Chapter 4000

Name:Lord of All Gods Author:风云再起
Ye Liuyun thought wildly for a long time, and didn't practice anymore that night, but went back to the room and slept soundly.

In the early morning of the next day, Mu Hanxing came to ask him to listen to Deacon Cang Xuerong's lecture together.

It turned out that no one else came, just the two of them.

Cang Xuerong was very excited, because usually no one came to the class. So even if there are only two people, she speaks very seriously.

And some of the basic theoretical knowledge she talked about was exactly what Ye Liuyun and Mu Hanxing lacked.

It's just that after Mu Hanxing sat for an hour, he couldn't sit still.

Cang Xuerong also stopped: "Let's talk about this first today, and we'll continue tomorrow! It's really hard for you to sit for so long!"

"We didn't work hard, but Deacon Cang, who talked for so long!"

Ye Liuyun also thanked her sincerely.

"Why don't you reward Deacon Cang with a barbecue?" Mu Hanxing took the opportunity to suggest, "It happens to be noon, so let's take a rest!"

"Okay!" Ye Liuyun immediately agreed.

But Cang Xuerong was embarrassed to take advantage of him, and refused repeatedly, and was pulled by Mu Hanxing to stay.

"Deacon Cang, you don't know how delicious Little Leaf Roast Meat is! You'll regret it if you don't try it!" Mu Hanxing told Cang Xuerong.

Cang Xuerong had no choice but to stay.

But he was curious about the address between Mu Hanxing and Ye Liuyun, so he asked, "Why do you call him Little Ye Zi, and he still calls you the boss?"

"I bought him with ten original powers and accepted him as my younger brother!" Mu Hanxing explained.

"Ah?" Cang Xuerong was very surprised, and quickly asked Ye Liuyun: "Are you short of resources? If so, I can ask the sect to help you apply for more cultivation resources."

"No, I don't lack resources!" Ye Liuyun didn't want to bother her, let alone take advantage of the sect.

"I let her go, to save face, that's why I agreed to him!" He explained.

"Cut, you're clearly a money fanatic!" Mu Hanxing said disdainfully, "If you don't believe me, I'll give you ten more original powers, see if you want it or not!"

"Yes, if you insist on giving it to me, why don't I!" Ye Liuyun also laughed.

Cang Xuerong also confirmed that the two of them were joking, and it wasn't because of difficulties, so he felt relieved.

After she ate Ye Liuyun's barbecue, she was full of praise.

"This is the best barbecue I've ever eaten. It's even better than restaurant food!"

"I didn't lie to you, his barbecue is really delicious! If you leave, you will definitely regret it!" Mu Hanxing also said taking credit.

After several people had eaten, they went to do their own business.

Ye Liuyun and Mu Hanxing also separated, each looking for his master.

Xiao Wanrong taught Xiaoqi and Ye Liuyun very seriously, starting from the beginning, and then leaving homework for them every time, asking them to hand in when they were done, and she would check again.

Xiao Qi would occasionally be lazy, and would be punished with double the homework.

Ye Liuyun was never lazy, and studied very seriously. So he quickly supplemented his basic knowledge of runes.

Afterwards, using runes will become more and more handy.

In less than two months, he used runes to fight Xiao Qi, and Xiao Qi was no longer able to beat him.

"You are really a genius at learning runes. According to your progress rate, you can really go to the sect to fight for the ranking in half a year!" Xiao Wanrong also saw hope, and wanted Ye Liuyun to try on behalf of the rune hall.

"I will try my best!" Ye Liuyun also agreed. M..

Afterwards, he also completed the homework that Xiao Wanrong assigned to him earnestly, never perfunctory.

His own cultivation has not fallen behind either. Go back to the cave world to practice every night.

Realm, spirit, body, blood, and various powers are all improving at the same time.

Qiongqi, Tong Xin, Lin Luoyi, Lin Xiyao, Fu Wushuang and others also met Ye Liuyun a few times during the period.

After Fu Wushuang accepted the resources Ye Liuyun gave him, he finally entered the third class. And as soon as she entered, the instructor helped her choose a few high-level exercises, so her strength was greatly improved.

Among the disciples of the same class, he gradually became famous, at least he could be ranked among the top ten in this hall.

Others also quickly adapted to the life here, and they all benefited a lot, broadened their thinking, and opened their horizons.

Fang Jinsong also came to see Ye Liuyun once to get some charms! Give Ye Liuyun all the spirit stones from the previous transaction.

"Your talisman is becoming more and more popular now, and has been recognized by many people. Next time, you should double prepare some for me."

"No problem, I also learned some new runes recently, just for practice." Ye Liuyun also readily agreed.

As a result, there were several more types of charms that Fang Jinsong sold, and the demand increased.

However, when Fang Jinsong came next time, he told Ye Liuyun another news: "The two Jiang family members you killed before have found someone to attack you. If you want to go out recently, you should be more careful."

"Oh!" Ye Liuyun almost forgot about those two people.

He didn't want to go out at first, but after hearing what Fang Jinsong said, he wanted to go out instead.

He has drawn a lot of charms on animal skins recently, and he is worried that there is no place to spend them, so he can go out and throw them away, and by the way, he will make a name for the Rune Hall.

"I'm telling you not to go out, how do you see your eagerness to try?" Fang Jinsong also saw Ye Liuyun's thoughts.

Ye Liuyun also laughed: "Haha, I've been too busy recently, I have drawn a lot of charms, and there is no place to throw them away, so I just found some people to throw them out!"

Fang Jinsong got excited when he heard this: "It is said that the person Jiang's family is looking for has a good reputation in the sect, and seems to be ranked fifty on the big list!

If you can take him out, our runes will sell better! "

The Six Dao School has big and small lists. The small list refers to the ranking list of each hall's own strength, and the big list refers to the entire sect.

It's just that the number of people in Ye Liuyun's Rune Hall is too small, and there is no small list at all. Moreover, many disciples don't usually see each other, and they don't know where to hide, and there will be no competition at all.

Ye Liuyun smiled and asked back: "You don't seem like someone short of money, why are you so interested in selling charms?"

"Haha, who would think that I have little money!" Fang Jinsong also yelled, and babbled.

Ye Liuyun felt that Fang Jinsong seemed to have another purpose, but it didn't seem to be harmful to him, so he didn't care.

"Let's go, I'll go out and talk to you right now, to see if I can meet someone who challenges me. If not, you can confirm the name for me later, and I'll go find him."

Ye Liuyun immediately followed Fang Jinsong out of the Rune Hall.

Since he came here, he really hasn't walked around, so he just took the opportunity to let Fang Jinsong take him around.

In fact, many places in the entire Six Paths planet are similar to cities, and they have everything, even brothels here, for some wealthy children to entertain.