Chapter 3677

Name:Lord of All Gods Author:风云再起
After dealing with Wang Wenli, Ye Liuyun took everyone into the space world, turned around and entered Chen Yueying's practice room.

Then he used the teleportation black tower, and relied on the coordinates given to him by Ye Tiandao, to teleport directly into the army, without fighting recklessly with the martial arts outside the palace.

Those martial artists outside the palace had been paying attention to Ye Liuyun's movements. Although they hadn't entered the palace, their spiritual senses had locked onto Ye Liuyun.

After Ye Liuyun entered the training room, there was a strong spatial fluctuation, and he immediately guessed that Ye Liuyun left the palace by teleporting the treasure.

When they sent people in to check again, they found that Ye Liuyun had indeed disappeared.

The entire western region was also immediately fried, and they looked for Ye Liuyun everywhere. But Ye Liuyun didn't keep them waiting for long.

He handed over the beasts such as Lingjue and Xuekui brought out from the secret realm to Yu Xiaofeng, and asked them to serve as sentries for the army. Then immediately let the army march towards the western dynasty.

Chen Haisheng had already told Ye Liuyun about those Hou Ye who sent troops through the sound transmission talisman. So Ye Liuyun led the army directly to kill the army led by Marquis Jing Yu.

Jing Yuhou was leading his troops to search for Ye Liuyun in the starry sky at this moment, when he suddenly saw three warships rushing directly towards his army.


He was also wondering in his heart, how could there be a battleship coming towards him. And looking at the logo, it's not their battleship in the west.

Just when he was wondering, Yu Xiaofeng had ordered the army to disembark from the battleships and surrounded them.

Jing Yuhou could only ask the soldiers about their origins while getting the soldiers ready to meet the enemy.

When he saw Ye Liuyun, he was also completely stunned. He didn't expect Ye Liuyun to have an army of 300,000. And this army is full of murderous intent, obviously much stronger than the army in his hands.

Ye Liuyun didn't say anything, and directly asked Yu Xiaofeng to start the fight.

Yu Xiaofeng immediately ordered the fire chariot to fire. There were already a large number of them, and the fighting power of the soldiers was still strong. Coupled with these firepower chariots, Hou Jingyu's army had no counterattack power at all, and was beaten and fled in all directions.

These large armies of the western dynasty pretended to be good at scaring people. Since there had been no wars for a long time, most of the armies had no actual combat power.

Ye Liuyun also brought all the monsters around him and Wu Xiu to kill Jing Yuhou, and killed all his guards. Jing Yuhou was also beheaded on the spot, and he didn't even run away.

Then, Ye Liuyun and the others divided into two groups, and Yu Xiaofeng took Tie Jun, Qin Peng and an army of 200,000 troops to attack the other four groups of troops in the starry sky.

Yuan Hao and Pei Yong led an army of 100,000 to sweep Jing Yuhou's residence first, and lured his eldest son Jing Yuan and the forces allied with him to attack.

With Ye Liuyun and Wu Xiu at the cave realm, no marquis mansion could stop their attack. The palace was easily breached, and all the property in the mansion was looted.

The chaos in the west also kicked off.

However, since the king of the west is sitting firmly on Mount Tai, he only reports to the central dynasty as a personal grievance between individual princes, and the central dynasty cannot intervene.

It's just that the backers who secretly support the major forces all send people to reinforce their own forces, but in Ye Liuyun's view, these reinforcements are not enough at all.

After destroying the army that Jing Yuan came to reinforce, he led Wu Xiu and the army to ransack Jing Yuan's Marquis Mansion and completely wiped out the Jing family.

Then he immediately changed his appearance and rushed to the Central Dynasty, bringing Wu Xiu to the Mu family overnight, leaving no personnel or resources. Then return immediately, and do it quietly.

At the beginning, many people didn't realize who the Mu family had offended. It was only later that some people realized that they connected the destruction of the Mu family with Ye Liuyun's troubles in the west, but there was no evidence.

The central dynasty really can't manage these things now, let alone send troops to the west beyond Chen Haisheng, and just let the major forces handle it by themselves.

Thus, within a few months, Ye Liuyun led an army to sweep across the west, killing sixteen princes and commanders.

In the end, they also had to stop and rest because there were too many surrendered soldiers, weed out the weak soldiers, train the remaining surrendered troops, and add them to the death army.

There are also 300,000 more reserve soldiers of the Death Army, which is definitely a powerful army.

In Ye Liuyun's space world, Sun Queyi also began to refine souls for Ye Liuyun's puppet army. Ye Liuyun also asked him to choose from the martial artists who were captured before.

During this period, Ye Liuyun also harvested a large amount of soul sources, making his own soul sources extremely powerful. Originally, only the soul source with purple pupils was the strongest, but now his other two soul sources and the three soul sources of the avatar puppet have reached the same strength.

Ye Liuyun has already started to focus on strengthening the soul sources of the purple pupils and the cloned red pupils, making these two soul sources stronger again.

The power of his bloodline also once again condensed twenty drops of super god-level blood essence. It is estimated that his blood power is invincible in the entire central dynasty.

The development of the Mozu in the south is going smoothly, and the management power has become more consolidated. Many martial artists in the south have begun to accept the demons and demons, and the demons have gradually accepted humans.

Ye Liuyun gave an order, and all the mercenaries under his control rushed to the north and joined Ye Ying's sect. Those who are suitable for assassination will be left as killer training. Those who are not suitable to be killers will follow Wang Wenli to loot those forces that stand in the way.

Under Ye Liuyun's command, Wang Wenli's actions became more and more bold. He found that as long as he was not stopped by the garrisons on the spot, the robbery would be over, and no one would dare to settle accounts with him afterwards.

And as he controlled more and more people, the strength of the robbery team became stronger and stronger, and no one dared to stop him. After Ye Liuyun's tens of thousands of mercenaries from the west arrived, he became even more powerful, and his scruples became less and less.

Seeing that all parties were developing smoothly, Ye Liuyun no longer followed the army, but left Yu Xiaofeng with some martial arts experts, and came to the Central Dynasty again.

The Sun family's reward for him is still there, but many big forces know that Ye Liuyun is not easy to mess with after losing their soldiers and generals. Now there are very few people to deal with Ye Liuyun or participate in the war in the west.

They thought that Ye Liuyun would not dare to come to the central dynasty to make trouble, but they obviously underestimated Ye Liuyun's courage and strength.

The goal of Ye Liuyun's visit this time is to attack the Sun family directly. Then he had to go to those big forces that had shot at him to get back some interest.

At this time, Ye Liuyun didn't have too many martial artists in the cave realm. Some of his hands were given to Wang Wenli, some were refined into puppets, and some were left to Yu Xiaofeng.

However, there are still 300 mercenaries in Taixu Ninth Layer Realm. Ye Liuyun was worried that it was not enough, so he asked Wang Wenli to send him 300 people for backup.