Chapter 4814

Name:Lord of All Gods Author:风云再起
Ye Liuyun also began to kill the opponent's soldiers with all his strength.

He asked Ye Tianzhi and Ye Shuangdao to take action together. One uses fire to burn directly, and the other uses empty flames to collect corpses.

Ye Tianye's void flame burned a large area. After the burning, he collected the body and went back to recover.

Ye Tianzhi's flame lasted longer than Ye Tianzhi, but after he burned the body, it was gone.

Suzaku also came out to burn the soldiers with soul fire, and then collected the corpses.

Ye Jinyuan and Chi Lian were walking around in the army, absorbing the true energy and blood power everywhere.

Fire Qilin and other wild beasts also released some attribute power while collecting corpses, killing soldiers in droves.

Ye Liuyun also released a hundred demon and beast girl puppets, letting them absorb the ghosts while pretending to assist in defense.

They all held crossbows and shot out some approaching soldiers, but in fact they didn't have much effect.

The leader of the other side thought that their ferocious beast might not be able to hold on any longer, so they used puppets to defend themselves.

Therefore, the hope in their hearts was even greater, allowing the soldiers to continue the siege.

Half a day later, the wild beasts on Ye Liuyun's side took turns again.

But what disappointed the commander was that the wild beasts that came out were all full of energy and showed no signs of fatigue at all.

"What happened? Just hold on for a while and see if it doesn't work anymore!" He hadn't given up yet.

But half a day later, the newly rotated desolate beasts were still as lively and lively as ever, each one more energetic than the other.

Those desolate beasts were killing their soldiers, each one more active than the other, and there was no sign of fatigue at all.

At this time, Lei Ming, Nine-Headed Demonic Dragon and Demonic Lion also finished their training.

Lei Ming's realm was raised to the third level of quasi-god, and he used all the resources he obtained.

The same goes for the Nine-Headed Demonic Dragon and Demonic Lion. No resources were left at all, and their realms were upgraded to the second level of quasi-god.

You three rest for now. It has not come out before, just wait for the final battle.

Ye Liuyun wanted them to make a surprise attack.

At the same time, the monster beasts around him, except for the magic vines, were no longer fighting, and they were all preparing for the final battle.

As for the desolate beasts, whichever batch it is their turn to fight.

Ye Liuyun estimated that the other party could not hold on much longer.

His beast will not be exhausted. If you can't see it by now, you're stupid.

The commander of the other party was completely desperate at this moment. He could only ask the Divine Palace for instructions again, but he was scolded again.

"Didn't you say that you can break the formation in two days? Now you are saying that the wild beast is not tired? What do you do for food!"

However, scolding was enough, and the Divine Palace had no choice but to settle the score and let him lead his troops to retreat.

We can't throw all these 10 million soldiers here.

In two days of fighting, nearly two million of those soldiers had been killed by the wild beasts.

If it weren't for the intensive attack of this siege formation, even the wild beasts wouldn't be able to kill so many people.

Ye Liuyun discovered it as soon as the other party was about to withdraw its troops.

Except for the army that besieged them, the rest of the army began to retreat and assemble.

"Haha, they can't hold on anymore and are about to withdraw! It just so happens that Xiaofeng and the others have arrived. Attack them again and buy Xiaofeng and the others some time!"

Ye Liuyun also immediately released all the wild beasts and monster beasts.

This time they attacked the troops who were gathering, with the purpose of preventing them from withdrawing smoothly.

The forbidden air formation they had set up before was blown away by a few beast kings with a casual blow.

Ye Liuyun, Ye Tianqi, Xuanwu, and Shadow are all responsible for killing the leader. Other monsters and wild beasts are responsible for causing trouble.

The commander of the opposing army hated them so much that he gritted his teeth, but there was nothing he could do.

They couldn't stop these wild beasts, they couldn't kill them, they could only watch the soldiers being killed.

Among their tens of millions of troops, there is not even a single strong person in the quasi-god realm.

But facing these desolate beasts, one or two quasi-god realm experts may be useless.

After two days of fighting and at the cost of two million troops, they were able to kill eight weaker wild beasts in total.

After being killed to such an extent by a group of beasts, he would not be able to explain it when he went back.

It is estimated that the Divine Palace will also blame him. He can only endure it, otherwise the family will also suffer misfortune.

He let out a long sigh and let each army find its own way to wait for the warships to evacuate.

The wild beasts were about to evacuate them and began their final spree, chasing the soldiers everywhere and scattering their ranks.

Some commanders released warships in the army, and no matter which team of soldiers they were from, they immediately withdrew after pretending to be done.

Titan apes, white apes and other extremely large wild beasts dare to smash even battleships.

Some warships are not strong enough in defense and will be smashed by them and fall down directly.

At this moment, Yu Xiaofeng's army arrived.