Chapter 48 - Love And Marriage

Name:Love and Debt Author:sky_maiden
"A-Andrew, are they going to allow us to get married here? I'm only seventeen." She asked.

She wasn't hesitating. She was excited, thinking that she would become Mrs. Cross now and wouldn't have to wait until she graduates from college. But she wasn't sure if they would be allowed to get married.

"They will. If we have this." Andrew walked towards one of their suitcases and took a long brown envelope.

He opened it and took the papers inside. Andrew handed Nina the documents one by one. Nina was shocked by what she had read. The documents were all the requirements to get married, including her parents' permission, signed and notarized by a lawyer.

"When did you get this?" She asked, amused.

He blushed and scratched his head before answering.

"The day I told you I slept in my father's house, I actually came to your parents' house and asked them to allow me to marry you. The report with my father finished earlier than expected, so I went to see your family. I needed to stay there to get their permission. I'm sorry I lied to you. I wanted to surprise you."

"Why are you so sure that I would agree with that?" She asked again.

He sighed. "I wasn't really sure, but I still wanted to try asking you. I know you're still young, and you might meet someone better than me, but Nina, I'm begging you. If you reject me now, will you promise to accept me in the future? I mean, please don't change your mind."

He waited for her answer. She was silent and was staring at his face. He was losing hope that she would say yes. Feeling disappointed, he held on to the papers from her, but she wouldn't let go of them when he pulled them from her hands.

He frowned and looked at her again. His eyes widened when she saw her crying. He cupped her face and wiped the tears from her eyes.

"Hey, if you didn't like the idea, I'm not forcing you. You're already my fiance, so I just have to wait for a few years, right?" He said to stop her from crying.

She shook her head and started punching him on the chest. He couldn't understand why she was acting that way.

"Why do you always make me fall in love with you over and over? That was so sweet of you! I didn't expect you to see my family and begged them to marry me." She cried. It was tears of joy.

"So, are you saying you agree with me?" He asked to make it clear.

She nodded, and while sobbing, she answered. "Yes! Yes! I will marry you! Let's get married now!" 

Andrew couldn't explain the happiness he felt. He cupped her face again and slammed his lips with hers. He kissed her passionately with all his love pouring on her.

Then they heard a few knocks on the door. Andrew released her and, with a confused face, looked at Andrew while he rushed towards the door.

Nina's jaw dropped when a group of people came inside. It was Kyle and Emily with Percy and Sophie. The two girls were wearing simple white dresses while Kyle and Percy wore black fitted jeans and white long sleeves.

Sophie handed her a bouquet. Then another girl came inside; Zoey, Luke and Alora's adopted daughter, held a wedding ring.

"What are you doing here?" Nina asked, smiling widely at them.

"Kyle and Emily already had plans to meet here. I've never been to Madrid, so I asked Percy to bring me here. We planned on meeting you after three days, but Andrew called saying you would get married. Anyway, congratulations! Now, change to your wedding dress." Sophie exclaimed.

She nodded, then took the dress that Emily handed her and went to the bathroom. It was just a plain white mini dress with a plunging neckline. It was simple but elegant. 

Emily fixed her make-up while Sophie helped with her hair. She looked at herself in the mirror and took a deep breath before turning around to face her friends.

"Perfect." Emily commented.

They went out of the room, and she followed. When the girls made way for her, Andrew was letting out deep breaths.

The ceremony was just held in their hotel room, but it was magical. Their friends were not complete, but Andrew promised that they would have a grand wedding after her college. She didn't really need that. She was satisfied with a simple wedding, but he promised her parents that he would give her a proper wedding.

"Mr. Andrew Cross, will you take Katharina Sommers, as your lawfully wedded wife, to live together in holy matrimony, to love and honor her, to keep her in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, from today onwards and for all eternity?" The Officiating Minister asked.

Andrew smiled, and with trembling lips, he answered. "I do!"

Then the minister turned to Nina.

"Miss Katharina Sommers,  will you take Andrew Cross, as your lawfully wedded husband, to live together in holy matrimony, to love and respect him, to keep him in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, from today onwards and for all eternity?"

Nina took a deep breath before she answered. " I do!"

"Did you prepare a vow for each other?" The minister asked.

Nina didn't prepare one, but Andrew had it prepared ever since the engagement. The minister noticed that Nina didn't have a vow and instructed her to tell Andrew what she felt towards him.

Nina nodded and decided to speak first.

"Today, I promise to be your wife, your partner, your best friend, and your best enemy. My life will forever be tangled with yours, and I could never imagine it without you. I promise to be your strength and your support. I promise to love you from today until the end of time."

Then she put on the ring to him.

"Love, you made me the happiest man alive. I was not a perfect man, but I am completely and head over heels in love with you. I promise to give you my whole heart, to show you how deeply I care, no matter the challenges that may come our way. I promise to love you from this life to the next."

He said, putting the ring on her.

"By the authority vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. Mr. Cross, you may kiss your wife."

Andrew pulled Nina by grabbing her on the waist then kissed her gently. She felt his lips tremble as she responded to his kiss. He leaned his forehead against hers and whispered.

"I love you, Mrs. Cross."

She smiled.. "I love you too, my husband."