Chapter 3065

Name:Lord of All Gods Author:风云再起
Three days later, Ye Liuyun also entered the private room of the auction on time.

"I didn't expect that one day I would come to auction the pill!" Ye Liuyun was still feeling a lot of emotion in his heart.

He rarely used pills to condense various powers before. But now he has absorbed too much power, he doesn't need pills to condense it, and he really can't find so many resources that can condense his power.

In particular, he needs a lot, not only for himself, but also for his two clones. Even those monsters and women need it.

So he felt even more in his heart that he needed a higher-level alchemist.

The same is true for refiners and array mages, but they don't have much to fight now, and they don't rely too much on external things, so the needs are not obvious. But once there is an urgent need, it will definitely be too late to find it now.

The private rooms of the auction all have a strong formation to shield the spiritual sense. Ye Liuyun can't detect the situation with the spiritual sense, and can only see the martial arts in each private room with the golden pupil.

However, in the other private rooms, the strongest Wuxiu is just an old man of the seventh level who came alone, and he can deal with it by himself. There is also a young son who is in the first and sixth level, followed by two guards, wearing the uniform of the He family.

Ye Liuyun didn't ask He Yunzhang either, probably he was the heir of some elder of the He family, and he didn't care. There is also a woman in her thirties who is in the realm of returning to the first and fifth levels. But the two guards are both in the late stage of Guiyi and Sixth Layer.

After a while, another middle-aged man came in, who belonged to the first and sixth level, but judging from his posture, he should be an official, and the guards behind him were also two soldiers in armor.

Most of the others were in the realm of one, five, or six levels. Some came with guards, and some came together with several young people. When Ye Liuyun saw the realm of these people, he also felt a little relieved, not worried that he would not be able to get out.

He looked at the scattered seats outside, and there was only one martial artist who had returned to the seventh level, and the others were all in the first, fifth and sixth levels, so he felt more at ease.

"It seems that this kind of elixir is often auctioned, and not many strong people are attracted, and those who should buy have already bought it. And those big forces must have channels to buy that kind of elixir directly, so they don't need to go here Come to the auction."

Ye Liuyun had an idea in his mind, and felt that if he came across something he needed later, he could take pictures with confidence.

But after the auction started, Ye Liuyun also felt emotional.

"The things are not very unusual, but the prices are ridiculously high. Some of his seemingly ordinary things are already the starting price of hundreds of millions of top-quality crystals."

In this auction, all the weapons above the seventh grade of true rank are quoted with the power of the original source. The martial arts in the scattered seats have already gathered seven original powers.

Ye Liuyun didn't make a sound, watching them bid silently, waiting for the pill he needed to appear.

None of the people in the private room participated in any auctions, and they obviously didn't like these ordinary things.

It wasn't until halfway through the auction that the chamber of commerce came out with ninth-grade pills that condense the soul, blood, body, and true essence to attract everyone's attention. The starting price starts at 30 original powers.

At this time, among the Wuxiu in the scattered seats, there were very few bids. In several private rooms, people began to bid one after another.

Ye Liuyun, on the other hand, participated in the auction for each of these pills at a price of fifty or sixty original powers.

The one-level and seven-level powerhouse in the scattered seats only participated in the auction of the elixir for condensing the soul, but when the bid reached fifty-five yuan of original power, he stopped bidding. In the end, Ye Liuyun raised the price to sixty original power and took it away.

Although he only added five more original powers, in the eyes of those scattered martial arts outside, he was already considered a very wealthy casual cultivator.

It's just that none of the strong martial arts here dared to think about hitting Ye Liuyun.

The people in the private room didn't pay much attention to him. Seeing their expressions, Ye Liuyun's golden pupil guessed that all of these people had good financial resources.

"They don't buy these scattered pills, they are probably waiting for the ninth-grade real marrow washing pill!" Ye Liuyun also guessed that the pressure of the auction will not be less.

He calculated in his heart that these four elixirs had already cost him more than 200 original strength.

"That marrow washing pill, I'm afraid it will cost more than three hundred!"

He felt in his heart that a pill was not worth the price. They are used to using the pills made by Lin Luoyi, and they never spend money to buy them.

But the things here are at this price, and taking pictures directly is definitely the most time-saving way.

After thinking about it for a while, he no longer considered the price. Since the resource was useful, he didn't care how much it cost. No matter how expensive it is, it is enough to steal a chamber of commerce from Thieving Cat.

At this time, the host of the auction took out a large bow full of rust and introduced it to everyone.

"This bow comes from the bottom of the barren sea. According to our craftsman's evaluation, it was at least a fifth-grade bow. It's just that it has been eroded in the barren sea for too long, and the formation on it has failed.

If you can find a high-level craftsman, it won't be a problem to restore it to its original level. The starting price for this bow and arrow is 30 original powers. "

However, his introduction did not arouse many people's interest.

This bow is too big, it doesn't even look like it is used by humans. It is estimated that it would be too big for the ancient demons. It's also rusted, not only has it lost its grade, but its material may not be very good.

I have to find a high-level craftsman to restore it, and I'm afraid it will cost a lot of money. So most people scoff at this bow.

"Thirty source of power, for a piece of scrap iron, your chamber of commerce will really make money!" Someone directly mocked.

Ye Liuyun looked at the bow with his golden pupils, and found that the rust was just a thick layer of rusty metal covering the surface, but the metal itself was not corroded.

Not only the body of the bow has not been corroded, but even the bow string is still there, which shows that its material itself is extraordinary.

Ye Liuyun felt that the failure of the formation of this bow might be related to the fact that the rusty metal blocked the formation. But on second thought, if it was that simple, the craftsman in the chamber of commerce would definitely find it.

He also doesn't know much about formations, so he is not sure whether this bow can be used or not.

The host asked around, but no one bid. Just when the auction was about to be announced as a pass-in, Ye Liuyun only quoted a price of 30 original powers.

He felt that the material of that bow and arrow was worth a little money. Not only the metal material of the bow itself, but the bow string alone, which has not been corroded in the barren sea, and has not been swallowed by other sea beasts, is definitely not an ordinary thing. At least he didn't see through the golden pupil that it was made of the sinews of some kind of beast.

He just felt that the metal and tendons on the bow were very rare. But if someone followed him to raise the price, he would not bid a higher price.