Chapter 3594

Name:Lord of All Gods Author:风云再起
Ye Liuyun led the mercenary group to carry out the mission as usual, but when they arrived at the predetermined location, the other party had already run away, and they were all in vain, without even finding any resources.

The missions announced by the palace were all public, and the target magic cultivator forces could not get reinforcements from Duanmutang. Knowing that they were not Ye Liuyun's opponent, they did not stay to wait for death, but withdrew in advance.

"If the palace makes the mission public in the future, I'm afraid those targets will avoid us in advance!" Xu Rong was also a little worried about this situation.

"Let's go back first, if the palace doesn't contact us alone, this situation can't be avoided!"

Ye Liuyun had no choice but to lead people back.

When they returned to Wangcheng, they found that the palace had withdrawn the mission, and there were many more missions to destroy the Wuxiu forces.

Xu Rong and Cheng Huofeng also came back to report to Ye Liuyun after inquiring about it.

"Those missions should be prepared for us. Depending on the size of the opponent, only we can complete that kind of mission!"

"We also inquired about those forces, and they all have a good reputation, and they don't seem to be harming one side. If we do something to them, I'm afraid it will affect our reputation."

The two of them are very conscientious and have investigated everything in advance.

"Who issued these tasks?" Ye Liuyun also felt strange, so he became more cautious.

"They're all from the surrounding planets, including magic cultivators and martial arts cultivators." Xu Rong replied.

"Is it normal for people from other places to come here to issue missions?" Ye Liuyun also continued to ask.

"If there is no local mercenary group that can do missions, it's normal to go to other big cities to issue missions! However, the goals of these missions are not magic cultivators."

Xu Rong didn't know whether Ye Liuyun would be interested in these tasks, so he had to reply truthfully.

"Go and investigate the forces that issued the mission." Ye Liuyun didn't make a decision right away, but asked them to investigate again.

However, after Xu Rong and the others came back, they didn't find anything more. This kind of superficial inquiring about the situation didn't yield any useful information.

"Wait a few more days and see what's going on in the palace." Ye Liuyun didn't go to accept any missions, but asked them to continue to visit the mission release point every day.

In fact, he was already thinking in his heart, why the palace suddenly canceled the mission, and what intentions did the forces who issued the mission have.

After waiting for a few days, there was no change at the task release point.

"Waiting like this is not an option, I'd better go and investigate it myself!" Ye Liuyun also felt that it was useless to wait, why not go out and investigate the situation by himself.

He directly approached Li Qianjiao and asked for her opinion: "I want to disguise my identity and go out of the city to investigate the situation. You can either enter my space world and be taken out by me, or stay here to practice and wait for my news. How do you decide?"

"Okay then, I'll enter your space world and hide for a while!" Li Qianjiao agreed.

Although a little nervous, but still a little excited in my heart, I can finally go to Ye Liuyun's space world to take a look.

"Okay, then relax!" Ye Liuyun immediately put it into the space world, and asked Tang Xinyao to take her around.

After Li Qianjiao entered Ye Liuyun's space world, she was also shocked.

"Isn't this a cave world? And it's so big!" She even wondered if this place was created by illusion.

"There is something even more amazing! The planet you are on has ten times the time. One day outside, you can practice for ten days here!" Tang Xinyao also explained to her.

Li Qianjiao followed Tang Xinyao in astonishment, listening to her introduction. Liang Xue, Wu Qingcheng and others also came over to look at Li Qianjiao, and greeted her briefly.

They still don't know Li Qianjiao's real intentions yet, so they can't get too familiar with her yet. But at least Li Qianjiao has seen Ye Liuyun's women, all of them are beautiful.

"These are all his women?" Li Qianjiao asked Tang Xinyao after Liang Xue and the others left.

"Yes, they are all of them! And there are quite a few that you haven't seen!" Tang Xinyao laughed.

"So many...and so beautiful..." Li Qianjiao didn't know what to say for a moment.

Tang Xinyao stuck out her tongue, and continued to hit her: "These women of his are not vases! Many of them are princesses and queens, and some of them can manage the dynasty and business for him, and even lead soldiers to fight. , each one is not simple!"

Li Qianjiao frowned when she heard that, and felt that she didn't have any advantages.

"I heard you said that you also led soldiers in battle?" Li Qianjiao remembered that Tang Xinyao also led soldiers.

"Hey! The little soldiers I have led are incomparable to those women of his! If we don't talk about this, if we compare with his women, we will appear to be too useless!"

Tang Xinyao also quickly changed the subject. If the comparison continued, she would feel inferior.

After taking Li Qianjiao for a walk, she brought her to join Chen Yueying and started to practice. It was Li Qianjiao's first time here, so of course she couldn't calm down.

Tang Xinyao and Chen Yueying had already gotten used to it, knowing that it would be difficult for those who came here for the first time to calm down and practice, so they ignored her.

When Ye Liuyun was outside, he first released some high-level mercenaries to help Xu Rong and Cheng Huofeng look after the house, and then released a few low-level mercenaries to leave the city one by one and come back after a few days.

He himself also used Thousand Illusions to change his appearance, disguise his realm, and mixed with these mercenaries out of the city.

After leaving the city, he let go of his spiritual sense, and when he came to a place where no one was watching, he released the flying boat and rushed to the cities on the surrounding planets.

He was going to investigate whether the families who issued the mission had any relationship with Duanmutang.

Ye Liuyun's investigation is also very simple, that is, to come near these forces, look for people of some status, and then directly use the soul to attack and search for the soul.

After investigating two or three forces, Ye Liuyun also figured it out again.

"Sure enough, they are all forces secretly supported by Duanmutang!"

After confirming the information, he didn't stay idle, and also investigated the surrounding Duanmutang sub-helm forces. Prepare to deal a heavy blow to Duanmutang.

But just before he wanted to do something, he suddenly received a voice transmission from Xu Rong and others, saying that the palace sent people to drive them out of the city. The reason is that they often cause fights in the city, making the royal city unsafe, and they are not allowed to station in the royal city in the future. ..

"What the hell is this King Song Qing doing? Could it be that he was bought by Duanmutang too!"

Ye Liuyun's first reaction was that the trouble that the palace was looking for them at this time was probably related to Duanmutang.

In fact, he guessed it right, Song Qing was originally a greedy and narrow-minded person, and after being provoked by the people sent by Duanmutang, he began to crowd out Ye Liuyun.

However, Ye Liuyun didn't know the situation now, so he could only return to Wangcheng immediately, remove the formation in his residence, and leave with Xu Rong and others.