Chapter 4826

Name:Lord of All Gods Author:风云再起
Since the martial arts and garrison troops mobilized by the Divine Palace arrived, the defensive pressure faced by Yu Xiaofeng and Qin Peng has also increased.

The military camp was under constant attack from all sides throughout the day, and the methods of attack were also diverse.

Attacked by fire, buried in earth, flooded, cut in space, poisoned...

The soldiers in the military camp are nervous every day. Some standing defense beasts are also on standby.

After more beasts arrived, Yu Xiaofeng also began to command the wild beasts to attack proactively and intercept them in advance.

Once a martial artist approaches, a corresponding number of beasts will rush out and kill them before they launch an attack.

Each team of wild beasts will be led by a beast king to prevent them from being killed.

The wild beasts will try their best to snatch back the corpses of the wild beasts, and they will never take them back to the martial arts cultivators.

Lest they discover the efficacy of the desolate beast's flesh and blood, leading them to specifically take action against the desolate beast.

After a period of training, their soldiers have adapted to this kind of sneak attack.

I won’t panic anymore when I encounter a sneak attack and can deal with it calmly.

Soldiers who take a break from rotation can also calm down and practice.

Even if fighting breaks out, they can trust other soldiers to block the attack.

The defense of the military camp has always been impregnable and has never been breached.

The martial arts cultivators and garrison troops on the opposite side also found that this method was not very effective, so they began to organize large-scale attacks.

Five million garrison troops and hundreds of thousands of martial cultivators suddenly rushed towards their military camp.

Yu Xiaofeng first released half of the beasts, and then let the death army go up and suppress them with fire chariots.

The Wolfhound Legion formed an encirclement on both wings and also used fire chariots to advance forward.

When the martial arts cultivators on the opposite side saw only a few hundred thousand soldiers coming out, they ignored the wild beasts and allowed them to attack.

They rushed towards the Death Legion and Wolf Hunter Legion with all their strength.

Regardless of the battle, they realized how powerful the fire chariots and spells were.

Those powerful warriors were all bombarded one by one, unable to get through at all.

On the contrary, those martial arts cultivators were killed faster. Not to mention those ordinary soldiers.

Just having a large number is useless. They will either be blasted to pieces by fire chariots or become the prey of desolate beasts.

Half of the wild beasts sent by Yu Xiaofeng, the number of beast kings alone was over a hundred, and it was even easier to kill these martial arts cultivators and ordinary soldiers.

When they realized that they couldn't defeat each other and had no hope of attacking, and wanted to escape, the Wolfhounds also surrounded them.

Attacked from three sides, with powerful wild beasts in the middle, the five million army that originally came with great momentum could only flee for their lives in a hurry.

They finally saw the power of these wild beasts.

Many people had only heard about it before, but they didn't realize how insignificant they were until they faced the wild beast.

Martial cultivators have also become the targets of ferocious beasts. Killing one of them is better than killing several soldiers.

These ordinary soldiers, the Death Legion and the Wolf Hunter Legion were not interested in chasing down such a weak garrison.

After the blast was almost done, he stood aside and watched the desolate beast finishing.

The desolate beasts have also gained experience, and the corpses they killed before were collected. After the battle, they started to pick up pieces of meat everywhere to eat.

The broken corpses killed by the fire chariots are all over the starry sky. They can be full just by eating these, and they can also pick up a lot of Yuandan to eat.

Some wild beasts will even take away the broken corpses that they can't finish eating.

The elite army didn't care about them, and retreated to rest as soon as the battle was over.

After the beasts finished cleaning the battlefield, they went back and started refining energy.

After those defeated troops fled back, they told the horrors of the ferocious beasts and fire chariots.

At first, many people did not believe it and continued to attack aggressively.

But after a few times, more and more people saw the terror of wild beasts, and fewer and fewer people dared to fight.

Yu Xiaofeng trained several teams to control fire chariots when they attacked.

In the future, there is no need for the Death Legion and Wolf Hunter Legion to fight, these ordinary soldiers can surround and kill the enemy with fire chariots.

So their tactics also frightened the other side.

Hundreds of thousands of people can besiege their army of five million, making this battle impossible to fight.

They also tried to use shields to ward off attacks. There are so many fire chariots, and it is difficult to stop them even with that shield.

Even if the shield soldiers can rush forward, they will still be overwhelmed by the spell.

And now the soldiers in Yu Xiaofeng's army have been replaced, and there are many martial heroes.

Once these warriors take action, ordinary soldiers cannot stop them.

Even if a strong martial artist is lucky enough to rush over, the soldier can easily kill him if he calls over a beast king.

In the ancient world, Qiongqi's realm has been promoted to the seventh level of martial arts.

He finally couldn't continue practicing anymore and wanted to go out for some activities.

Ye Liuyun put him in the army, then found his apprentice Huo Lei and sent him to Huoshan to practice with Ning Xiaoyu.

After Qiongqi came out, he followed the army of wild beasts to fight. He could also draw formations from a distance to assist in attacking, causing greater casualties to the opponent.

And his fire power can often destroy enemy troops in large numbers.

Several times after that, the opponent sent several armies to attack at the same time, and they attacked continuously, but they were all blocked.

Yu Xiaofeng's Wu Zun Army also brought the Death Army and the Wolf Hunter Army into a close battle with them.

Six hundred thousand people chased the opposing team of 500 people for a whole day, and they killed most of them.

Their fighting power was finally seen by the martial arts cultivators and soldiers on the opposite side.

"The combat effectiveness of their soldiers is too terrifying!"

"It felt like fighting death!"

The deserters also spread the news after they returned.

"You can't defeat the ferocious beast, you can't break the chariot, you can't defeat it with a direct attack, there's no chance of winning here!"

They didn't know that the number of elite soldiers like the Death Legion was limited, and they thought that the soldiers on the opposite side were all of this level.

For a time, fear of war spread everywhere.

Yu Xiaofeng folded and slapped, and suddenly no one came to attack them.

At first they thought that the other party was planning a bigger attack, and they were still preparing for it.

But a few days later they discovered that no one really came to attack them. .

They were not in a hurry, but let the wild beasts digest the resources obtained in these days.

Many of the desolate beasts soon broke through to the strength of the Beast King, and even quasi-divine second-level desolate beasts began to appear.

"If we continue fighting like this, these wild beasts will become gods!"

Qin Peng even joked with Yu Xiaofeng.

"Isn't that right? This battle has made them all happy!"

Yu Xiaofeng also sighed and put away all the desolate beasts that had broken through to the second level of Quasi-God.

This is to prevent them from breaking through too quickly and also to give other wild beasts a chance.

Among the more than a hundred white tigers participating in the battle, two of them have already reached the quasi-god first level.

And soon more white tigers will break through to this realm.

Ye Liuyun also came out immediately, taking back the stronger white tigers and replacing them with weaker ones to allow the group of white tigers to develop in a balanced manner.