Chapter 3373

Name:Lord of All Gods Author:风云再起
The Demon Legion didn't use fire chariots, and even the cannon fodder that was going to be used as cannon fodder had very little casualties, so they killed them all. He also captured more than 20,000 high-level demons.

Even under the blockade of Xiao Heng and Li Zhaoyuan, these demons couldn't get out. Ordinary demons like the strong crossbow alone can't stop them, and they don't need a fire chariot.

Jiang Yuanhai's army moved forward like a net in the starry sky. When encountering flying boats, use fire chariots to destroy them, and then soldiers formed an array to kill the demons who ran out. It's just that there are too many demon flying boats rushing over, and their advancing speed is relatively slow.

After Ye Liuyun and the Demon Legion cleaned up the battlefield, cleaned up the resources, and reorganized the captives, they were allowed to return to the space world of the first clone to practice.

Then he joined Xiao Heng and Li Zhaoyuan, and together they chased Jiang Yuanhai's army ahead. After joining forces at one place, Xiao Heng and Li Zhaoyuan's army replaced Jiang Yuanhai's army. The two armies moved forward alternately, and at the same time they could practice with the demons.

Jiang Yuanhai's army began to recharge their batteries and prepare for the battle with the demon army.

Ye Liuyun's avatar is in the battleship of the army, helping to observe the situation of the demon flying boat opposite, and occasionally taking action to capture some stronger demon spirits.

Once he encounters a strong person, he will remind Xiao Heng and Li Zhaoyuan, and then let the monsters take action to deal with them.

On the way, they actually met two strong men with soul power sent by the demons. In the end, they were all killed by the joint efforts of several monsters.

Each of these monsters has at least one powerful soul source that has been condensed, and the strength of the other soul is not weak. Some people even cultivated two soul sources. It is more than enough to deal with several demons with powerful souls. of.

After their soul power became stronger, Suzaku's red pupil illusion could even control the demons with only one soul source. The red pupils of Demon Lion and Chi Lian, as long as they are against a demon race without a soul source, they will be tried a hundred times.

As a result, the scattered flying boats of the Demon Race were gradually repelled, retreating to the outskirts of the Holy Demon Galaxy and gathered, and more and more gathered.

Ye Liuyun's golden pupils could be seen from a distance.

And now that his spirit power has become stronger, his divine sense can detect a distance of five or six days. He can see clearly what happened within this distance without using the golden pupil.

So recently, he didn't go back to the space world to speed up. Instead, he practiced expanding the scope of spiritual detection outside, paying attention to some details of the detection, and improving his detection ability.

If he didn't pay attention to some details and roughly inquired about the situation, he could detect the distance of ten days.

The patriarch of the Demon Clan, Mastiff Feng, also dispatched an elder named Yu Lei at this moment, bringing nearly 30% of the Crimson Demon Clan members with him, and mixed into the Demon Clan outside the Holy Demon Galaxy, planning to take advantage of the chaos and attack Ye Liuyun again.

Now there are at least a million demons gathered outside the Holy Demon galaxy, a large area of ​​lacquer, and if you get involved in it, you can use the magic energy to cover the color of the scales, so as not to be discovered by Ye Liuyun.

If Ye Liuyun didn't make a move, then he would take the opportunity to kill some commanders, which could be regarded as clearing some obstacles for the future war.

Ye Liuyun's golden pupils were not blocked by the demonic energy, so of course he found these red scaled demons. It's just that the realms of the Red Demons who came this time were also of different levels, so he guessed that not all the Red Demons were targeting him.

But he still brought the monsters out ahead of the battle and followed the army. As long as he appears, he will become the focus of the demons' attention, and the possibility of the commander in the army being attacked is much smaller.

But in this battle, Ye Liuyun didn't let the soldiers fight the demons at all. Instead, he let Xiao Heng and Li Zhaoyuan rely on their equipment advantages to maintain their formation and sweep the demons forward.

In this way, the weaker Scarlet Demons would not be able to take advantage of the power of their souls. Occasionally, someone who dared to unleash his spirit and rush over would be killed by the soldiers.

The demons roared, wailed, and scolded Ye Liuyun. Humans dared not fight, but they ignored them. There were only a few of them in the first place, and no matter how much they practiced, they would lose all of them. They would not be able to fight against the demon army.

Those demons who originally wanted to practice with Ye Liuyun and the others had no hope at all. These demons have no

One's command, facing the blockade of fire chariots and crossbows, was even more difficult to overcome, and was completely slaughtered on one side.

The Red Demon Clan led by Yu Lei mixed in with the Demon Clan and kept retreating. Some red demons took advantage of the chaos to attack, but some of the soul sources with strong spiritual power were stopped by Suzaku, and they were controlled by illusion and captured into the soul-sealing orb.

Some of them were suddenly dragged into the Soul Sealing Orb for no reason, and they couldn't see anyone. In fact, those were the weaker spirits that the two invisible Xuanwu stalked in the army and used the soul source to capture Suzaku.

Other monsters are to deal with the attacks of weaker spirits, capture some spirits, and strive to be stable.

There are still many people in the Demon Race who launched a soul attack. Especially those demons who were concentrated by fire chariots or shot by crossbows would desperately release their souls to attack soldiers before they died.

It's just that the soldiers can handle those with weak soul power.

Xiao Lanbing, Lei Ming, and Longnv formed a group of three, and used the Soul-fixing beads to help the soldiers resist many spirit attacks. As for the weaker spirits, they didn't bother to pull them into the Soul Sealing Orb, they just killed them directly or were directly swallowed by Lei Ming.

Qiongqi, the nine-headed dragon, and the magic lion are in a group. Qiongqi seals the soul with a formation, and then the nine-headed dragon and the magic lion gobble it up.

Only Bai Hu, Shi Yuan and Chi Lian stayed by Ye Liuyun's side for the time being and did not venture out. These two groups of people were actually released by Ye Liuyun to attract the attacks of the Red Demons.

They are all strong in spirit and soul, and have some special abilities. And they have indeed become the key targets of the Red Demon Clan's attack. It's a pity that the souls released by those red demons never return.

Yu Lei, the elder of the demon clan, saw that the dispersed attack did not work, so he decisively changed his strategy and kept yelling, telling all the demon clan to temporarily stop attacking, and let it take the command in a unified way, so as to be ready to launch the soul attack.

"Little brother, it's not good, they are going to launch a spirit attack together!" Lei Ming could understand the roar of the demons, and immediately told Ye Liuyun.

"Back them all!" Ye Liuyun immediately called all the monsters back to him. Qiongqi was immediately busy arranging defensive formations.

Ye Liuyun released the puppets and the Black Armored Elite Corps. Let the puppets continue to protect the chariot, and the black-armored elite soldiers will enter a defensive array in groups of ten, ready to defend against the attack of the spirit.

Xiao Heng and Li Zhaoyuan also received the notice, and immediately asked the soldiers to take out the defense array and enter the defense array in a group of ten people.

Fortunately, they were all equipped with defensive formation disks, and they all reacted quickly. The more function of the defensive array is to resist real attacks, it cannot withstand a large number of soul attacks, but it can also defend against individual soul attacks, it is better than nothing.