Chapter 40 - Love And Lie

Name:Love and Debt Author:sky_maiden
On the way home, she was thinking of what Rev said. He was right, she needed to tell Andrew and her friends about what happened. She looked at Andrew who was sitting beside him, holding her hand.

"Babe?" She called.

Andrew was surprised that Nina called him, not by his name but an endearment. He turned to her and sweetly smiled at her.

"I like that. What is it?" He asked.

She was about to tell him when his phone rang. He didn't answer for a moment but it kept on ringing so she told him to answer it.

"Sorry baby. It's from my father. One moment." He said then answered the phone.

She sighed and just looked outside the window. She didn't notice that Andrew was already done talking to his father and was asking her about what she would tell him.

Andrew frowned when Nina didn't respond. He already noticed that she was quiet during lunch time and he knew something happened. He was just waiting for her to tell him. 

Nina didn't know that Andrew already assigned a security for her. He ordered them to be discreet, he didn't want her to feel like she was being guarded. It was for her safety. One of the guards reported that she was being bullied so he went back for her. But he saw a man helping her and when he asked what happened, she lied to him.

He didn't feel angry but he felt sad, he was hurt. He knew she went to the school counselor's office before the start of second period and he found out that Rev was the new counselor.

Trevor Kline. The new substitute school counselor. Graduated last year from Golden Oak College. He's from the Bronze Class and a top student. After graduation, he worked hard to get his license to teach in Golden Oak. He did everything to get accepted and now, his dream finally came true. 

He was a decent man with no record of anything bad, but a single report of being caught in between a student and parents' issue. He helped a girl who was being abused by her father. His intentions were pure but the father filed a libel case against him, saying that Rev was a liar. In the end, the girl fought against her father and won the case. Rev became a hero to everyone. Because of that, Golden Oak accepted his application.

He didn't see anything wrong with Nina's actions. Rev was the school counselor and it was his job to help students like Nina. But it would be great if Nina would talk to him about it first. He would do everything for her, to protect her.

Nina looked at Andrew with a confused face when he stopped in an amusement park. He looked at her and sighed.

"Come on. Let's have a date." He said, smiling at her.

Her face suddenly lit up and he was happy to see her smiling. She was feeling down earlier and he knew she needed some break to feel better. He wanted her to feel that it was okay to burden him. He's her fiance. It wasn't just because of a debt and a contract, it was official and they love each other.

Andrew held her hand, dragging her in the ticket booth. He bought a ride all you can ticket and let her choose what she wanted to try first.

Nina always wanted to ride in a carousel so she chose that first. Then they tried the bumped car, next was the roller coaster. They also tried the horror booth. It was funny because she found out that Andrew hated it, he was a scaredy cat. Andrew saw that there was a planetarium and an ocean exhibit so he pulled Nina to watch it with her.

She was so amazed with the planets and star show. When they went inside the booth, everything went dark and all you could see were sparkling lights. You will really feel that you were floating in the galaxy.

"Oh my god! This is amazing!" She exclaimed.

"Do you like it?" He asked.

"Are you kidding? I loved it." She answered.

He was looking at her and he felt his heart skip when he saw her smiling. It was a genuine smile and wasn't fake. He was happy to see her enjoying it.

After the planetarium and ocean exhibit, they last rode on the ferris wheel. You could see the city lights from above. It stopped at the top and Nina was in awe seeing everything.

"Are you happy?" Andrew asked.

It wasn't the first time he asked her if she was happy. She frowned when he asked again. She looked at him and saw sadness in his eyes. For some reason, she felt anxious again seeing him look like that.

"I'm happy. Why do you always ask me that?" She asked.

She felt like there was something bothering him. Did he find out what happened to her earlier? She bit her lips and felt guilty for not telling the truth. And worst, she told it to someone she just met and to a man to be exact.

Is he mad? Will he break up with her because of that? She lied to him. She was always talking about trust but what has she done?

Did he take her on a date so he could break it to her gently? To give her memories for the last time? She always saw it in dramas, movies and books. When someone wants to break up with their lover, they would take them out on a date then will ride in a ferris wheel to drop the bomb.

"Then why did you lie to me? You still don't trust me?" He asked in a sad voice.

Her eyes widened and her heart started pounding loudly. She gulped, clasping her fingers to calm herself.

"Babe, I-I didn't mean to-"

She couldn't continue when she saw him turned his face away from her.