11 10. Lovey Dovey

Name:Love Contract Author:Kay_619

Mr. Faye signed the contract and told Kourtney she was to move in in two days.

"Just what I needed," Marissa said while filming Mr. Faye and Kourtney. "This is what you get for choosing her to be your secretary and rejecting me to be your lover."



"Marissa, I know you did this," Kourtney said while holding up her phone with a video of her and Mr. Faye.

"Sweetie, I have no idea what you're talking about," she said with a smirk.

"You know Instagrama has your name right? I'm not stupid Marissa."

"I don't care. It's not my fault that you two had a lovey dovey moment at work when you're not allowed to. I told you from the beginning you weren't cut out for the promotion."

"First of all, that "lovey dovey" moment you speak of, never happened. Get your facts straight and then try to make a fool of me, have a nide day Marissa," Kourtney said while walking to her desk by Mr. Faye's office.

"Damn, she's hot," said Mr. Faye to his best friend, Hayden, as he watched the security footage of Kourtney going off on Marissa.

"Who? Marissa? I already called dibs, my dude," said Hayden.

"No not her, Kourtney."

"Dude, how do you find her attractive? She's like the girl who doesn't talk to anyone and she's more focused on work than anything. Like when we go out for staff dinners, she always says she has something to finish up."

"I like a hardworking woman."

"Dude stop drooling over her. Why am I friends with you?" He said while chuckling.

"Aren't you supposed to be working right now?"

"Nah, I'm on my lunch break," he said while sitting on Mr. Faye's desk.

"You mean the lunch break that ended 20 minutes ago?" He said while looking at his watch.

"Oh crap, really?" Hayden said while jumping up from the desk. "I'll catch you later dude," he said before he raced out the door.

"Hm, I wonder what that was about," Kourtney said after she watched Hayden run out of Mr. Faye's office.


[Kourtney's Thoughts: I'm literally right across from his office. He couldn't have justcall me in through the office phone??]

Kourtney got up from her desk and went into Mr. Faye's office. Mr. Faye's chair was faced toward the window and his back was turned away from Kourtney.

"Um, Mr. Faye?"

Mr. Faye turned his chair immediately toward Kourtney and said, "You've arrived."

"Obviously. Why did you call me in?"

"The contract. You're moving in tomorrow. Are you ready to by my dog keeper and house keeper?"

"Yes-Wait, housekeeper?"


"With all due respect, I never agreed to be a housekeeper."

"Well, your contract says otherwise," he said while handing her the contract that highlights that she agreed to be a housekeeper."

[Kourtney's Thoughts: Damn