sheng had no choice but to use blood silk. But since it can't get close to Sang Han, it's not easy to surround Sang Han with blood silk. Moreover, Sang Han is good at using the power of ice, which can freeze blood silk.

Once the blood silk is frozen and frozen, it loses its flexibility and cutting effect, so the elder Quan Sheng of the foreign race can be regarded as having met his nemesis, and the power of the blood silk is greatly reduced.

Dian Qing and Hong Guang played very cautiously, they played steadily and tried their opponent's strength from the very beginning.

And the disciples brought by Sang Han really did what they said, desperately killing the aliens, regardless of loss. There was even a disciple who rushed directly to a three-eyed alien race, acting as a shield for others, creating opportunities for others to kill the three-eyed alien race.

Ye Liuyun sincerely admired these disciples. But now it was a battle, and it was impossible for him to let those disciples run away, so he could only let them do their best.

Those three-eyed aliens did a lot of damage to these martial arts practitioners, and they had to keep supporting them. When encountering three-eyed aliens with slightly stronger space power, they are even more difficult to deal with.

So for a while, the martial arts practitioners suffered heavy casualties. There were even two three-eyed aliens who went to attack Dian Qing and Sang Han.

The doppelgänger immediately slashed out, and slashed down twice, forming two sabers with multiple golden knives gathered together, and with the power of lightning, they directly slashed and killed the two three-eyed aliens on the spot.

Dian Qing and Sang Han also noticed the two three-eyed aliens who were about to attack, but they couldn't spare their energy to deal with them. They had no choice but to see someone lend a helping hand.

After Ye Liuyun took action, he also notified Sang Han, so Sang Han was no longer surprised.

Although Dian Qing didn't know who it was, he was relatively calm. Knowing that he was helping someone on his side, he stopped being distracted and concentrated on dealing with his opponent.

But the foreign race was very shocked. It stands to reason that this knife is very similar to Ye Liuyun's sneak attack, but it is white light, with the power of lightning, and it only comes down with one knife, so they are not sure if Ye Liuyun has arrived, so they can only be more careful.

Regardless of whether it was Ye Liuyun or not, the knife just now was enough to threaten them.

Ye Liuyun's golden pupil also noticed at this time that a golden-armored foreign race was holding a mirror, and under the protection of five three-eyed foreign races, it shone around. But it doesn't seem to have any lethality on Wu Xiu.

But this golden-armored alien race is the hardest to kill. Many Wuxiu rushed up, but they were all shot and killed by the five three-eyed aliens, and it was difficult to break through their defenses.

Even a martial artist who dominated the realm died under the joint attack of those three-eyed alien races. Moreover, the distribution of the five three-eyed aliens, three white lights, and two black lights was very even, making it difficult for martial artists to attack.

"Explore the invisible mirror!"

Ye Liuyun stared at the mirror for a while, and suddenly understood the usefulness of the mirror.

"Since there is no attack function, it must be detecting something. Only the stealth function is worth using treasures to detect."

Thinking of this, Ye Liuyun directly threw two half-beast demon puppets to attack the five three-eyed aliens.

The half-beast demon puppet is not afraid of the attack of the three-eyed alien race, and its strength is very strong. It is still very easy to deal with those five or six alien races.

But unexpectedly, as soon as his two half-beast corpse demon puppets appeared, the aliens recognized them immediately. Hong Guang and Quan Sheng roared angrily, reminding all the aliens of Ye Liuyun's arrival.

"Master, their target is you!" Mu Lai understood the hint from the alien race, and immediately told Ye Liuyun.

"So these alien races came to ambush me!" Only then did Ye Liuyun realize that this trap was originally set for him.

Under the roar of Hong Guang and Quan Sheng, several alien races with three eyes flew towards the starry sky.

Ye Liuyun didn't need to fight with them either. As soon as they rushed into the starry sky, he let the clone use the power of time to chop off the heads of those alien races, and then put the corpses into the space world.

The two half-beast demon puppets also punched the five three-eyed aliens with the help of the power of the space world, and immediately Wu Xiu followed up, raising their swords and killing the five three-eyed aliens.

The two half-beast corpses started to attack the golden-armored alien race again. The golden-armored alien race is also a master who dominates the realm, and he is not easy to deal with, so he immediately fought back.

But he ignored the treasure he held in his hand. After all, it was a mirror. Both sides borrowed the power of the space world to confront each other. The shock wave was so powerful that it shattered the mirror.

At this time, Hong Guang roared again, and sacrificed the Zhenyuan Pagoda. He has already tested that Dianqing's advantage is the high quality of the true essence and the power of the space world, so using the Zhenyuan Pagoda is suitable for dealing with Dianqing.

Moreover, the mirror for searching for invisible people was broken, Ye Liuyun would attack them soon, they had to act first so as not to be too passive.