Chapter 5278

Name:Lord of All Gods Author:风云再起
As a result, no other martial arts cultivator dared to have an opinion.

The few of them discussed it and planned how to take action.

These people all regard Ye Shuangdao as a mindless puppet, as if he does not exist.

At this time, Ye Liuyun already knew their plan through the synchronized information of Ye Shuangdao.

After he and Sheng Shengpeng reached the bottom of the cave, they dug a piece of ore and took it into the cave world for inspection by the refiners.

Shanda Peng took this moment to remind Ye Liuyun.

"Brother Ye, I think you should be more careful. I think those people have bad intentions and are plotting against you!

You'd better release the other puppet and protect yourself! "

He didn't expect it to be Han Qiancheng's idea, but thought it was the actions of the martial arts cultivators themselves.

"Thank you, Brother Sheng, for the reminder!" Ye Liuyun thanked him first.

Then he asked Sheng Shengpeng: "What if they are the people arranged by your leader and have been instructed by the leader?"

Sheng Sheng Peng was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then he reacted and sighed: "This is why humans can't defeat beasts!"

Later, Shanda Peng also suggested to Ye Liuyun: "You should find a chance to leave and go back to your world. Don't come to this muddy water like ours!

When you dig the veins later, you can dig another passage to escape, and they won't find out! "

Ye Liuyun asked, "Then what will you do if I leave? They will definitely say that you let me go!"

Sheng Shengpeng smiled bitterly and said: "I only have a small life. Now that I have been exposed to such a leader, I can only count myself as unlucky.

I don't have a bright mind to begin with, so I was sent to guard the passage to the devil's world. It makes no difference if you have me or not! "

"Brother Shanda, why don't you come with me? When we get to the lower realm, you will at least be the overlord!" Ye Liuyun also tried.

"No. What I pursue is the pinnacle of martial arts. I am not interested in power or wealth. I am stupid and not suitable to be a overlord!"

Since I was born in this world, it would be no shame to die here! "

Sheng Shengpeng was not greedy for power or wealth, but Ye Liuyun was very optimistic about this.

Sheng Shengpeng also told him: "After you escaped, you still went back through the demon passage. Tell Ma Tianchong that I let you go!"

He is a very straightforward person who always offends people, but his character is not a problem. He is my only friend! "

At this moment, Sun Que and other weapon refiners also confirmed that the ore was much better than the weapon materials that Ye Liuyun had taken back before.

"Is this the highest quality mineral vein here?" Ye Liuyun suddenly asked Sheng Peng.

"I heard it is. Originally this was a mine owned by the dynasty! But I don't know much about this thing, so I don't know if it's accurate!"

Shanda Peng obviously doesn’t know much about these things.

"Okay, let's go out and tell them, and we'll dig when we get back!"

Ye Liuyun said and released Lin Cangyuan.

"Okay!" Shengpeng thought he was talking about digging a tunnel to escape, so he agreed.

He never thought that these people would take action immediately and follow Ye Liuyun out of the pit.

As soon as they went out, three martial arts cultivators suddenly launched a soul attack on Ye Liuyun.

Three martial arts cultivators are needed to block Shengda Peng, and at the same time, two more people are required to intercept each puppet.

But the three martial arts cultivators who rushed into Ye Liuyun's sea of ​​consciousness immediately regretted it. One of them was the leading martial arts cultivator.

Because as soon as they entered, they were all covered by the golden light of the Ten Thousand Gods Order, and their souls were quickly absorbed by the Ten Thousand Gods Order.

Ye Liuyun's soul power was also so powerful that they were surprised that it was almost the same as them.

The virtual gold in Ye Liuyun's sea of ​​consciousness had turned into several swords in advance, and he immediately began to chop.

After weakening their souls, Ye Liuyun also searched their souls to understand the situation.

Everything was done by the leader Han Qiancheng, who ordered these people to do it. The purpose was to occupy his bows, arrows and puppets.

Moreover, this leading martial artist turned out to be another strong person. Even if he gets the bow, arrows and puppets, he will not give them to Han Qian.

Ye Liuyun smiled helplessly: "I can't live anymore, and you still do this! You deserve to perish!"

Ye Liuyun ended the soul search and did not want to keep these martial arts cultivators.

The Order of the Ten Thousand Gods took the initiative this time and absorbed the soul power of these people, probably because they thought their souls were strong enough.

Knowing overseas, the four martial arts cultivators who were dealing with the puppets had all been killed by the two puppets.

The three martial arts cultivators who blocked Shengpeng were also dumbfounded.

Now the three of them were surrounded by two puppets and Shanda Peng.

Ye Liuyun did not rush to let the puppets take action, but forced them to tell the truth, and had to let Sheng Shengpeng confirm what was going on.

The three people surrounded were also the least determined.

"What's going on? Who told you to move?" Sheng Shengpeng also saw that it was them who moved first, and asked through gritted teeth.

"Brother Sheng, it was not our idea! It was all arranged by the leader, as the third brother said!"

A martial artist could not withstand the intimidation of the three of them and told the truth.

With a "swish" of the sword, Lin Cangyuan took action, and the head of the martial arts cultivator who had just spoken fell to the ground.

The other two immediately panicked and quickly admitted their mistake and apologized. One of them even directly said that it was the commander who told them before they left.

Seeing that it was useless to see these people, Ye Liuyun gave a signal, and the two puppets took action again, killing the remaining two people.

"They are actually innocent!" Sheng Peng also said.

"Either enslave them or kill them. In short, we can't let them go back! I think it's better to kill them!"

Ye Liuyun also said to Shanda Peng.

Shanda Peng thought about it and stopped worrying about this issue.

"You hurry up and leave!" Sheng Peng immediately urged him.

"Why should I leave?"

Ye Liuyun asked Ye Shuangdao to collect all the corpses while releasing all the two hundred ghost puppets.

"Hangshan, dig the veins!" Ye Liuyun gave them a direct order.

He didn't have time to dig bit by bit, so he mined in the most barbaric way and took away most of the metal ore.

The puppets also took action immediately, and Ye Shuangdao and Lin Cangyuan also helped.

"You have so many puppets?"

Sheng Shengpeng also didn't expect Ye Liuyun to have so many puppets, and they were all at the seventh level of the gods.

Ye Liuyun did not say anything, but advised him: "Things are already like this, you won't get any good results if you go back!

Why don't you go on an adventure with me and let's go to the city you mentioned to find Dao Jing? "

Sheng Shengpeng was silent for a long time, and then suddenly asked Ye Liuyun: "Can you bring Ma Tianchong with you?"

Ye Liuyun didn't have any objection. These two people are not weak: "Okay! You can call him, but I can dig out the veins soon.

You choose a suitable place for us to meet. When he comes, we will sign an equal contract together and we will all be guaranteed! "

Shanda Peng did not hesitate, took out the transmission talisman, told Ma Tianchong the situation, and gave him a position.