Chapter 4373

Name:Lord of All Gods Author:风云再起
Ye Liuyun also adjusted his cave world.

He slowed down the speed of his five-times-accelerated planet and turned it into a normal time flow.

Then let the artist arrange a large number of time-accelerating formations, and rely solely on the time formation to accelerate.

Even the entire Wuliang Mountain was shrouded in the time formation.

After the two avatars used time to speed up the drawing of the spell for a month, they left Ye Shuangdao to continue drawing the spell, and asked Ye Tianyan to go to the Tianyan Pool to speed up the improvement of the power of the soul.

He left all the inventory of spells to Qin Peng. Then let Ye Shuangdao follow the painter to draw another month talisman and then go to improve the power of the soul.

He also produced more gravity formations, ten times the defense hall, and ordinary training puppets in the early days of Tongtian, and handed them over to the death army to accelerate the improvement of strength. ..

He sent another batch of Zulong's psychic liquid, and then began to use the god crystal to cultivate the dragon spring liquid, so as to improve the strength of those around him.

Then he took the army of death and the army of demons from Montenegro, and went to the underworld.

Both legions have a large number of soldiers who have broken through to the sky-reaching realm and need to overcome the thunder disaster.

Ye Liuyun wants to take them to find a world with the Dao of Heaven, but the Dao of Heaven cannot be too strong.

Zhuge Feiyu also helped them choose someone with similar strength, but it's hard to say how strong Tiandao is.

Ye Liuyun could only go and have a look first.

As soon as Ye Liuyun came out of the underworld, the local Heavenly Dao sensed his aura and rushed over immediately.

"What are you doing here?"

Ye Liuyun saw that the realm of Dao that day was the nine levels of the sky, so he had a bottom line in his heart.

"I need to discuss something with you! I have some human and demon soldiers who need to cross the thunder calamity, and I need to borrow your power from the thunder calamity!"

Dao was also a little dazed that day.

She asked curiously: "Borrowing thunder calamity? Is there no thunder calamity in their own world?"

"Yes, but Lei Jie's power is not enough! I can exchange some resources with you, and I won't lose you!

Or if you have any power that needs to be removed, you can also give it to me! "

Ye Liuyun also told her.

"Why should I help you? Your realm doesn't seem to be as high as mine, right? You still want to help me?" Tian Dao glanced at his realm with disdain.

Ye Liuyun immediately released the magic vine, Ye Jinyuan, the dragon girl, Lei Ming, the nine-headed dragon, and more than 150 puppets that reached the sky and nine levels.

Tiandao was taken aback. With so many strong men, if she directly attacked her, she would not be an opponent.

"Originally we went to every world to plunder resources. But as long as you promise me to help my soldiers survive the thunder disaster, I will not touch the resources of your world.

It can even help you a little bit, or exchange some resources with you. "Ye Liuyun also said.

"Are you threatening me?" Tiandao also asked.

Ye Liuyun also explained to him with some embarrassment: "How should I put it? Actually, I don't want to fight with you, I just want to borrow some of your strength.

Of course, if you insist on doing it, then I can only accompany you! My world is being invaded by the God Realm, and I need to immediately improve the strength of my soldiers.

I was also forced to be helpless! "

Tiandao was silent for a while, and then said: "You have so many strong people, can I not agree? Even if you lie to me, there is nothing I can do?"

Ye Liuyun also immediately said: "I signed a soul contract with you, and I will never lie to you!"

Tiandao thought for a while and nodded in agreement.

Ye Liuyun didn't fight her directly, but negotiated with her, and she had no reason to disagree.

"Okay then, in exchange, you guys will help me destroy two forces that threaten me. You will also give me all the resources they have there."

"Agreed!" Ye Liuyun immediately signed the soul contract with Tiandao.

Then both the death army and the demon army were released.

Among the 300,000 people, only 50,000 to 60,000 survived the thunder disaster, and there were still a large number of soldiers who did not survive the thunder disaster.

"so much?"

Tiandao felt cheated. It is estimated that after helping these people survive the thunder disaster, her lightning power is not much left.

"Shall I compensate you some resources for body training? Or if you have any special needs, tell me, and I will try my best to compensate you!"

These compensation resources are not included in their contract. So whether Ye Liuyun gives it or not depends entirely on his mood.

But since he said it, it is enough to show his sincerity.

Tiandao felt that he was not too much, and immediately agreed. Ye Liuyun gave him some holy spirit spring liquid, some body refining crystals and body refining liquid.

Afterwards, Tiandao also gave Ye Liuyun instructions on the locations of the two major forces. Ye Liuyun took the monsters, puppets and demons to destroy one, and the other led the death army to destroy.

Then the Demon Race and the Death Legion also occupied the territory of these two great forces, breaking through the Thunder Tribulation here.

However, these two families have a lot of resources, and one of them actually has a blue crystal ball.

The crystal ball contains more pure soul power than the Tianyan Pool, and it can almost completely be transformed into one's own soul power after absorbing it.

If Ye Liuyun hadn't used the Red Lotus Fire to destroy that force, he would have suffered heavy losses.

He didn't keep the resources, but gave them to Tiandao, and then asked Tiandao to exchange the resources directly.

"All these resources belong to me, you promised me!" Tiandao also reminded Ye Liuyun.

"Yes, so I gave you all these resources. But I really want these resources, so I will exchange them with you with the best resources!"

As Ye Liuyun said, he took out the spring of life, the blood spirit demon and the emerald green body refining liquid, as well as the puppets of the ten times the defense hall, the gravity formation, and the Tongxuan triple layer.

"Your soul power is not weak anymore, and you don't need so many soul resources, why don't you balance your cultivation and improve your other strengths as well.

Even if you split me in half! You can pick any of these resources. As long as you don't overdo it, I will promise you! "

Tiandao was convinced after seeing so many good things. It is true that she does not need so much soul power for the time being.

Moreover, she was also worried that Ye Liuyun would come back to snatch her back, and she thought it would be better to change some resources first. Ye Liuyun was satisfied, and she would not suffer.

She asked for some of the few things Ye Liuyun took out, and she gave Ye Liuyun more than half of the energy in the blue crystal ball.

Ye Liuyun also felt that Tiandao was sensible and didn't force him to do it. Moreover, he still has everything that Heavenly Dao wants, which is not too much.

So both of them are very satisfied.

Ye Liuyun could immediately go to the Tianyan pool to speed up the refining of those blue energies.

He can promote the weaker soul.

The blue energy was also quickly transformed into his own soul source, which was assimilated by him. Coupled with the multiple functions of the Infinity Monument and Tianyan Pool.

Moreover, he continued to add the condensed soul source to accelerate together.

Three days later, Ye Liuyun cultivated a soul that was as powerful as the previous one. And that blue energy hasn't run out yet.

In the end, he cultivated another half powerful soul before stopping.