Chapter 4929

Name:Lord of All Gods Author:风云再起
Ye Liuyun's demon-slaying knife was knocked away and he ran back again.

Seeing that the remaining giant turtle couldn't be beaten, it wanted to run back into the water, but was stopped by Lei Ming, who smashed its body with another hammer.

"Your hammering skills are unparalleled! It's so effective!"

Ye Liuyun was full of admiration for this move.

He also saw some clues. The trembling power of this hammer is far more powerful than a direct hammer from thunder.

That force did not dissipate within the giant turtle sky, but vibrated back and forth.

This hammering method is perfect for hitting guys with hard shells.

Once the hammer is struck, it will vibrate dozens of times in an instant. Even a strong person in the middle stage of the divine realm may not be able to withstand it.

This is because Lei Ming is not familiar with it. If he practices it a few times and shakes it a hundred and eighty times, it will be in vain for a strong person in the middle stage of the divine realm.

Ye Liuyun told Lei Ming to practice this hammering technique, which will be of great use in the future.

When Lei Ming heard Ye Liuyun praise her, she became even more proud, and she immediately agreed.

"Withdraw the Heavenly Sword, and the three of us continue to look back and forth!"

Ye Liuyun did not let Ye Tiandao follow him any further.

There are already desolate beasts at the second level of the divine realm. Perhaps the front is more dangerous.

If the opponent makes a sneak attack or a group attack, he is afraid that he will not be able to protect Ye Tiandao.

They had all cleared away the wild beasts on the way here, and there was no danger for Ye Tiandao to go back.

You can also notify the people waiting outside to prevent them from being anxious.

After that, the three of them continued to move forward along one side of the river. Did Ye Liuyun use the power of space to catch a few big fish in the Martial Master realm?

In a flash, more than thirty were caught and all were taken into the cave world.

"It's been a long time since I had grilled fish!" Lei Ming was a little greedy.

"Go out and bake! Pay attention to sneak attacks, we are about to reach the territory of the next wild beast!"

Ye Liuyun asked her not to be distracted.

In this way, they walked underground along the river for nearly a day, and then killed several wild beasts.

The last few are all at the second level of the divine realm. But it seems like this underground river has no end,

Fortunately, all three of them have golden eyes, so their vision is not affected. Ye Liuyun's golden eyes could even see them twice as far apart.

Ye Liuyun and Ye Tianqi could only rely on weapons to win, but the thundering Mjolnir was invincible.

"Be careful, I feel the breath of wild beasts at the third level of the divine realm!"

Ye Liuyun also reminded others at this time.

"Yeah!" Lei Ming nodded and became serious.

She can't manifest her true body here. The space in the underground river is still too small for her Thunderdragon body.

Therefore, she can exert at most 80% to 90% of her strength, mainly relying on Mjolnir.

At this moment, a pufferfish suddenly jumped out of the water and sprayed several water arrows at them.

Ye Tianzhao immediately shot back an arrow, while Ye Liuyun grabbed thousands of them and took out the giant turtle shell he had just collected to block it in front.

With a few muffled "bang bang bang" sounds, the turtle shell was pushed back. Ye Liuyun's hand holding the turtle shell was numb from the shock.

"What a force!"

But the next moment, Ye Tianqi collected the pufferfish.

The pufferfish was shot with a big hole by the God-killing bow and was already dead.

Ye Liuyun dug out the Yuan Dan from the pufferfish and kept it back to slowly absorb it.

It is said that puffer fish are poisonous in their bodies, and they are not afraid even if they have the Heart Sutra of ten thousand poisons. As for puffer fish meat, forget it, they don't lack this kind of meat.

So he threw it to the other side of the river, and the three of them continued on.

Later, I encountered a lizard and two otters, both of whom were at the third level of the divine realm.

Before the lizard could launch an attack, Lei Ming smashed it to death with Mjolnir.

Both water towers were shot directly underwater by Ye Tianqi with the God-killing Bow.

Otherwise, if they attack in advance, they will be in danger.

"What's in front of you?" Lei Ming became curious.

"We're almost there, there's light ahead!"

Ye Liuyun's golden eyes could already see the light ahead, and the underground waterway was gradually becoming wider.

"Be careful, there should be another wild beast's territory ahead!"

Ye Tianhao holds the God-killing Bow in his hand, ready to take action at any time.

"Let the weapon refiner make you a bow later?"

Ye Liuyun saw that he was quite suitable for using a bow and arrow, so he suggested. It just so happened that they had two dragon tendons, the Green Dragon and the Demonic Dragon.

"That's not as useful as the God-killing Bow. Let's improve Ye Shuangdao's Great Wilderness Bow. I'll wait!"

Ye Tianqi felt that the items made by the weapon refiner were not of high quality and not powerful enough.

"Well, Sun Que has improved again and again, and coupled with Dong Dachui's craftsmanship, there should be no mistake!"

They communicate with each other and have a border.

"Stop!" Ye Liuyun suddenly shouted to stop Lei Ming.

Ye Tianqiu, on the other hand, shot an arrow in the air towards the water.


A dragon roar came from under the water.

However, the guy under the water still didn't escape Ye Tianqi's arrow, and his head was shot through.

The power of the God-killing Bow was reduced a bit after entering the water, but it could still kill the wild beasts at the third level of the God Realm with one arrow.

Ye Liuyun used the power of space to fish out the desolate beast and found that it was a white dragon at the third level of the divine realm!

"Another dragon tendon!"

Ye Liuyun casually threw the white dragon into the cave world.

However, they still did not relax their vigilance in case there was more than one dragon here.

Sure enough, the water ahead widened, and another white dragon appeared from it, sticking its head out from a distance and staring at them.

"You are responsible for shooting on the water, and leave the underwater shooting to me and Lei Ming!"

Ye Liuyun assigned Ye Tianqi some work, and Ye Tianqi immediately walked to the front, replaced Lei Ming, and confronted the white dragon.

At this time, the light from outside also shines into the underground river, and there is a spacious water area in front of it.

There are dense forests on both sides of the land, and the roar of beasts can be heard in the distance. It is actually a paradise.

They were not in the mood to appreciate the scenery outside carefully, they were all paying attention to the movements around them.

The white dragon finally moved, flew out of the water, and hovered in the sky, but was very careful not to attack immediately.

After they walked a little further, it roared, set off a wave of water, and sent it towards Ye Liuyun and the others.

Ye Tianqi's golden eyes also discovered that there was a third-level divine realm white dragon in the water wave, and then the water wave rushed towards him. .

At the same time, the white dragon followed behind, obviously planning a second attack.

If it weren't for Golden Eyes, they would have suffered a big loss this time.

Ye Tianzhi started shooting continuously, and fearing that the shot would miss, he shot two arrows from a white dragon.

"Thunder!" Ye Liuyun also found a white dragon coming from the river through the surging water.

But this one is only at the second level of the divine realm, and Lei Ming can deal with it.

Lei Ming saw the white dragon a little later than Ye Liuyun, but he still had time to deal with it.

When it saw the white dragon rushing towards it, it hit it head on with a hammer.

After several roars of "Boom, Boom", the three white dragons died one after another.

The heads of the two white dragons shot by Ye Tianzhao were only half left.

The one Lei Ming dealt with was even worse, being directly smashed to pieces.

Ye Liuyun quickly collected the dead dragon in the water. Ye Tianqiu also put away the bodies of the two white dragons and prepared for them.

After the thunder killed the white dragon, he immediately stepped back to avoid affecting Ye Liuyun's sight.