Chapter 5062

Name:Lord of All Gods Author:风云再起
Just when everyone was mourning Mo Tianji, the ground scorched by the fire suddenly moved.

Then a bag of earth was raised, and a man crawled out of it.

When everyone saw it, it was Mo Tianji whose hair was a little burnt.

And he was wearing colorful silk clothes.

Ye Liuyun and others opened their mouths in shock at first.

"Why are you just standing there? You didn't even say welcome to me!" Mo Tianji also spoke.

Only then did everyone laugh.

"You are acting so much! I almost left you alone and went to help you get revenge!" Ye Liuyun also said.

"I calculated that you wouldn't do that!" Mo Tianji also said confidently.

"Almost, almost!" Ye Liuyun was also glad that he listened to Mo Tianji's words.

Otherwise, even if Mo Tianji was not burned to death, he would be roasted to a crisp.

He knew the power of that flame. The depth to which Mo Tianji buried himself cannot be completely avoided.

"You didn't tell me in advance, it would be too dangerous!" Ye Tianzhi also said.

Mo Tianji also explained: "I told you in advance that your acting will not be the same and it will be easy for flaws to appear.

Their remaining commander has reported that I have been burned to death! The God King will never look for me again! "

Mo Tianji looked proud and looked at his clothes with satisfaction.

"It's all thanks to your colorful silk clothes, otherwise I wouldn't be able to hold on!"

But he still took a coat and put it on again.

"How did you get underground?" Lei Ming became curious.

"This is a little trick of the witch tribe, the substitution technique. Just arrange a burnt corpse in advance!

It's just that I'm afraid of being seen by them, so I don't dare to move myself too far away! "

Mo Tianji also explained.

Ye Liuyun finally understood Mo Tianji's plan. ..

"It's good that you're not dead. What happens next? What are you going to do?" Ye Liuyun asked Mo Tianji again.

Mo Tianji filled up the soil underground and asked Ye Liuyun to burn it again.

Then let Ye Liuyun send him to the newly built royal city.

Ye Liuyun also took everyone into the cave world, and then used the teleportation black tower to return directly to the royal city.

Yu Changyun was not dead, but suffered some injuries, which were not serious.

"Leave me Yu Changyun and eight more magic weapons, and take the rest with you!

I will stay in the Divine King Palace from now on. As long as you and Yu Xiaofeng and the others are not here, it will be safe here!

When my apprentice comes to the God Realm, I will find another place with her! "

Mo Tianji also made arrangements.

"All right!"

Ye Liuyun also knew that they were currently in Shuanglin City and would not come back for the time being, so he left Mo Tianji here.

He handed Yu Changyun and the eight magic weapons to Mo Tianji, and used the teleportation black tower to return to Shuanglin City.

This time he not only brought back some martial arts cultivators to Yu Xiaofeng, but also brought back five entire teams of masters from the God Camp.

Now there are seven teams of strong men in their Tianshen Camp, and Shuanglin City is safer.

Ye Liuyun only told Yu Xiaofeng about Mo Tianji's stay in the royal city, but not too many people.

He also went back to continue practicing and absorb the Tao he had just obtained.

He gained a lot this time. He absorbed another source of fire from the immortal fire. Now the fire power can fight against the god general.

His eternal principles have completely reached the level of intermediate godhead, and even go a little beyond.

The Buddhist and Demonic Principles have also been integrated into the primary godhead, and there will be a complete Tao for absorption later.

The Dao of Destruction also has an additional godhead that he can slowly absorb.

After that, Ye Liuyun took two clones to the underworld to practice sword intention and improve their skills by sparring with the sword slaves.

Ye Liuyun's sword intention is getting stronger and stronger. Now with one strike of the sword, the sword intention can be condensed into the image of a ghost king.

Among them, the breath of death and the artistic conception of kingship are stronger. But the sword slave can still deal with it easily.

He felt that the sword slave's sword intention seemed to be improving.

He tried to get the Sword Slave to sit on the futon and practice, but it took Sword Slave three times longer to comprehend.

Moreover, his sword intention became stronger after that, and the gap between him and Ye Liuyun widened.

"Sure enough, this sword slave's soul is of great use. He can continue to improve, and his talent is extremely strong!"

Ye Liuyun also confirmed his thoughts.

So from now on, I often asked the sword slave to practice with them using the futon.

Less than a month after Ye Liuyun returned to practice, he received another request for help from Golden Fox.

"Master, several beast kings around us launched an attack on us!"

"Are there any dragons participating in the war?" Ye Liuyun asked casually.

"That's not true, but these beast kings acted together, and the dragon clan should be behind it!" Jin Hu analyzed.

Ye Liuyun thought for a while and felt that it was time to occupy a place in the orc clan.

Now that the demons and humans have their own territories, the orcs are the weakest.

While the God King didn't send any more troops to attack them, he could just go and attack the orcs.

When you come back, you can go to the civet to collect some medicinal materials.

Ye Liuyun thought of this and went to bring the hundred demon girls and beast girl puppets with him.

There are many ferocious beasts, so they can help suppress them with bows and arrows.

Liu Yuchan didn't expect that Ye Liuyun was so busy and had to go out to fight as soon as he came back.

"He shouldn't have time to practice. How come he has achieved a breakthrough?" She became even more curious about Ye Liuyun.

She asked Qian Yurong, but Qian Yurong also shook his head. She didn't know how Ye Liuyun could break through so fast.

"He just came to the God Realm, and he must be at the first level of the God Realm. It has only been a few years. I can only say that his talent is amazing!"

Liu Yuchan thought for a while, and it seemed that Qian Yurong's realm was improving quickly, and he was almost reaching the sixth level of the divine realm.

And Yu Xiaofeng and other commanders are now at the third or fourth level of the divine realm.

It is estimated that they are also forced by the situation and are seizing all the time to practice and improve.

Ye Liuyun directly used the teleportation black tower to teleport to Jin Hu.

Wan Xinghai and the dragons were also there, but they were all in human form so as not to be too big to attract attention.

Golden Fox is now at the eighth level of the divine realm. Seeing that Ye Liuyun had reached the seventh level of the divine realm, he couldn't help but be very surprised.

"Master, your realm has improved too quickly!" It couldn't help but say.

Ye Liuyun's soul power was much stronger now. When he let go of his consciousness, he found that his own beast king was stalemate with his opponent at the border.

"It's just some chance. Thank you for your hard work. The general is managing the territory well! How is the situation now?"

Ye Liuyun responded and asked about the situation here.

Golden Fox also immediately reported seriously: "Several surrounding beast groups are attacking our territory at the same time, and now some little beast kings are taking the lead.

We can hold on now, but the whole herd is sent up. Reinforcements from the ape tribe and dragon tribe have not yet arrived.

But if the opponent's big beast king takes action, we won't be able to stop it. I'm worried that they are coming for our dragon clan..."

Jin Hu told Ye Liuyun the situation in detail, and also introduced the strength of several beast kings in the surrounding area.

"Then go fight this green lion first. I'll take people there, and you can just stay home and watch!"

Ye Liuyun made a decision immediately.