Chapter 53 - Love And Regret

Name:Love and Debt Author:sky_maiden
Andrew arrived at exactly eight in the evening. Nina was done with their dinner and had prepared everything for the night.

She couldn't understand what she would feel towards her husband. She loved him, but how could he lie to her? She felt so humiliated thinking of what happened on that day.

She read everything Rev sent her. The money loaned by his father was also part of Andrew's plan. Her family needed money because of the bills piling up, and her father didn't know how to get them paid. Andrew ordered one of his men to offer a loan to her father, telling him that he could pay them anytime he wanted.

But in truth, it was a lie, so her father would accept the offer. The contract his father signed was different from what they initially showed him. Her father didn't bother to reread it because he trusted them.

They didn't come back for a few months until that day. Her father was shocked when the loan increased from three million dollars to ten million. The painful part was that Andrew's men beat her father, her mother fainted from shock, and she and her sisters were terrified.

She wanted to run away from Andrew. But she wanted to know if what she found out was true. She wanted Andrew to explain to her. Somehow, she wished that everything wasn't true.

Andrew saw Nina in the dining room and walked towards the dinner table. He then kissed her forehead and looked at the food she had prepared.

"Wow, it looks delicious. Just at the right time, I'm starving." He said with a huge smile on his face.

He sat down across from her and started picking up the food. Nina was just looking at him when he started eating. She wondered how he could act like it was nothing.

"How's your day? Did you enjoy your tour outside?" He asked.

She nodded. "Y-Yes."

Andrew didn't notice that she wasn't herself. He was tired and hungry so he didn't see how Nina glared at him.

"Have you ever lied to me?" Nina suddenly asked.

He frowned then looked at her. He noticed that there was nothing on her plate, and she was just looking earnestly at him.

"No. Never. Why are you asking?" He answered.

Nina clenched her fist. He was still lying to her until now. Her heart felt like it was being stabbed a thousand times. She wanted to cry, but she managed to stop herself from looking so weak in front of him.

"I will ask you again. And this is your last chance to answer honestly. Do you have a secret you are keeping from me?" She asked again.

She was hoping that Andrew would tell her about it and explain. If he would apologize, maybe she could forgive him.

"Just tell me. I'm exhausted, Nina. I don't have time with your guessing game." Instead, he answered her with annoyance.

She couldn't control herself anymore.; she was mad at him. She took out her phone, sliding it on the table towards him.

He frowned, then put the spoon down before picking up her phone. When he looked at it, his heart started to pound loudly. It was the same messages he received the other day. Who the hell sent them to her?

Then he noticed Rev's name. His expression became dark when he saw who had sent her the message.

"So, you are still talking to that asshole. Didn't I tell you to avoid him?" He asked with gritted teeth.

Nina couldn't believe what she just heard from him. Instead of feeling guilty about what he did to her and her family, he got mad because of Rev.

"I can't believe you! Rev sent me those messages because he was worried. Now, I need you to explain everything to me. Did you really plan all this? Did you deceive me so you could get what you wanted?" Her voice started shaking from anger.

"If I say no, will you believe me? If I answered yes, would you forget everything and forgive me?" Andrew answered her with questions.

She didn't respond. She just wanted to hear a simple apology from him. Was that so hard to do?

Andrew looked at Nina. He was disappointed and hurt that she already believed Rev even before asking him to explain.

"Will you explain it to me? I-I'm asking you to explain. Did you really plan everything?" She stammered.

Andrew sighed. "I did. I told you my father wanted your shop. He would disown if I didn't do what he asked."

"Did you regret it?" She asked again.


Nina felt her heart was being crushed. Tears started falling from her eyes. How could he do this to her? She thought.

"Nina, I don't regret what I did. If I decided to give up on that day, do you think you are here with me? I know I was wrong. I didn't expect you to sell yourself to me on that day. But I was really happy you did. I honestly love you. I hope you could at least believe that."

She looked at him again with tears in her eyes. He said she loved her, but she was hurt. He lied to her. She felt that she couldn't trust him anymore.

Andrew wanted to run towards her, but he was afraid that she would push him away. He could see in her eyes that she was in pain. Anger and hate were also there.

Will his marriage fail like his parents? Is there no other way to save it? They got married just yesterday. He was so happy. How could her love suddenly turn into hate? How could this happen to him? He was at fault; he knew that. He wanted to tell her, but he feared that she would hate her.

Nina wiped the tears on her eyes, then looked at him. She was so red from anger, and her chin was trembling from all the emotions she had inside.

"I want a divorce.." She suddenly exclaimed.