Chapter 3629

Name:Lord of All Gods Author:风云再起

Ye Liuyun waited for a month.

Du Hansong has been waiting in full force. After a month, the soldiers inevitably became slack and exhausted.

Ye Liuyun took advantage of this opportunity and brought the monsters into another attack. This time, the main purpose is to test the damage of Chilian to soldiers, the assassination of some enemy commanders by ferocious beasts and monsters such as Feiyan, Bobcat, Xuanwu and White Tiger, and the soul attacks of Suzaku, Xiaolanbing and Longnv.

Ye Liuyun and Chen Yueying also tested their Great Wilderness Bow and Golden Bow, and also killed two little commanders. Then they all withdrew.

As for Du Hansong's soldiers, they just started to fight again and became nervous. But then, Ye Liuyun became silent again.

During this period of time, he was not only using the exchanged resources to replenish energy for Qinglian and Mieshiheilian, he even used the energy of the golden egg, and he was doing his best to strengthen Qinglian and Mieshiheilian, even He is not even willing to use it for his own cultivation.

Song Qing also found Du Hansong and discussed with him: "The demons use this method to harass us continuously. We only defend but not attack. After a long time, the soldiers can't hold on!"

Du Hansong thought about it, and felt that it was appropriate to make a move: "Since they used human martial arts and beasts to harass us, let's pay them back."

He immediately released a lot of demons and monsters captured over the years, and let them cross the mountains to harass the demon camp.

As soon as these demon beasts controlled by them crossed the mountain range, Lei Ming and other monsters, who had been in charge of surveillance by Ye Liuyun, discovered their movements with their golden pupils.

"I'll leave it to you!" Ye Liuyun handed over these demons and monsters to Lei Ming's monsters. He just released the Demon Sealing Tablet to cooperate with them.

In the battle with the demons, the Demon Sealing Tablet had already been promoted to the ninth rank of the false rank, so he didn't need to take action. The Demon Sealing Tablet could suppress several demons of the ninth level by itself.

All the monsters also rushed up, just taking advantage of this opportunity to practice their hands.

Lei Ming was fighting by himself while controlling the Demon Suppressing Tower to catch monsters. She is more interested in monsters than the demons, and wants to catch more monsters, to satisfy her boss's addiction, and to use them for cultivation and as food.

The Nine-Headed Demon Dragon was not willing to use the Black Lotus, but rushed up to melee with a whetstone, and would use white light when it was besieged.

The same goes for other monsters, they used all their abilities to chase and kill those demons and monsters everywhere.

Feiyan, Shanmao, Xiong Tianchuan, and Mastiff also actively participated in the battle and seized training resources.

Ye Liuyun and Li Qianjiao also let the ivy out to form a barrier outside the barracks to intercept the demons that escaped.

Li Qianjiao, Chen Yueying, and Tang Xinyao also went out to practice with suitable opponents.

After returning, Li Qianjiao and the others asked Ye Liuyun when they would fight Du Hansong.

"When they run out of energy!" Ye Liuyun just smiled, and didn't say the exact time.

After destroying those demons and monsters, Ye Liuyun still let the army continue to rest. After that, there was a cut-off time, and Ye Liuyun came up with some special methods to harass the opponent's soldiers, so that the opponent was always in a state of tension.

The tiger-headed beast king is in charge of training troops every day, leading different legions of the Demon Race to conduct drills in turn.

Du Hansong would occasionally send people to harass them. But there are not many people they can send, and every time they come and go. So gradually no one can be sent out.

On Ye Liuyun's side, more and more prisoners were captured. When Song Qing came, he brought hundreds of martial arts experts, and after several times to assassinate them, Ye Liuyun arrested more than 50 people.

"How's the training going?" Ye Liuyun called the tiger-headed beast king to ask this day.

"It's much better than before, but it still hasn't reached the level of cooperation!" The tiger-headed beast king also answered truthfully.

"That's about it! You continue to train today, take it easy during the day, don't go back to the camp to disband after training at night, and lead troops to attack the opponent's camp!" Ye Liuyun also gave orders to the tiger-headed beast king.

"Yes!" The tiger-headed beast king also looked forward, waiting


After waiting for so long, he was already getting impatient.

Ye Liuyun waited for the tiger-headed beast king to take the army out for training, and then sent out the more than fifty strong men he had captured.

"It's not rude to come and go, you go pay back to Song Qing and Du Hansong, kill more of their commanders, and then die in battle!" Ye Liuyun used slave seals to control them and let them perform harassment tasks.

Under the control of his slave seal, these people can only follow suit.

Ye Liuyun led the monsters to watch the fun from a distance, as usual to harass the defenders. When the more than fifty martial artists were basically killed in battle, they all withdrew immediately.

After they went back, Du Hansong also sent someone to check their situation. Seeing that the demon army was still training as usual, he thought it was the same as before, so he didn't raise his vigilance after going back to report.

Their soldiers have long been numb in a state of vigilance for a long time, and they will not respond to this kind of daily harassment at all.

Although they also killed and injured some commanders this time, the destructive power of the fifty strong men was not small. But it's always the same. After some people die, there will be peace for a while.

So the soldiers in their barracks are extremely relaxed.

Ye Liuyun was the same as before, without any abnormalities, and led the monsters to practice normally in the barracks. But just before dark, Ye Liuyun suddenly sent a voice transmission to all the monsters, telling them to prepare for a big battle.

The monsters have been recharging their energy and are ready to attack at any time, so they don't care.

"This is going to be a big fight? I didn't even prepare for it!" Li Qianjiao was still a little uncomfortable and a little nervous.

Ye Liuyun smiled and asked her: "What else do you need to prepare? Sufficient real energy is enough!"

"That's the same, it's just too sudden!" Li Qianjiao also laughed.

"Suddenly is good. You are not prepared, and the other party is even less prepared!"

Ye Liuyun said, and immediately arranged tasks for everyone.

The three monsters, Lei Ming, Xuanwu, and Shadow, immediately went stealthily to the opponent's secret whistle in the mountains, and went to kill the opponent's spies first.

Ye Liuyun led all the monsters and waited for Lei Ming's signal. As soon as Lei Ming succeeded, Ye Liuyun immediately used Yuanling secret techniques and space power to condense a giant thunder dragon beast, and crossed the mountain range to kill the opponent's army.

At the same time, all the monsters also took action, especially the monsters and people with fire attributes such as Suzaku and Qiongqi. They all began to release their flame power with all their strength, causing many soldiers to fall into the sea of ​​flames before forming a formation.

Ye Liuyun released the demon sealing tablet and ivy, surrounded by magic knives, and took the lead in killing the enemy army.

Lei Ming released all the monsters in the Demon Suppressing Tower, and they attacked the enemy formation together. The black lotus of the Nine-Headed Demonic Dragon is a large piece of black light. Kill all the soldiers who are about to attack the giant thunder dragon directly.