Chapter 4755

Name:Lord of All Gods Author:风云再起
Li Qianyi also felt that what Ye Liuyun said made sense. However, he has a heavy responsibility and must not make a mistake, otherwise he will not be able to deliver the work when he returns.

"It's not difficult to prove your identity. You can tell by going to your military camp." Xinbiquge

He still had to confirm it with his own eyes before he could believe Ye Liuyun's words.

The next moment, Ye Tianqi directly released the Wu Zun Legion.

Those warriors all wore armor and lined up neatly, and the aura they erupted was directed at Li Qianyi and the others.

The powerful pressure caused the God King's Order above Li Qianyi and others to glow with golden light, protecting them.

"Okay, I believe you!"

Li Qianyi was completely convinced now. Someone who can produce so many martial masters at once is as strong as a big force in the central area.

"It's no wonder that the Lang family can't defeat them. It seems that these people are really quite capable!" He thought to himself.

But Ye Liuyun just waved his hand, asking the martial masters to put down their pressure, but did not put them away.

Even if those warriors restrain their aura and do nothing, they can still bring psychological pressure to the opponent at that station.

At this moment, Li Qianyi suddenly felt that the God King's Order was shining again, protecting him.

At this time, Xiao Wu also sent a message to Ye Liuyun: "The curse of bad luck failed and was blocked by the golden light of the token."

"This God King's Token is really magical. It can even protect the special envoy. I really want to study how it is made!"

Ye Liuyun thought in his heart that he could only let Xiao Wu stop temporarily.

Li Qianyi couldn't help but smile when he saw that God King Ling had returned to normal. He knew that someone on the other side couldn't help but test him, so he didn't care.

So far, no one has been able to break the protection of the God King's Order, so he didn't take it to heart at all.

He just reminded Ye Liuyun: "You'd better take care of your men and don't mess around! Otherwise, next time the God King orders a direct counterattack, don't blame me!"

Ye Liuyun was noncommittal and just said to Li Qianyi: "Since you already believe in my identity, just tell me what order the God King asked you to convey."

Li Qianyi no longer dwelled on the attack just now, and directly announced: "As long as you swear allegiance to the God King, the God King Palace will recognize your identity as the God King of the South, and will even issue you a God King token to protect your identity as the God King. .”

Hearing this, Ye Liuyun suddenly thought: "Why doesn't King Zhennan have the God King's token to protect him?"

Thinking of this, he asked directly.

"King Zhennan failed in his work, and the God King canceled the protection of the God King's token!" Li Qianyi replied.

Ye Liuyun guessed that the God King Order was canceled because King Zhennan failed to find the lower realm and could not find the God-killing Bow.

"So it seems that this God-King Order can still be canceled at any time? But I swear allegiance, but it cannot be changed?"

Ye Liuyun asked immediately.

"As long as you serve the God King wholeheartedly, the God King's order will certainly not be cancelled."

Li Qianyi avoided the important and took the easy, but he went on to say: "A God King who does not have the God King's order is not recognized by the God King's Palace and is always a rebel.

The God King's Token not only allows you to obtain the luck of the southern dynasty and enhance your strength, it can also improve your first level.

In case of danger, it will automatically protect you. The benefits are far beyond what you can imagine. "

Ye Liuyun had already roughly understood the function of the God King's Order from Lang Yucheng. But now it seems that the God King's Order does have more effects.

Maybe it's because Lang Yucheng's God King Order is not at a high enough level.

But it was simply impossible for him to swear allegiance to the God King. Even if the entire God Realm was given to him now, he would not be able to swear allegiance to others.

But how to defeat the person in front of him who holds the God King's Order? He has to start from the function of the God King's Order.

So he continued to ask about the function of the God King's Order.

"Promoting to the first level? Then if it is the ninth level of Martial Lord, can't it be directly promoted to the divine level?"

Seeing that he was interested, Li Qianyi patiently explained to him.

"Beyond the Martial Lord, there is the quasi-god realm. There are three levels of the quasi-god realm, which are the transition to the god realm. There is still some distance from the god realm.

But with the blessing of the God King's Order, the first level of the quasi-god realm is enough to crush all martial masters. "

"It turns out we haven't reached the divine realm directly!"

Ye Liuyun learned about the situation of the next realm from Li Qianyi's mouth.

He decided at that time that if there was a chance, he would capture Li Qianyi alive.

They have practiced until now, and no one can guide them. Having a martial arts cultivator like Li Qianyi who knows the situation is also useful for their practice.

"Then can I transfer the God King's Order to other people for use, like it!"

Ye Liuyun pointed at Lei Bao.

"No! The King of Gods has a sense of autonomy and will not protect other people, but only yourself!"

Li Qianyi also replied immediately.

"Then can I use the God King's Order to protect the people around me during battle?" Ye Liuyun continued to ask.

"That's okay, but if it's divided in strength, it's weak. The energy stored in the God King's Order is also limited, and it takes time to restore strength.

You have protected too many people, and the power given to each person is not strong, and it consumes a lot of money. It will take more time for the God King Token to recover. "

Li Qianyi was not suspicious. He didn't expect him to ask so many questions. He was preparing to attack him, so he answered all questions.

Ye Liuyun continued to ask: "Then after I swear allegiance to the God King, am I no longer afraid of being controlled by other people's souls?"

Li Qianyi also explained to him: "Generally speaking, with the protection of the God King's Order, it is difficult for anyone to control you.

But once the energy consumption of the God King Token is too large, you may still be attacked by the spirit. "

"In that case, the God King's Order is not omnipotent!" Ye Liuyun said, pretending to be worried.

"The energy in the God King's Token can withstand at least ten attacks from a quasi-god realm expert! And the energy in it can also be automatically restored.

Apart from the Palace of Gods, who else has such a powerful force that can attack you? "

Li Qianyi couldn't help but feel anxious when he saw Ye Liuyun doubting the protective power of the God King's Order.

At this time, Ye Liuyun was already asking Lei Bao and Coyote: "How many times can you launch your strongest attack in a row?"

"Three times!" Thunder Leopard and Coyote both replied one after another.

"That's six times. The remaining four times depend on other Martial Lords! The monsters are responsible for paying attention to other people's movements."

Ye Liuyun immediately made arrangements. Ye Tianzhi is already helping to select the ninth level warriors to take action.

Ye Liuyun also pretended to continue asking Li Qianyi: "If the God King's order expires, can the allegiance I swore be changed?"

Li Qianyi immediately said: "That's not possible. Unless you are controlled by others, you cannot break your oath!

The benefits of the God King’s Order are not for nothing! Moreover, the Divine King’s Palace directly recognizes your identity as the Southern Divine King. Isn’t this enough? "

Ye Liuyun did not answer his question, but continued to ask: "What is the relationship between the Divine King Palace and the Divine King? The Divine King is not in the Divine King Palace, right?"