Chapter 98 - Side Story - Second Encounter (Kyle And Emily)

Name:Love and Debt Author:sky_maiden
It was already 9 in the evening, the area was too dark and only the lights emanating from the convenience store made the outside seems bright.

I saw two men were walking towards me, my heart was pounding so fast and I felt anxious.

"Hey sexy do you need help?" One of the men asked.

"N - No it's fine. I'm just waiting for my boyfriend." I said, thinking they might back off when they knew I have someone with me.

The other guy smirked. "We've been here for an hour and we know you don't have a companion."

The two men stepped closer. I backed off but I was already cornered with the car behind me.

"What do you want? If you need money, here's my wallet. You can get everything in there." I said nervously.

"We'll get the money of course and you."

My heart rate increased and my palms became sweaty. I felt my knees trembled and weak. My breathing was rapid, I was panting.

I closed my eyes when one of the men reached his hand. I was waiting for his hand to grabbed me but I felt nothing. When I opened my eyes, the men were already unconcious.

"Are you okay?" The man asked.

When I looked at my saviour, it was the guy I saw this morning in the cafe. I was disappointed but thankful.

"Yes." I replied. But because I was so nervous, I broke down on the ground.

"Hey." Somehow he's voice was soothing and calming.

He was already kneeling down beside me, holding my shoulders. To my surprise, I felt an electricity ran through my body when he touched me.

"You left your keys inside?" He asked.

I nodded and looked at him. He was not wearing his glasses. He's still wearing the same clothes from earlier though.

"I'll take you home. We can just call the towing company in the morning. Can you stand up?"

I don't even understand every single word he said. I have mixed feelings right now, I was scared to death. I was nervous. I'm confused why I felt a spark when he touched my shoulder.

To my surprised, he suddenly carried me bridal style and walked away from the car.

"Hey what are you doing?"

"You didn't answer any of my questions. I know you're scared, don't worry I won't let anything happen to you." He said.

Again, another feeling. My heart skipped a beat not from nervousness but from what he said. I felt safe.

His car was a 2021 Hyundai Sonata. It's just around $24,00-$35,000. It wasn't expensive or a luxury car but it was decent.

He put me on the seat next to him and rushed inside the car.

"So where to?" He asked.

"Primrose. Queen Oaks Court." I simply answered.

"Got it."

When we arrived, Alora rushed into me worried. Followed by Luke and the others.

"Are you okay? What happened?" She asked.

I told them what happened and introduced the guy who saved me. Funny, I didn't even know his name.

"Sorry I didn't get your name."

"Oh I'm Kyle Wade." He said.

Everyone greeted our guest and chat with him. He didn't talk much about his family but he said he lived  alone. He's working as a part timer in the convenience store I went to that's why he's there. He's a college student studying to be a doctor in the Bronze class at Golden Oak.

Peggy and Nina was giving me side glances which made my eyes roll. I saw the two whispered to each other and giggled.

It was already midnight when he stood up and asked to leave. For some reason, he easily got along with my friends. He's totally out of their league especially the guys but I never saw them looked at him differently.

"Why don't you stay here for tonight? It's already midnight and it's dangerous outside." Alora asked. She has this personality who likes saving people.

"Yeah. We don't take no for an answer. Stay here." Luke said. He always agree with Alora.

"Okay. I'm pretty tired too so I won't reject your offer. Thank you." Kyle said.

I decided to go to Kyle's room to thank him. It was very rude of me to not thank him for what he did. I don't know why I felt nervous when I knocked on the door.

When the door swung open, my jaw dropped. I was speechless. The man in front of me was half naked. He's well toned  6-pack abs were dripping wet. His fair skin glitters from the light of the room. His long hair was loose this time giving more appeal to his sexiness.

I didn't notice I was staring at his body. He chuckled.

"Are you going to just stare at me like that?" He said.

I blushed. God! He's hot. I looked at his face and realized he's good looking. I didn't see it the first time we met because he's wearing thick glasses and old fashioned clothes.

I tried to compose myself and act like his aura doesn't affect me.

"I - I just came here to say thank you for saving me. I'm sorry I didn't thank you earlier. I was really nervous." I stammered.

"It's fine. Would you like to go in? You know if you're not yet sleepy." He asked.

I don't know why but I was mesmerized with his voice so I went inside. He was walking inside the room drying his hair with a towel. I was observing his every move.

"So are you okay now?" He asked. Is he worried?

"Yes. Again, thank you. If you're not there I don't know what will happen to me. And I also wanted to apologize for being rude this morning. You know when we first met at the cafe." I said sincerely.

"It's okay. Don't worry about it. I think any decent guy will help someone in need."

I was sitting on the sofa and to my surprise he sat next to me. This man really doesn't know his boundaries.

"So can we start over?" He continued. I frowned.

"I'm Kyle Wade. Friends?" He said while reaching out his hand.

I smiled and reached back. "I'm Emily Blair Nitori. Yes. Friends."

And so, my friendship with this weirdo began.


'Beep.' I smiled when I looked at my phone to see who texted me.

It was Kyle. We had plans to eat dinner together so he sent a message to remind me. It's been two weeks since we met and I can say he's really fun to be with. He'll listen to my rant for hours and if he feels I'm stressed he'll do everything to make me feel better.

"Who texted you? Kyle?" Peggy teased.

We're in the dining room having breakfast. We've been freeloading in Queen's for a few months now. I understand why Peggy was okay staying here, she has a huge mansion but lived with the servants ever since she was born. Her father left her there and stayed in a different place when her mother died. Plus her boy toy, Jayden lives here.

"How did you know?" I asked.

"Because your face says so. Every time you receive a message or a call from him, your face seems so bright." Nina exclaimed.

"No. It wasn't." Does my face really look like that?

"Now, now. Stop that and let's eat quietly." It was Alora. She was really like the older sister or a mother figure for us. Maybe she matured when Luke and her were announced as the successors of their family's business.

"By the way, why don't you invite Kyle sometimes? I want to discuss something with him." Luke said. If Luke talks like that, it must mean business. He never actually asked someone to come over or set up a meeting if it's not about business.

"Okay. I'll ask him to come over on Saturday." I picked up my phone again and texted him.

Emily: Luke asked if you could visit on Saturday.

Kyle: Why?

Emily: Dunno. He said he wants to talk to you.

Kyle: Okay. Honestly, the guy's so serious. He:s younger than me but he makes me nervous. Lol.

I laughed when I saw the message.

Emily: He has too much on his shoulders. Don't mind him. See you at dinner.

Kyle: Sure.

Kyle brought me to Moonlight Restaurant. The food there wasn't that expensive but it's still located in Northbay City Mall. He insisted he'll treat me today since it's his payday so I let him. He was still wearing old fashioned clothes and thick glasses. His long hair tied in a bun. I can't understand this guy sometimes. He's handsome, sexy and hot if you'll just see him without those clothes. But he doesn't really care about his appearance.

Kyle knew that I love eating seafood so he ordered the restaurant's seafood specialty.

We chat a little while we wait for our food. Our conversation is always about our day, our classmates, and everything that happened. 

"By the way, someone asked me out. So I want to ask about your opinion about dating." He said.

I don't know why but I was surprised so I wasn't able to reply for a moment.

"Emily?" He called.

"Ah - yes! Sure what is it?" 

"A classmate asked me out, I'm not really sure if what she meant is to date but she asked me to watch a movie with her on Friday." He said.

"So what's the problem?" I asked.

"You know I want to ask if you can help me with my clothes?"

I chuckled. "That's it? Sure. Let's meet on Thursday and leave it to me."

I'm happy he asked me to help him and he finally wanted to change his appearance. But I'm not happy because it's for another girl.

"Thank you. You're a lifesaver!"

I can see his excitement when he said that, but I felt a slight pain in my heart.