Chapter 4113

Name:Lord of All Gods Author:风云再起
The women already knew about Ning Shuangyu's skills through chatting and asking.

And although Ning Shuangyu looks very cold, she doesn't know how to lie, and she doesn't have any scheming, just say what she has.

So every woman has her own little thoughts, and she wants to make friends with her, and let her help her speculate about the future.

Fu Wushuang and Leng Qingwu all want to know what will happen to Ye Liuyun in the future?

Ye Tiandao even wanted to know how long he could fight with Ye Liuyun.

Feng Wanru, Tang Xinyao and the others felt that with Ning Shuangyu around, Ye Liuyun would not be in danger in the future.

This ability is undoubtedly of great help to Ye Liuyun. They all recognized Ye Liuyun for such a useful woman.

But Ning Shuangyu will not deliberately help them calculate things that are too far away.

The so-called secrets cannot be leaked. She also has to pay a price for making predictions.

Including consuming her soul power, vitality, luck and other powers, changing her destiny trajectory and other changes.

Some ordinary predictions, especially about herself, are relatively simple and will only consume some soul power.

This is also the reason why her soul power has not been strong, and it is often consumed.

The closer the time to the incident, the smaller the prediction consumption. Some longer-term predictions require her to pay a greater price.

And the farther away things were, the less accurate her guesses were. Because there are many things that will cause changes in the trajectory of fate.

Over time, these changes will add up, which may be contrary to her prediction.

Therefore, she will not believe any predictions that are too far away, because the probability of things being changed is very high.

Ning Shuangyu told the other women all this, and they no longer forced Ning Shuangyu to make predictions, but they still felt that Ning Shuangyu's role was immeasurable.

So when Ye Liuyun came back, he still didn't hide, and the women wanted to invite Ning Shuangyu to enter Ye Liuyun's cave world.

Ye Liuyun had no choice but to sign an equal contract with Ning Shuangyu, and after giving her a few filled soul-sealing beads, they would be taken into the cave world.

After Ning Shuangyu went in, she was surrounded by Liang Xue, Wu Qingcheng and other women for a long time before letting her go to practice.


After Ning Shuangyu went to practice, Liang Xue and other women called Ye Liuyun back.

Ye Liuyun let out a long sigh, knowing that he couldn't escape and would be questioned again.

He looked helplessly at the clone, who smiled and shook his head, not wanting to suffer for him, so he had no choice but to go back to the cave world.

Liang Xue, Wu Qingcheng, Feng Wanru and others also surrounded him.

"You have to stay with this woman!" Liang Xue said in the first sentence.

"Don't pretend to be innocent, she admits that she will be your woman in the future!"

Seeing his dejected look, Feng Wanru couldn't help joking him again.

"She also said that it is possible, but things will still change!" Ye Liuyun argued.

"Okay, stop teasing him, talk about business!" Wu Qingcheng interrupted everyone's joke.

Liang Xue also said seriously: "No matter what happens to you in the future, if you keep her by your side, you will be much safer."

"I knew you would think so!" Ye Liuyun sighed, knowing that these women were going to force Ning Shuangyu to him again.

"We don't make it difficult for you, just let it be. Anyway, you have so many women, even if you have nothing to do with her, it doesn't matter if you bring her by your side!"

Wu Qingcheng also added.

"I didn't tell you to sleep with her right away. Why are you so embarrassed? If it's another man, it's too late to be happy!" Feng Hongxiu began to tease him again.

"That's fine!" Ye Liuyun finally agreed.

But what Liang Xue said made him a little at a loss again.

"Go and have a chat with her and increase your relationship. Anyway, we recognize her, you can figure it out yourself!"


Ye Liuyun was dumbfounded on the spot for a moment.

"Go, go, chat casually, do you understand communication?"

Wu Qingcheng pushed him away to avoid embarrassment.

In fact, the women were all in the same mind, they all wanted to keep Ning Shuangyu behind and help Ye Liuyun seek good fortune and avoid evil.

Anyway, he is not short of this woman. It is better to have one more useful one than to bring back a useless one.

"I really envy Miss Ning!" Fu Wushuang also sighed with Leng Qingwu.

"What's there to envy, they didn't block you, didn't they recognize you too. It's because you have no ability!" Leng Qingwu laughed.

Fu Wushuang also defended helplessly: "When I go out, I will fight non-stop, or I will come back to practice. I often see each other, but I can't say a few words!"

Leng Qingwu actually felt the same about this. But there was no other way, Ye Liuyun was too busy.

They could neither disturb Ye Liuyun's cultivation nor delay his battle, and there really wasn't much time left.

"I can only hope that the battle will end quickly and live a stable life!" She also sighed.

"There are still two waiting for the number here!" Feng Wanru heard the two of them talking, and made fun of them again.

They have been going out to fight together recently, so they are familiar with each other.

They are all women, joking with each other can also relieve the fatigue of fighting.

They laughed for a while, and then went to practice separately.

It's okay for women who don't go out to fight, they have more leisure time, and they don't have to be so nervous about their training time.

The women who went out to fight did not dare to be lazy, otherwise they would slow down the battlefield and cause trouble for Ye Liuyun.

In fact, Ye Liuyun didn't care if they fought or not. It's just that if they don't work hard to keep up, it will be difficult for them to go out in the future.

Once left behind, it would be difficult to keep up with Ye Liuyun's footsteps. At that time, they don't want to be idle and have no chance to go out.

"They're all exhausted recently, do you want to arrange for Liuyun to take a rest and accompany them?" Wu Qingcheng asked Liang Xue for advice.

Liang Xue smiled: "I think you miss him too?"

"You don't want to?" Wu Qingcheng also asked with a smile.

Liang Xue also said helplessly: "I'm afraid he won't be able to let go of the battle outside!"

"I heard from Wanru that Demon Vine and Jin Yuan can fight with all their strength? The Demon Legion's combat power is not weak now, and he is not inferior to him, right?

Isn't there Ning Shuangyu now? Let her help predict it, let him rest if there is no danger! "Wu Qingcheng suggested.

"Well, that's right, so many women can't be left alone! Really, we have to worry about this kind of thing for him!

Then you go talk to Ning Shuangyu and him, I'll go find Lei Ming, Longnu and Wanru, and ask them to come and rest for a while. "

After discussing with Wu Qingcheng, Liang Xue and Wu Qingcheng also split up.

After looking around, Ye Liuyun also felt that he should communicate with Ning Shuangyu, so he went to find her.

As a result, Ning Shuangyu didn't practice, but used the golden cauldron to purify the souls of the demons.

"I knew you were coming to me, so I didn't practice!" Ning Shuangyu said directly.