Chapter 4683

Name:Lord of All Gods Author:风云再起
As soon as the battle began, the wild beasts rushed directly into the military camp. Although this team of elite soldiers also discovered the herd of beasts in advance, they could not stop their impact.

Ye Liuyun led the monster beasts and rushed in with the wild beasts to join Ye Tianqiu.

He also used all his time power and captured many soldiers who were preparing to stop the wild beast.

Ye Tianzhi also immediately called together all the people he controlled, took them into the cave world, and then went to join Ye Liuyun.

The wild beasts didn't care at all when faced with this level of attack. Most attacks can be blocked with the powerful body of the wild beast.

For them, this is a hunting ground, just like a tiger entering a flock of sheep.

Moreover, these state-level martial arts cultivators have a great effect on them. Although there are not many nutrients in their flesh and blood, they can help them improve their state.

The King of Zhennan is searching for traces of Ye Liuyun and the Blood King, and has just tracked down the Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber of Commerce also broke the news of the disappearance of the powerful Wu Zun.

This made him immediately feel like he was being calculated.

But before the matter here was settled, he received news of an accident in the elite military camp.

"A huge wild beast?"

Xu Muge immediately realized that he was attacked by enemy troops.

"Who leaked this news?" He also began to think.

At this time, Geng Haoyun and Qiu Yuerong also gathered at the palace to discuss countermeasures, and even Xu Tianfeng came.

In the end, all the fingers pointed at Ye Liuyun and Ye Tianqi.

It's just that Ye Tianqi used a pseudonym and disappeared inexplicably in the military camp.

"They are probably all spies sent by the enemy!"

In the end, they could only come to this conclusion.

As for the rescue team of elite soldiers, it was already too late.

It will take several days to send people over from here. However, the King of Zhennan still mobilized the garrison near the military camp to rush over for reinforcements, and he could save whatever he could.

At the same time, he also began to mobilize the defenders of surrounding planets to block the starry sky, hoping to seal their retreat.

"They have teleportation treasures, and the starry sky blockade is probably useless!" Qiu Yuerong took the initiative to remind King Zhennan.

When Ye Liuyun teleported away, many powerful people felt the strong spatial fluctuations, and she probably couldn't hide it.

"We can only give it a try, otherwise there is no other way!"

King Zhennan was also a little frustrated. I had finally prepared for so long and managed to get an elite army, only to be killed again.

It is not an easy task to summon the martial arts practitioners in the middle stage of the Hundred Thousand Martial Saints. If you ask him to do it again, he will not be able to do it.

What he was thinking about now was no longer how to rescue those elite soldiers or capture Ye Liuyun, but how to face the war in the future.

Now, all the powerful Martial Masters in their hands have been killed by the opponent. It would be okay if he was killed. But if it is captured by the other party, then the other party's strength will be stronger.

"Where did they get so many powerful beasts?"

This was also where King Zhennan was puzzled. There are no such powerful ferocious beasts in the God Realm.

Moreover, those ferocious beasts are all physically very strong, but their realm is not high.

They must have a base dedicated to cultivating such ferocious beasts.

"Damn these guys! I was careless from the beginning and did not go all out to attack them. As a result, the situation is now out of control!"

He was thinking in his mind. As for asking the God King for help, he had never thought of such an idea at all.

That only proves his incompetence. Maybe the God King is now eager for him to ask for help and then replace him. ???.BiQuPai.

The current plan is to mobilize the energy of the princes from all over the country to take action together, give heavy rewards, and then secretly recruit strong martial artists to increase their strength.

After all, the final result of the battle is still determined by the strength of a few strong martial artists.

So now he feels more and more that those powerful Martial Masters were captured by Ye Liuyun and kept for his own use!

He slapped the table hatefully, startling several people present.

"You should go back first. There is no use gathering here now. Everyone has run away! Try to recruit strong people when you go back!"

Facing these people in front of him, he couldn't say anything. After all, they were all his help. Even the Chamber of Commerce is a force that he can use, so he can only let them go back first.

The news spread quickly. When the people in the royal city learned that they had been tricked by Ye Liuyun, some people cursed, while others praised Ye Liuyun's ability.

"I've long seen that this guy is holding back his bad intentions! Fortunately, our family didn't try to win over him, otherwise it might have caused a lot of disaster!"

"You must have that strength if you want to win over him! This man is really capable, and he comes here just to plot against those big families.

Not only is he strong, he is also bold and careful. There is no such person in the royal city. Those children from aristocratic families are far behind him! "

Some people began to worry about King Zhennan.

"Now that the entire army of the powerful Martial Masters on King Zhennan's side has been wiped out, and the elite troops secretly formed have also been taken away, I'm afraid the frontline battle will be tight!"

For a time, the entire royal city was in an uproar over this incident.

There has been no movement from the King of Zhennan. He is just silently contacting the princes from various places. At the same time, he has sent many martial arts cultivators to continue to recruit strong martial arts masters.

All his recent arrangements were ruined by Ye Liuyun. Although he felt resentful, he could only continue to recruit troops step by step.

It's not like he didn't want to send spies to Black Feather King's City to gather information. But every time the people sent there were either caught or killed, and no useful information could be obtained at all.

Some people were even killed because of fights with martial arts cultivators on the way before they even arrived at the Black Feather King's City.

At this moment, Ye Liuyun was having a great time killing with Ye Tianqi, monsters and wild beasts.

One hundred thousand elite soldiers have been trapped to death by the wild beasts. No matter whether they fight to the death or surrender, the wild beasts will not let them go.

Only those who surrender like Ye Liuyun and quickly sign a contract of allegiance to the soul can avoid death.

Therefore, even though Ye Liuyun and Ye Tianye tried their best to capture as many people as possible, they only managed to capture six to seven thousand people in the end. Most of the elite soldiers were killed by the wild beasts.

This is not the end. After they killed the elite soldiers here, they also went to kill several reinforcements.

However, Ye Liuyun did not participate in the subsequent battle, but led the prisoners to clean up the battlefield.

Many soldiers have brand new high-end equipment in their hands. These are also the resources they captured. They cannot be wasted. They will be useful if they are saved.

Thousands of prisoners cleaned up the battlefield very quickly. The corpses were all visited together, and the armor and weapons were put together. The soldiers' new equipment was also collected uniformly.

The wild beasts also began to fight and eat at the same time in the subsequent battle. They don't care about these elite soldiers. It's easier for them to deal with the ordinary garrison.

They were almost killed in one encounter.

Ye Liuyun also let them deal with the corpses themselves.

Two days later, Ye Liuyun recalled all the wild beasts, and then returned directly to the Black Feather King City through the teleportation black tower.