Chapter 4249

Name:Lord of All Gods Author:风云再起
Ye Liuyun's avatar, after Sun Queyi's transformation, has reached the treasure standard of the fourth rank of Tongtian.

Sun Queyi used the metal Ye Liuyun had accumulated before, and first refined thirty metal puppets of the third-level sky-reaching, and equipped them with weapons.

They don't lack the spirits they use now, and the avatars captured more than 100,000 soldiers this time.

It's just that the strongest soul power is not enough, and the puppets' full power cannot be exerted for the time being, and the puppets need to continue to improve the power of the soul.

Ye Liuyun was also very satisfied with these metal puppets, so the more the better for Sun Queyi to continue refining.

Then he took Murong Xue to the Snow God Palace on a Void Battleship.

Murong Zixuan, the lord of the Snow God Palace, has long received a voice transmission from his beloved disciple.

Knowing that she has found her own belonging and resolved the threat of the ice spirit demon, I am also happy for her.

When Ye Liuyun arrived, she asked the whole palace to welcome her together.

"If you have any request, feel free to ask, we will cooperate with you. Even if there is a direct war with the Lingwei Dynasty, we will not hesitate."

Murong Zixuan directly promised Ye Liuyun in front of some elders of Snow God Palace.

This woman looks like she is in her thirties, and her face is well maintained.

At the second level of the sky, the real essence is solidified, but the power of the soul is also a little weaker.

"Palace Master, we still need to think long-term about this matter!"

"That's right. The Lingwei Dynasty is powerful. If we break the engagement, we might really go to war!"

Several elders objected on the spot. But Murong Zixuan shot directly, obliterating those elders on the spot, the method was very straightforward and decisive!

Ye Liuyun was a little surprised that she supported Ye Liuyun so much.

He looked at Murong Zixuan carefully, and found that she was somewhat similar to Murong Xue.

He curiously sent a sound transmission to Murong Xue and asked: "This Murong Zixuan is just your master, and has no blood relationship with you?"

"That's right, I changed my surname with Master after I was taken to Snow God Palace!" Murong Xue also said.

"Oh!" Ye Liuyun didn't ask again.

However, Murong Zixuan supported Murong Xue so much that he didn't even care about the interests of his territory, which made Ye Liuyun very puzzled.

After Murong Zixuan dealt with the elders who objected, no one dared to speak out against it anymore.

Afterwards, Murong Zixuan arranged for Ye Liuyun to stay and slowly discuss the details of the cooperation.

Ye Liuyun didn't live in Murongxue's original bedroom, but asked Murongxue to find a place to release the defense hall, so as not to delay her cultivation.

After they settled down, Murong Zixuan communicated with Murong Xue alone for a long time.

Then she looked for Ye Liuyun again, and deliberately sent Murong Xue away.

"If the palace lord has anything to say, just speak up!"

Ye Liuyun felt that Murong Zixuan might want to negotiate some terms with him.

"Xue'er has already told me about your situation. She also said that you treated her very well, and she also likes you very much!

I can feel relieved to see her find a good home! "

Murong Zixuan was not in a hurry to get down to business, but chatted with Ye Liuyun about things.

"Should be! She is my woman now, I will treat her sincerely, and regard her as more important than my own life.

On this point, seniors can rest assured! "Ye Liuyun also expressed his opinion immediately.

Murong Zixuan also nodded in satisfaction, and continued: "Since you said so, I can rest assured that Xue'er will be taken care of by you in the future!

Xue'er has few contacts with sophisticated people, so it may be difficult for her to take over the Snow God Palace in the future.

Since she is already yours, and you have this ability, how about entrusting Snow God Palace to you in the future? "

Ye Liuyun was quite surprised when he heard the truth. He didn't know if Murong Zixuan was testing him, or if he really had this idea.

He stabilized his mood, and said truthfully to Murong Zixuan: "I'm more casual, and I don't have much interest in power.

I don't even bother to take care of my own dynasty, I leave it to my subordinates to take care of it, and I'm even less interested in Snow God Palace.

Everything I do now is to help this world fight against the invasion of the upper realms, and the Palace Master can verify this.

But if the palace lord really needs me to help Xue'er, I don't think I need to come forward, as long as I help her on the sidelines.

I have nothing to do with the Snow God Palace. The Palace Master suddenly handed over the Snow God Palace to me, which may cause civil strife.

However, I was a little surprised that the palace lord treated Xue'er like this. Ordinary people may not be so willing to treat their own daughters.

And I think the Palace Master is full of energy and strength, so it's probably too early to consider the issue of handover now, right?

I don't know if there is any special reason? "

Ye Liuyun did not have Ning Shuangyu's ability to speculate, but felt that Murong Zixuan's performance was a bit too much.

There must be some reason for this. If Murong Zixuan didn't have a reasonable explanation, then he should be more careful.

Murong Zixuan looked at Ye Liuyun solemnly, and asked him: "Do you think that Xue'er looks a lot like me, so you guess she is my biological daughter?"

"That's not true! That's just a metaphor. Could it be that the Palace Master and Xue'er are really related by blood?"

Ye Liuyun couldn't help but think too much when she saw that she asked this question deliberately.

But to his surprise, Murong Zixuan admitted it.

"You guessed it right. That's right, Xue'er is my daughter. It's just that she doesn't know, and I haven't told anyone!"

After Murong Zixuan finished speaking, she narrated the matter between her and Xue'er as if she was lost in memory.

"Back then, I concealed the fact that I was pregnant with Xue'er in order to compete with my senior sister for the position of Saintess in Snow God Palace. After giving birth to Xue'er, I handed over to a loyal subordinate to raise her.

But before giving birth to her, my senior sister sent people to chase me down. During the battle, the power of ice was introduced into her body, causing the power of ice in her body to be very violent.

When she was born, I discovered this, and specially input some power to help her suppress the power of ice.

Later, I successfully took over the Snow God Palace. But almost all the people around me died, and Xueer's father also died in my place.

At that time, I suddenly felt that all this is actually meaningless. These powers did not make me happy either. On the contrary, it makes me feel sorry for everyone.

So I secretly paid attention to Cher. The power of ice in her body couldn't be suppressed when she was five years old, and even froze my whole family.

So I took her back to raise her in the name of being an apprentice, and helped her suppress the cold power in her body.

Xue'er is very sensible, every time the icy power breaks out, she tries her best to endure it, lest I worry.

For so many years, I have watched her suffer so much, and I feel guilty in my heart, and I have endured no less suffering than her.

I also gradually looked away, and I didn't care about this Snow God Palace for a long time. There is only one thought, which is to cure Xueer and make her live a happier life.

If it wasn't for the use of the Snow God Palace to collect resources for cultivating the power of ice and help Xue'er fight against the power of ice, I would have left here long ago to live a quiet life. "