Chapter 4145

Name:Lord of All Gods Author:风云再起
However, the next galaxy that Ye Liuyun and the others are going to has more monsters. So the monsters were still very nervous, afraid that Ye Liuyun would suddenly attack them.

Therefore, some powerful monsters also rushed to the next galaxy, ready to rescue them at any time.

But as long as Ye Liuyun and the others don't attack first, they won't take the initiative to attack Ye Liuyun and the others.

The avatar was on the spaceship in advance, and had already observed the conditions of the planets ahead, so it also notified Ye Liuyun in advance.

Moreover, the level of monsters here is very high, and it is not suitable for women to go out.

So after arriving here, Ye Liuyun took the monsters off the flying boat, went around the city, looked at the monsters here, found a restaurant to have a big meal, and then continued on.

It's just that it's more lively here, and there are many monsters, they didn't walk too fast, they stopped and went out from time to time to find a restaurant to eat something.

It wasn't until they completely left this galaxy and passed by the monsters' lair that the demon king was completely relieved.

But Ye Liuyun wiped out one of their galaxy, and some monsters are still outraged.

"If you can't do it on our territory, then go to the Kraken's galaxy!"

Iron Armored Tiger felt that he couldn't just let the Monster Beast Clan suffer such a big loss, he could divert the disaster to the east and let the Sea Monster Clan suffer a little loss, so that he could feel balanced.

So he sent a message to some ambush agents, asking them to try their best to provoke the war between the sea monster and Ye Liuyun.

"Sure enough, you have to rely on your strength to speak!"

Fan Wu was moved with emotion.

He had been explaining to the monsters to no avail. And after Ye Liuyun completely wiped out a galaxy of monsters, they became honest.

Ye Liuyun and the others have also lived peacefully for a while, without any major battles.

Occasionally encountering some robbers or fierce beasts in the starry sky attacking by monsters, these are also individual behaviors, and have nothing to do with the monsters, and the avatars will deal with it directly when they go out.

"Ahead is the Kraken's territory!"

Fan Wu also told the clone. In a galaxy in front of them, the planet is basically half land, half sea water, and there are many human martial arts.

Afterwards, the galaxies and planets will basically have sea water, and humans are relatively rare.

"Dragon girls should like the ocean environment! Do sea monsters have dragons?" Ye Liuyun also asked Fan Wu.

"That's not true, only sea jellyfish!" Fan Wu also replied.

After he found out that Ye Liuyun and the others had really not done anything to the monsters, he was no longer worried, thinking that Ye Liuyun and the others would not do anything to the sea monsters either.

Ye Liuyun and the others did not have this plan. After they landed, they wandered around under Fan Wu's leadership, ate a lot of seafood in local restaurants, and took Longnu to the ocean to relax.

When the dragon girl saw the ocean, she immediately manifested her body and went in for a swim, as if she had returned home.

But just when everyone thought there would be no battle, a local tiger shark suddenly attacked Long Nu, but was killed by Long Nu.

And this tiger shark is the son of the overlord of this sea area.

The Tiger Shark King immediately ordered the Sea Clan to besiege the Dragon Girl.

The dragon girl killed a provocative tiger shark and didn't take it seriously at all. But more and more sea beasts came to attack her, Ye Liuyun and Fan Wu also saw the problem.

"Come back!"

Ye Liuyun still restrained himself and called Longnu back.

He also didn't want to have a conflict with them as soon as he arrived at Siren's territory.

So they temporarily withdrew to land.

But the Tiger Shark King didn't intend to let the Dragon Girl go, and ordered the local Wuxiu to attack them as well.

The local martial artists were afraid that the Tiger Shark King would attack them in anger, so they could only attack Ye Liuyun and the others.

Ye Liuyun first saw that these martial arts practitioners were not at a high level, so he even let the women out to fight.

But more and more martial arts came to attack them, Ye Liuyun was worried that they would suffer, so he immediately asked the monsters around him to attack too.

The martial artists discovered that they turned out to be monsters, and thought they were intentionally provoking them, let alone let them go.

So the two parties went all out to fight.

Naturally, the local martial arts were no match for Ye Liuyun's monsters, so the sea monsters also began to gather, the sea water spread to the land, and a big battle broke out between the two sides.

"I can't hide from this!"

Ye Liuyun was also rather depressed. But he will not blindly endure, since there is no way to retreat, he will fight directly.

So the Demon Legion was released by him again.

As soon as the demon army came out, it was a bloody killing and frantic hunting for food.

Especially now that their realm is high, it will be easier to kill these low-level martial arts and sea beasts, and they will never be soft-handed.

Ye Liuyun didn't do anything this time, but it was the clone's turn to practice the sword.

The avatar synchronized with Ye Liuyun's saber intent, and the saber intent was stronger.

Swinging the two knives away, he rushed directly to the Tiger Shark King and charged to kill him.

In order to protect the tiger shark king, the tiger shark group was all killed by clones. In the end, Tiger Shark King was chased all the way back to his lair by his clone, and his head was cut off with one knife.

The sea beasts here are united. Without the Beastmaster, they still go all out to attack people like Ye Liuyun.

The avatar also began to perform the sword intent mode, using these sea beasts to practice swords.

It is easier for Dragon Girl to fight in the sea. The level of sea beasts here is still low, under her coercion, they can only be slaughtered.

At the end of the battle, large swaths of the ocean had already been dyed blood red.

But even if a large-scale battle happened, Ye Liuyun and the others still didn't treat the sea monster as a whole, they just thought that it was just the sea monster here that was against them.

But when they arrive at the next planet, as soon as they log in, the local martial arts will come to drive them away.

"You want to come here to kill sea beasts to practice your skills, right? You go, we don't welcome you here!"

The local Wuxiu immediately chased them away.

"Why do you think so?" Fan Wu asked those martial artists puzzled.

"Isn't that what you were on the previous planet? Killed all the sea beasts!" The local Wuxiu said naturally.

"That's why they attacked us first!" Fan Wu also explained for Ye Liuyun and the others.

In the end, those martial artists wanted to beat him away directly.

Fan Wu is also a martial artist of the fifth level of the Dao, so he didn't care about these strong men in the cave realm, so he slapped them and sent them flying, but he didn't kill them.

But this aroused the anger of the local martial arts group, and they killed them together.

"I'm going, these people are still unreasonable!" Fan Wu didn't expect that he would start a big battle.

"The ones who should come can't hide, since they have to be beaten to feel comfortable, then hit them!"

Seeing this, Ye Liuyun immediately released the women, monsters, and demon army, and started directly.

As a result, as soon as they started, the sea beasts joined the battle, obviously they were all prepared long ago.

"Then kill them together!"

Ye Liuyun didn't hesitate, since he had already made a move, he could only kill to the end.

This time he was watching from the back, and the avatar swung a knife in front to kill.

In the end, there was another big battle, and most of the sea beasts and human warriors on the planet were killed.