Chapter 4435

Name:Lord of All Gods Author:风云再起
Tang Haowei accepted Qin Fengzhao's thank you gift, waved to Qin Fengzhao, and left with his subordinates.

Then they changed into casual clothes again and helped the mercenary group to catch the beast.

Tang Haowei's actions, of course, were all in accordance with Ye Liuyun's request, pulling Qin Fengzhao into the water bit by bit.

When everything was exposed, Qin Fengzhao had to do it even if he didn't want to.

Qin Fengzhao finally felt a lot more relaxed after dealing with King Zhennan.

Moreover, he and Tang Haowei have a common secret, and if any accident happens in the future, it will be easier to solve it.

For the rest, he had to figure out who framed the Liu family and whether it had anything to do with Qin Yuanfeng.

If it's Qin Yuanfeng, what is the relationship between Qin Yuanfeng and those puppets?

He had to ask Qin Yuanqing to help investigate this matter.

Ye Liuyun and Qin Yuanfeng also knew the result at this moment, and guessed that Qin Fengzhao would definitely come to investigate this matter.

"You can't tell Qin Yuanqing, if Qin Fengzhao asks you, just admit it directly, and say that your puppet, the master of the magic cultivator, contacted you!"

"Well, let me say that I only have the sound transmission talisman now, and I don't know where the person is, so he can't do anything either!"


The two of them will also think about how to deal with Qin Fengzhao first.

Jiang Tianyou was busy immediately, running around every day, busy supplying various chambers of commerce. And the inventory he used was from the Liu family.

Ye Jinyuan brought a few strong mercenaries to act as his personal guards to prevent resources from being intercepted.

Qin Yuanfeng also talked with Jiang Tianyou once, this business is for the Jiang family, as his betrothal gift to the Jiang family.

It's just that whether it should be operated by the Jiang family or by Jiang Tianyou, the Jiang family must decide by itself.

Jiang Tianyou, Jiang Tianyi and Qin Yuanqing also made a special trip to Jiang's family and had a secret talk with the head of the Jiang family.

As a result, 30% of the profit went to Qin Yuanqing, and the rest went to the Jiang family, so the business was assigned to the Jiang family.

Jiang Tianyou alone can't handle such a big business.

Qin Yuanqing has no objection either, he can get 30% of the profit without worrying about anything, of course he is satisfied.

He was not afraid of the Jiang family's repentance, as everyone knew about the fall of the Liu family. If the Jiang family doesn't want to repeat the same mistakes, they dare not break their promises.

So the Jiang family announced to the outside world that they had taken over the business of the Liu family, and established cooperative relationships with various chambers of commerce, and they would issue missions for the mercenary group to hunt and kill ferocious beasts.

And the tasks are all sent to Ye Shuangdao, and Ye Shuangdao arranges people to execute them. Both parties perform their duties.

The Jiang family also took this opportunity to put Jiang Tianyi and Qin Yuanfeng's marriage on the agenda and let them get married.

After Qin Fengzhao received the information from the Jiang family, he felt that there was no need for Qin Yuanqing to ask. Qin Yuanfeng must have been responsible for the destruction of the Liu family.

And he directly gave the business to the Jiang family. Thus. The strength of the Jiang family is also getting stronger and stronger.

Therefore, he has no reason to object to marrying the Jiang family.

"Yuanqing, go and call Yuanfeng to see me!" He called Qin Yuanqing directly, and asked him to call Qin Yuanfeng.

It is certain that Qin Yuanfeng did what happened to the Liu family, but there is still a big problem that has not been resolved, which is the relationship between Qin Yuanfeng and those puppets.

This is a big deal. He couldn't sleep until he figured it out.

Qin Yuanfeng also returned to the Qin family with the shadow of invisibility.

Since Qin Fengzhao has hidden guards, it is normal for him to bring them. What if Qin Fengzhao wants to abolish him.

Although the shadow strength is not good, the defensive power of the Xuanwu tortoise shell is invincible, and there is also black light. At critical moments, it can directly kill Qin Fengzhao or his dark guards.

Seeing Qin Fengzhao, Qin Yuanfeng didn't say hello, but stood there indifferently, waiting for him to speak.

He was like this before, and Qin Fengzhao was used to it, so he didn't force him.

Qin Fengzhao just asked directly: "You did what happened to the Liu family?"

"En!" Qin Yuanfeng agreed, and didn't want to go around in circles with him.

"How long have you been preparing?" Qin Fengzhao asked him again.

But Qin Yuanfeng didn't reply this time.

He just said: "In the future, if you have something to ask me, you can just ask me directly. You don't need to let the hidden guard go, it's not good if you get hurt!"

Qin Fengzhao didn't expect that Qin Yuanqing knew that it was his secret guard.

But he still asked, "Will you tell me if I ask you?"

But Qin Yuanfeng said: "I don't want you to know, it's useless if you send secret guards!"

After Qin Fengzhao stared at Qin Yuanfeng for a while, he suddenly laughed.

He felt that at least Qin Yuanfeng's relationship with him was one step closer.

He laughed and said, "Then you must leave me a sound transmission talisman, right? I can't always send someone to find you!"

Qin Yuanfeng didn't hesitate, and took out a sound transmission talisman and placed it in front of him.

Qin Fengzhao took it over and played with it in his hand, then asked Qin Yuanfeng: "Why did you do something to the Liu family?"

"No cultivation resources!" Qin Yuanfeng said bluntly.

Qin Fengzhao nodded, and then asked directly: "What's the matter with those puppets?"

"I don't know, my master arranged it for me!" Qin Yuanfeng also replied immediately.

"Do you think I will believe it?" Qin Fengzhao sneered.

But Qin Yuanfeng remained silent again. That means, anyway, I just say this, you can believe it or not.

"Do you know that getting involved with those puppets will implicate the family?" Qin Fengzhao asked again.

"I know!" Qin Yuanfeng agreed happily.

"Tell your master, let those puppets stop appearing again!" Qin Fengzhao said to Qin Yuanfeng.

"I said nothing!"

Qin Yuanfeng's answer was very concise.

Qin Fengzhao rubbed his forehead and had to take a step back: "At least you can no longer borrow those puppets and have nothing to do with them!"

"Yes!" Qin Yuanfeng confirmed.

Qin Fengzhao felt relieved when he heard his reply.

After the two were silent for a while, Qin Yuanfeng asked Qin Fengzhao: "Do you have anything else to do?"

Qin Fengzhao rolled his eyes at him before asking, "What is the strength of the dark guard next to you?"

"It's enough to kill you!" Qin Yuanfeng said simply.

"Is he here?"


"Then why don't you kill me?"

"It's not necessary!"

The two spoke briefly, then fell silent again.

In the end, it was Qin Fengzhao who said, "The Jiang family told me about your marriage with Jiang Tianyi!"

"Everything is kept simple!"

Qin Yuanfeng also knew that he couldn't hide from such things, otherwise he wouldn't be able to get the Jiang family as a backer.

But he still didn't want to make it too extravagant, just think about it.

Qin Fengzhao thought for a while, took out a storage ring, and handed it to Qin Yuanfeng.

"It contains your bride price and the cost of organizing the wedding. You can do whatever you like!"

Qin Yuanfeng took it over and took a look, there were quite a few. Taking it out as a betrothal gift will not lose the Qin family's face.

But he has already given the dowry, and he can use these cultivation resources by himself.

He silently collected the resources, and there was no movement again.

"Go back to practice. It's been so long since the trials, and your realm hasn't improved!"

Qin Fengzhao has said all he should say, and will not keep him anymore.