Chapter 3994

Name:Lord of All Gods Author:风云再起
However, the test for martial arts training is relatively strict.

Because more people participated in the test. Not only to test the bloodline qualifications, the strength of the soul, but also to test the combat ability, fighting against puppets.

Fu Wushuang's blood aptitude is high, his spirit power is medium, and his actual combat ability is excellent. This is also thanks to her training with people like Ye Liuyun for so long.

So she was assigned to the Sixth Hall of Martial Arts. It is said that the higher the ranking of the hall, the stronger the strength of the disciple. The disciples in the first class were all excellent in all aspects of the test.

Fu Wushuang was not satisfied with his test results.

It doesn't matter, you keep this test result first, I will give you some resources later, focus on improving your bloodline and spirit, and wait for the last few days to retest.

The Six Dao Sect allows applicants to take the second test, which is to give some people with resources a chance to improve their weaknesses in a targeted manner.

"That's good!" Fu Wushuang was happier now.

Next, everyone accompanied Ye Liuyun to sign up for the rune assessment.

It turned out that the place was too deserted, and there was only one female instructor in charge of the assessment. Seeing so many people coming in, she was a little at a loss.

"I was the only one who signed up, and they all came to accompany me!" Ye Liuyun immediately explained.

"Oh!" The female instructor breathed a sigh of relief.

"Have you been exposed to runes before?" The female instructor asked Ye Liuyun, but immediately added: "It doesn't matter if you haven't, our Rune Hall does not only recruit disciples who know runes. It's just that the assessment method is different. .”

"I have been exposed to runes!" Ye Liuyun wanted her to test her level.

"Well, as long as you can draw one rune, you are considered qualified, two is superior, and three is excellent!" The female teacher said seriously.

This condition made everyone else laugh.

Ye Liuyun also smiled, and drew three runes out of thin air.

When he drew the first one, the female tutor's expression became serious, and when he drew the second and third, the female tutor excitedly grabbed his sleeve and asked him.

"You are drawing an ancient cipher text?"

"Huh, she actually knew it was an ancient cipher text?" Ye Liuyun's heart moved, and he immediately thought that he might have exposed too much.

So he immediately pretended not to understand and said: "Is this called ancient cipher text? I don't know too well, I just learned these few runes by accident, so I wanted to try it."

"Yes, this is definitely an ancient ciphertext. Modern runes are very different from the ancient ciphertext!"

Hearing this, the mentor loosened Ye Liuyun's clothes and smiled awkwardly.

"Then did I pass this?" Ye Liuyun asked again.

"Of course! And if you pass with honors, then you can choose the best tutor!" The female tutor confirmed.

"Then is there a mentor who knows this kind of ancient cipher?" Ye Liuyun asked again.

"There are two, but they will all be incomplete. This ancient cipher text has been lost for a long time, and they only have more than fifty characters at present, and the other runes are all researched and combined by themselves.

If you choose them, I believe they will be willing to teach you. But these two tutors are relatively strict, so you have to work hard when the time comes! "

"Yes, disciple must work hard!" Ye Liuyun also followed his words.

"What's your name? I'll register for you. My name is Cang Xuerong, and I'm the deacon of the Rune Hall. I'm responsible for managing the daily life of the new disciples. You can come to me if you have any questions in the future!"

Cang Xuerong was very polite to Ye Liuyun, and did not put on airs as a mentor.

"Disciple Ye Liuyun, I have met Deacon Cang!" Ye Liuyun also saluted respectfully.

"Is there anything else you want to know, you can ask me?" Cang Xuerong also asked Ye Liuyun directly.

"I want to know how many people signed up for the Rune Hall?" Ye Liuyun asked casually.

Cang Xuerong said embarrassingly: "You are the only one now! There is no way, there are too few people who understand runes!

Most of the disciples in previous years also signed up for martial arts training first, and then went to other halls to try if they couldn't be selected, and finally came to the Rune Hall.

And many people would rather wait for the next enrollment than come to the Rune Hall! "

This Deacon Cang is very honest, he didn't hide anything from Ye Liuyun.

Ye Liuyun also thought to himself when he heard the words: "So I chose a palace where most of the people come to mess around! But that's good, it should be easy to mess around!"

But he said: "It doesn't matter, as long as I can learn the knowledge of runes. Maybe I can carry forward the art of runes and let more people realize the usefulness of runes!" M..

Deacon Cang obviously appreciated Ye Liuyun's words very much, praised him repeatedly, and asked him to work hard.

At this time, Leng Qingwu asked: "Deacon Cang, if he doesn't know runes, can he be a deacon in your palace? I want to stay with him."

Deacon Cang seemed a little surprised. They struggled to recruit people in previous years, let alone recruit deacons. As a result, not only a top student was recruited this year, but also a deacon.

"Would you like to come to our Rune Hall? We don't have special requirements for deacons. If you have enough realm, of course you can come.

However, the number of deacons in our hall is small, and there are many things to do, so it will be more tiring, and the treatment is worse than other halls, but it is enough for your cultivation, and it will not delay your cultivation time! "

Upon hearing this, Leng Qingwu immediately agreed: "Then I will sign up."

Deacon Cang excitedly pulled Leng Qingwu over, registered her, and chatted with her a lot about being a deacon.

"No wonder they can't recruit people, this deacon is too real, he tells the truth!"

Ye Liuyun thought to herself, and instead of listening to their chat, she contacted Yuehong and Lanxin in the cave world and asked them to find some resources for Fu Wushuang to improve his bloodline and soul.

Then he took Fu Wushuang into the cave world and asked her to go back and speed up her cultivation.

"I think it's enough for you to be their mentor!" Qiongqi chatted with Ye Liuyun.

But Ye Liuyun smiled and said: "I must learn from others' strengths and make up for my own weaknesses when I come here! Do you think I'm bored and want to come here to experience the addiction of being a tutor?

If you have this hobby, you can try it! Your rune ability should be much stronger than mine! "

Qiongqi just shook his head: "Forget it, I don't have this hobby either! I just think this silly woman looks pretty good, you can hook her away too!"

"Fuck you, there is no serious time every day!" Ye Liuyun didn't bother to talk to him, and went to chat with Lin Luoyi and Lin Xiyao.

It turned out that the two women were also worried about this matter, which made Ye Liuyun dumbfounded.

"We can't blame us for being paranoid, it's because you are too charming!" Lin Luoyi laughed.

Lin Xiyao was more straightforward: "Anyway, you have been hooking up a lot! Didn't you just bring back two more!"

She was referring to Fu Wushuang and Leng Qingwu.

Ye Liuyun wanted to explain, but felt that they wouldn't believe what he said, so he didn't say anything.