Chapter 5227

Name:Lord of All Gods Author:风云再起
After Ye Liuyun's martial arts skills improved, his sword intention improved faster than Ye Tiandao.

He immediately gave Ye Tiandao a hint of martial arts principles and asked her to improve this too.

"It won't have any effect at first, so just use it as much as you can. The power will show up when you reach the intermediate level of godhood.

You can use it to verify your judgment! "

Ye Liuyun also told Ye Tiandao how to use it.

Ye Tiandao has always listened to Ye Liuyun. Apply this rule immediately and start practicing and improving.

They did not provoke the ferocious beasts of the seventh level of False God anymore, and chose a new location to fight and train.

Ye Shuangdao's information was synchronized with Ye Liuyun's, and he immediately knew how to use the martial arts principles.

He immediately asked Tang Yuhai to lead the strong men in the Black Armored Army to fight against him to improve his martial arts principles.

At the same time, it also allows those strong men to practice more battles, lest they practice every day and their fighting skills become rusty.

He can also use martial arts rules to help analyze their weaknesses and improve each other to promote each other.

Ye Liuyun also let go of his spiritual consciousness during the transfer. When he encountered scattered martial arts cultivators, he used the principles of divine soul to capture those martial cultivators.

As he walked, he suddenly discovered that four virtual god martial arts cultivators were guarding a semi-super-god martial arts cultivator heading towards the fifth city.

Judging from their faces, it was obvious that the half-step super-god martial cultivator was from their side, and the other four were from the Xingda world.

He immediately used the Eternal Principles and the Divine Soul Principles to plant slave marks on all five people.

Now that he has met these four False God Realm martial arts cultivators, he will never let them cause trouble in his city.

And he also wanted to see what the martial arts cultivators on his side wanted to do by mixing with the enemy.

As a result, he searched his soul and found that the martial arts cultivator turned out to be from Yunzhong Pavilion.

Moreover, he actually used the strength information of the God King's military camp and his own cities as a bargaining chip to exchange resources with the enemy.

I really didn’t expect that Yunzhong Pavilion would become a spy for some resources.

This martial artist is very familiar with the information about the God King and his cities, and has collected this information a lot.

Ye Liuyun immediately took these people into the cave world and asked the martial artist to hand over all the resources he had traded.

This time, Yunzhong Pavilion's deal was in vain. The resources were all cheaper for Ye Liuyun, and Ye Liuyun even took advantage of it.

Ye Liuyun knew even the spies they had placed in each city.

In the five cities, each city lord immediately sent strong men to start arresting people, and all the spies bribed by Yunzhong Pavilion were arrested.

Ye Shuangdao went to collect all the people temporarily and waited for Ye Liuyun to come back to deal with them together.

Ye Liuyun led everyone to continue practicing.

Two months later, they all had enough fighting before returning to the fifth city.

Ye Liuyun handed over all the prisoners to Tang Yuhai and the city guard commander, except for the spy.

"Send someone to the God King's military camp and send him this prisoner. Let him search for his soul and he will understand!"

Ye Liuyun immediately asked Tang Yuhai to arrange for people to secretly send the prisoners to the God King.

As for how the God King dealt with it, he didn't care.

But his five cities immediately posted notices, making it known to the public that the martial arts cultivator of Yunzhong Pavilion was a spy.

From then on, these five cities listed the people of Yunzhong Pavilion as wanted criminals, with rewards on their heads.

Anyone who cooperates with Yunzhong Pavilion will be treated as an accomplice. They even informed the surrounding tribes.

If the tribe cooperates with Yunzhong Pavilion or provides them with resources, they will be treated as associates and eliminated directly.

The natives didn't care about the information that Yunzhong Pavilion betrayed the God King, but they were dissatisfied with the information that they betrayed the five cities.

Those five cities made indispensable contributions to the indigenous people. Not only did it bring them resources, it also brought security.

So they will never allow this to happen.

Immediately all the tribes began to target Yunzhong Pavilion, and everyone who met them was arrested and sent to the city to receive rewards.

Now there is no room for survival in Yunzhong Pavilion.

After the spy was sent to the God King's military camp, the God King dug out many more spies from his own army.

The God King was also very angry!

It was not easy for him to gather 50,000 people to train him, so the other party knew all the information in advance.

Even the opponents knew how many resources Yunzhong Pavilion provided to the God King and how far these soldiers could be trained.

The God King asked someone to escort the spy and go to Yunzhong Pavilion to give him a good deal.

After all, he still had to rely on Yunzhong Pavilion to provide resources, and he didn't want to do too much. He didn't have time to consider replacing Yunzhong Pavilion with other chambers of commerce.

Then he also completely disqualified Yunzhong Pavilion from coming to the battlefield.

Without qualifications, they cannot come to the battlefield, and those who come will be killed on the spot when they want to go back, leaving no one behind.

Yunzhong Pavilion's trip to the battlefield was not only annihilated, but also brought in a lot of people and resources.

They will naturally bear this grudge against Ye Liuyun.

It's just that they don't know Ye Liuyun's relationship with Shuangyue Chamber of Commerce. Ye Liuyun used pseudonyms when he contacted them before.

They planned to organize some martial arts cultivators to take revenge on Ye Liuyun's cities in the God Realm, and also approached the Shuangyue Chamber of Commerce to provide information.

Shuangyue Chamber of Commerce immediately told Wei Hongchang and Yu Xiaofeng about this matter.

Yu Xiaofeng also sent someone through the teleportation array to ask Ye Liuyun how to deal with it.

Ye Liuyun didn't reply what to do. He just asked each city to transfer 3,000 defenders and 100 strong men to Yu Xiaofeng.

These soldiers put together are fifteen thousand half-step super-god realm martial arts cultivators and five hundred half-step super-god level top experts.

Yu Xiaofeng understood immediately, and asked Shuangyue Chamber of Commerce for all the addresses of branches in Yunzhong Pavilion.

The Shuangyue Chamber of Commerce also provided Yunzhong Pavilion with information on several cities, including the Royal City and three important cities.

Everything seemed normal, and he seemed to be helping Yunzhong Pavilion.

And they also stated that they were not specifically collecting information and could only provide it as a reference for Yunzhong Pavilion.

If the information is wrong, Yunzhong Pavilion will also be responsible for it and cannot be blamed on them.

Of course, Yunzhong Pavilion will send people to investigate in advance. After confirming that the information is correct, their martial arts will set off.

But the black armored army transferred by Ye Liuyun to Yu Xiaofeng's side had already set off separately, divided into one hundred and fifty flying boats and set off one after another.

There are two to five strong men from the black armored army and a hundred garrison soldiers on each airship.

They rushed to different cities, the farther ones going first and the shorter ones later.

Among them, three flying boats were headed for Zuihun City.

The people driving the flying boats were all martial arts cultivators from the Feng Yang Legion, leading the way for the Black Armored Army soldiers to prevent anyone from interrogating them on the road.

The goal of the Black Armor Army is to destroy more than 90% of Yunzhong Pavilion's branches at the same time and steal all resources.

There are not many Yunzhong Pavilion branches in various places, they are only found in some important cities.

These stores were demolished overnight, and the foundation of Yunzhong Pavilion was basically destroyed.

The remaining stores will be handed over to some teams to destroy when they return.