Chapter 4111

Name:Lord of All Gods Author:风云再起
At this time, Ye Liuyun's flying boat was already approaching this planet.

His golden pupils saw Ning Shuangyu who was surrounded from a distance.

"Why is she here?" He was still curious.

"Go and save her first!"

He immediately let the clone rush over with the power of space first, and save Ning Shuangyu first.

The avatar also set off immediately, and shuttled through the void at full speed.

"What do you mean? Are you playing tricks on us? To know is to know, what is a one-sided relationship?"

The demons obviously didn't understand Ning Shuangyu's words.

"What I'm telling you is the truth. Fate on one side means that you've only met him once, know his name, and don't have a deep friendship with him yet."

Ning Shuangyu explained to the demons.

"Stop talking nonsense with her, humans are very cunning. Catch them first!"

A Scarlet Demon Clan didn't want to delay any longer, so they had to do it.

"However, I know his whereabouts!"

Ning Shuangyu immediately continued. She was trying her best to delay the time so that Ye Liuyun would not have time to save her.


The leader of the Demon Race immediately waved his hands upon hearing the words, telling the Red Demon Race not to do anything yet.

"As long as you tell us everything you know, we can let you go!" The demon clan also deliberately promised.

Ning Shuangyu just responded coldly: "I'm afraid that after I tell you, you won't think so!"

"We can guarantee it. If you don't believe it, we can also sign a soul contract with you."

The leader of the demon clan also winked at the red demon beside him, implying that when it signs the soul contract, it can take the opportunity to make a move.

But Ning Shuangyu said: "The soul contract is unnecessary. My fate has come, and you will be able to meet him soon!"


The faces of those demons changed when they heard the words, and they immediately became nervous.

Suddenly, a red illusory flame shot out of the void, and the flame area was so large that it directly enveloped several Scarlet Demons in it.

Then, their bodies fell down.

Then the red flame burned towards other demons.

"Quick retreat!"

The leader of the demon clan immediately guessed that Ye Liuyun had arrived.

But the spirit power of the rest of the people is not strong, and the clone immediately activated the time stop, planted slave marks on these people, and captured them.

Ning Shuangyu also greeted the clone.

"Young master Ye, you are here! I never thought that our fate is so strong that we will meet again so soon!"

The avatar has just passed the soul search, and already knows what the demons talked to her before.

"You thought I would come to rescue you before?" the clone asked her.

"That's not true. I just calculated that I should be safe this time. I didn't know you would come to rescue me until I was surrounded by them!" Ning Shuangyu still said truthfully.

It's just that her words don't seem to be the truth in the eyes of others.

The avatar has nothing to do with this nagging woman, and doesn't know whether what she said is true or not.

He didn't know what to talk about with Ning Shuangyu, so he could only say: "He'll be here soon, you can talk to him when the time comes!"

"Aren't you the same? He will know what I'm talking to you right away, won't he?" Ning Shuangyu asked him back.

"Well...that's true!"

The avatar had no choice but to admit it, and then asked without words: "Why are you here?"

Ning Shuangyu just said: "I don't know, just follow the feeling and come here. I think I can improve my strength here, and I can meet you again.

Can the leader of the demon clan give it to me? I want its soul power! "

She, Ye Liuyun and the avatar were not polite, and asked for it directly, just like the last time they borrowed resources, they seemed very familiar.

The leader of the demon clan trembled in fright, and looked at the clone with begging eyes.

The avatar ignored it, but said to Ning Shuangyu: "Keep this alive for me, and I will give you some other soul power later, and I promise it will be more than this!"

Ning Shuangyu also nodded: "If you have extra, give me some more! I figured that you will give me a lot of spiritual cultivation resources!"

"Uh... alright!" The avatar had no choice but to agree.

Then he and Ning Shuangyu didn't know what to talk about, so they waited silently for Ye Liuyun to arrive.

After Ye Liuyun arrived, he immediately gave Ning Shuangyu a soul-sealing bead, which was full of demon spirits.

Ning Shuangyu didn't turn her back on him, and immediately took out a golden cauldron, enlarged it, and threw all the spirits of the demons into it for refining.

"What is this?" Ye Liuyun also became curious.

"The treasure that can purify the spirits of the demons, I bought it with the resources you lent me before I came!"

Ning Shuangyu said, and gave Ye Liuyun a storage ring.

"What are you doing?" Ye Liuyun was a little puzzled.

"The resources were said to be borrowed from you, of course they have to be returned!" Ning Shuangyu said solemnly.

Ye Liuyun looked at the things inside, and found that they were the ones he had lent to Ning Shuangyu.

After thinking about it, he still accepted it. It's normal to have loans and repay them.

He asked Ning Shuangyu casually, "Where did you get these resources?"

"I followed your example and robbed a sect!" Ning Shuangyu also said truthfully. ..

Ye Liuyun was also a little embarrassed.

"It's like I taught you badly!"

"No, I think it's pretty good! I don't lack any cultivation resources!" Ning Shuangyu didn't care.

Then she pointed to her golden tripod: "There are not enough resources!"


Ye Liuyun was completely speechless.

"Why don't you tell me if you don't have enough resources? This woman doesn't really think of me as her man, she just asks for it!" He thought to himself, but didn't say it.

He just said: "We are going to fight a battle here, when there are plenty of soul resources, the soul-sealing pearl will be given to you, and you can put it in it as you like.

You put away this golden tripod. In the future, if you have this kind of treasure, you can't take it out casually, so that others won't worry about it! "

"Okay, thank you then, no one has given me anything yet!"

But Ning Shuangyu readily agreed, and carefully put away the Feng Mozhu.

She also explained to Ye Liuyun: "Except for you, no one else has seen this golden tripod."

When he said this, Ye Liuyun finally couldn't help asking.

"That... what you said before, about becoming my woman... will it be true?"

Ning Shuangyu smiled slightly when she heard the words: "Looking at the result now, there is still no change!"

I have to say that this kind of icy beauty is indeed very attractive with a slight smile.

Ye Liuyun suddenly felt that if what she predicted was true, then he would have given a Soul Sealing Orb, which seemed a bit too petty.

But before he could say anything, Ning Shuangyu's eyes lit up and she asked him directly: "Are you going to give me a set of high-grade equipment?

That happens to be useful to me, my physical body and spiritual power are not strong, and I will be in danger in the future! With the equipment you sent me, I'm safe! "