Chapter 4470

Name:Lord of All Gods Author:风云再起
The Wuxiu in the city and the tens of thousands of captives and slaves they accumulated were organized into several defensive teams by them. They were divided into three shifts and took turns to defend the city wall. If things went well, they could last at least three months.

Then Ye Liuyun arranged the spar cannons, crossbows and other equipment seized earlier on the city wall.

At the same time, the refiners are also helping to refine some puppets and bows and arrows in the late stage of Tongtian and early stage of Tongxuan to defend the city.

On the three sides outside the city, Qiongqi was also called out to help arrange a lot of killing formations, and in the three further directions, the painters also arranged connected teleportation formations.

Then they quietly waited for Qin Fengzhao and Cheng Dingfeng's army to besiege them.

Qin Fengzhao and Cheng Dingfeng were also surprised. They had no chance of besieging the wolf army, but they locked themselves in the city.

They also know that it is definitely not easy to fight in this backing mountain city, but it is better than looking for them everywhere.

Although they also judged that the wolf hunting army would definitely play some tricks, they still wanted to trap these people in the city.

As a result, all the armies and martial arts received the news and gathered in the backer city.

The three sides outside the city were soon filled with people.

Cheng Dingfeng's army is directly opposite, Qin Fengzhao's army is on the left, and the garrisons mobilized from various cities are on the right.

The armies from all walks of life were interspersed with strong martial arts, and the backing mountain city was completely surrounded.

Qin Fengzhao also came in person and sat down on the spot.

As soon as he discussed with Cheng Dingfeng, he asked 50,000 soldiers stationed in the city and some martial artists to attack the city tentatively.

As a result, as soon as these people charged close, they were all trapped and killed by Qiongqi's formation, with nearly 30% casualties, before the formation was blasted by the army behind.

"And then on!"

Qin Fengzhao was not reconciled, and another group of soldiers stationed in the city continued to attack the city.

The spar cannons and crossbows on the city wall fired together, and quickly drove the soldiers back.

Cheng Dingfeng shook his head and asked Qin Fengzhao to stop the siege first.

"The soldiers stationed in the city can defend the city, but letting them attack is simply killing people, and it has no effect.

Or change our main attack and let them cooperate! "

So next, the armies of Qin Fengzhao and Cheng Dingfeng began to prepare for the battle, ready to attack the city.

Following Cheng Dingfeng's order, the three armies began to attack the city together. With so many troops attacking the city together, the crossbows and spar cannons on the city walls were too busy.

But the captives on the city wall made a move at this time, sending out countless real yuan bombardments, forming a strong defense, and blasting back the soldiers who had leaked the crossbow and spar cannon.

At the same time, a martial sage and a team of late Tongxuan martial artists had already bypassed the mountain city and rushed towards the canyon behind the mountain city.

Although he knew there might be a trap, Cheng Dingfeng still had to try it, so as to find a way to break it.

Qin Fengzhao was slightly relieved when he saw the dense martial arts defense on the city wall.

Such a dense defensive attack can indeed make the city wall unbreakable. But he felt that those people in the city would not last long.

So he asked Wu Xiu to join the siege team and consume the defensive forces in the city together.

And the wolf hunting army in the city did not participate in the defense at all, but rested in place to recharge their batteries.

There are two teams of Wuxiu waiting for the rotation on the city wall, one team is also resting, and the other team is making preparations.

Once the martial arts who are defending the city run out of real energy, they can go up to it.

Cui Daoran was also chatting with Ye Liuyun.

Cui Daoran said: "They may think that we can't consume them, so they changed the tentative siege into a continuous attack!"

Ye Liuyun also nodded: "Let's fight slowly, they don't have many soldiers to consume. When they mobilize more soldiers in the city, we will use the teleportation array to sneak attack their city and grab resources."

"Why hasn't the canyon in the back moved?" Cui Daoran looked at the narrow passage guarded by Ye Shuangdao and asked.

But Ye Liuyun smiled and said: "They must be worried that we have set up an ambush outside, so they are carefully testing forward little by little!

Don't worry, sooner or later they will send people to attack from there, and they must be strong.

That terrain is one man's gate and ten thousand men can't open it. If it is not the strong, it will definitely not be broken by the number of people alone! Then you can expand the team again! "

"Well! The soldiers of Zhennan Palace are not murderous, but they are really good in other aspects! The five hundred soldiers you brought back last time will get started very quickly!"

Cui Daoran also said expectantly.

The two of them were chatting leisurely, and seeing that the defensive force on the city wall was almost exhausted, they asked the second team to go up and replace them.

The armies of Cheng Dingfeng and Qin Fengzhao outside the city had lost nearly ten thousand people each, but they still did not stop, trying to break through the city in one go.

They will also attack when they attack the city, and archers will assist them from a distance.

Therefore, Ye Liuyun and the others also lost 30% of the people they replaced.

The opponent's Martial Saint powerhouse has never made a move. For things like siege, ordinary soldiers can do it.

If Wu Sheng is killed by spar cannon or strong crossbow, then they will lose a lot.

"The third team!" Cui Daoran shouted, and replaced the second team.

Cheng Dingfeng and Qin Fengzhao outside the city felt that the defensive force on the city wall had strengthened again, and guessed that a new batch of defensive force had been replaced, so they couldn't help but frown.

After fighting for a day, the two armies suffered heavy casualties, yet they still had fresh troops available.

Cheng Dingfeng was a little bit reluctant!

He suggested to Qin Fengzhao: "Master Hou, our manpower is still not enough! They have been trapped here to death, and will not attack the city.

Let's call in all the nearby city garrisons to help us attack the city, shall we? "

"Okay! Qin Fengzhao will immediately transfer the garrisons from more than 20 surrounding cities of different sizes."

Their siege finally stopped.

The two main forces each lost nearly 20,000 yuan. And those garrisons were even worse, with more than 70,000 casualties.

At this moment, Ye Shuangdao also noticed that there was movement in the array arranged in the canyon.

Someone finally entered the canyon

Ye Liuyun rushed over immediately, and found that it was three sentry soldiers, who had been confused by the phantom formation, and were walking forward foolishly.

What they saw in their eyes was as if the canyon had no end. In fact, Ye Liuyun and the others could see their figures with the naked eye.

"Soldiers in the late stage of Tongxuan explored the way. Sure enough, they were all strong men. There must be a martial saint following behind!" Cui Daoran exclaimed excitedly. .

"Call some soldiers and send these scouts back." Ye Liuyun immediately ordered Cui Daoran.

So Cui Daoran immediately called a few soldiers to guard at the end of the canyon.

Ye Shuangdao temporarily dodged and let the soldiers take action. A few soldiers joined forces and killed the scout post who was walking in the front.

At the same time, Ye Liuyun closed the formation, allowing the three of them to regain consciousness.