Chapter 94 – Mask Festival

Bianca languidly leaned against the bathtub side, lost in thought as she watched the steam rise from the water. Her nanny, Ruth, was combing her hair. Every time the large comb ran through her red strands, the bathroom vibrated with the subtle scent of lavender.

“My lady, is something on your mind?”

“Huh…? No, I am not thinking about anything.”

Ruth then mixed the oil into the bathtub and began gently massaging her master’s shoulders. Bianca’s plumped lips arched while a soft moan escaped between her teeth. Looking at her master, Ruth realized that it was now time for her to tell her the news she somehow didn’t want to tell her.

“I just got a reply from the Basilion House.”

[Bianca’s] drooping eyelids fluttered open, and her red eyes gleamed with a complex light.

“… What does it say?”

Ruth slowly opened her mouth while avoiding her Lady’s eyes in the mirror.

“It said that Young Master Meyer has other plans for the weekend. Young Master said that he will visit in person on another day so he asked when it would be a good time to do so.”

There was silence. Ruth glanced at the mirror and scrutinized her master. She couldn’t see any trace of regret or disappointment in the young lady staring into the sky. Yet, Ruth felt able to see deep inside her Lady’s heart under the invisible wall called pride and face.

(T/N: Lose face=be humiliated; gain face=gain respect)

A few days before, her Lady had asked, ‘Can you watch Young Master Meyer?’ But in a matter of a few seconds, she claimed she was just joking and told her to forget it. However, it was surprising that Lady Reinen, who considered honor in her life, had such ideas in mind.

Ruth had cared for and loved her Lady like her own daughter ever since she was called ‘the fat and ugly kid.’ It was her life’s purpose to comfort and take care of her master. Ruth opened her mouth, possessed by her sense of duty to please her Lady.

“Young Master seemed to be going to Sitmer Villa that day.”


“Yes, he didn’t let anyone come near him while he was there and spent his time alone.”


“This is something I heard myself from a maid in Krambitz….” Ruth stopped brushing and suddenly lowered her voice. “Young Master seemed to be planning on holding his and Lady’s wedding there. Sir Grozhang said so himself. They seemed to be preparing a bridal room inside the Sitmer Villa.”

Mirror Bianca’s expression didn’t change much. But for a short moment, there was clear joy and anticipation that passed across her eyes like a wind.

“Sure enough, Sitmer is for the Lady. Even when Young Master broke off his engagement, rumors had spread in high society when he was given the villa. It was as if His Majesty the King gave it as a present for the two of you in advance.”

“… I don’t know.”

Bianca scooped up some water in her palm and carelessly rubbed it against one of her arms. Of course, Ruth wasn’t intimidated the slightest.

“Young Master Meyer may not talk much and doesn’t express himself well, but he’s also someone [kind] who prepares a surprise gift [for you]. Just as the Grand Duke said, he is secretly a romantic.”

Ruth giggled to herself. Bianca’s face remained unperturbed until the end, but she couldn’t stop feeling excited from the bottom of her heart.

On St. Michael’s Day, the zelkova forest was busy from early in the morning. Kallia was busy, as was Emilia, busy preparing to go out. Kallia had finally quit her work at the factory two days prior and was thinking of taking Mitch to church.

“Have fun. You’ve been working hard all this time.”

“Alright, and you also have fun too. Be careful not to catch a cold.”

“Yes, I am bringing a shawl even if you didn’t mention it. You should also take care on your way, Mother. Send my regards to Aunt Rosie and the other villagers.”

“Alright, I get it. It would be better if you could meet Hailey.”

Emilia’s eyes suddenly darkened, “Right, Mother, there’s something I should tell you. If somehow the villagers found Charlotte, and I’m not here….”

“I get it. You going to Sitmer is an absolute secret.” Kallia cut off her words. Mitch also chimed in.

“Sister is sick, and Charlotte couldn’t come to the church because she wanted to stay with you. I will zip my mouth, so you don’t need to worry and play.”

Tapping her shoulder to reassure her daughter, Kallia couldn’t stop the doubts rising from the depths of her heart. Why does the Young Master keep on coming?

According to Sir Grozhang, he wants to take care of their family even after their engagement was broken. Thanks to him, they were able to deal with the issue of Mitch’s Annihilation Squad without any problem. Emilia also said that it was thanks to Young Master Meyer that they received an undeserved royal grant from His Majesty the King. It was something to be really thankful for.

But that should be enough. The two had broken up. The mess caused by a letter was dealt with, and order was restored. The great noble family and the destitute farmer’s family shouldn’t ever be entangled again.

Does Duchess Meyer know? That her heir, who would succeed over the family, was calling and looking for his former fiancée like this even after their engagement had been broken? And Emilia seemed to have sorted out her feelings toward the Young Master….


Kallia sighed and looked up at the sky. God, please look upon us. Contrary to her anxious and ominous heart, the sky was completely blue without any single cloud, enough to make her eyes run cold.

Seeing off her stepmother and Mitch, Emilia climbed straight into the carriage with Charlotte. Sooner or later, they would be surrounded by many people in the town square, but Charlotte seemed unconcerned.

“Is there a sandwich eating contest here or something like that? I really want to see Sister get first place.”

As Charlotte giggled, Emilia felt disgusted in her stomach and intestines. She hurriedly took a glass of water and waited for her turning stomach to calm down.

“Unfortunately my dearest Charlotte, I don’t think I will be able to compete in a competition like that again. Just thinking about it makes me want to vomit.”

Charlotte giggled again. “Well, six was too much.”

The nausea soon subsided, and Emilia smiled at her younger sister. “Pip said that the most fun event at the festival was ‘grape stomping.’”

“Grape stomping?”

“Yes, Sitmer’s town is mainly grape farms and winery. They will put the grapes in huge oak barrels and have people step inside and crush them with their feet. Don’t you think it would really be fun to do?”

Emilia suddenly felt hungry. Contrary to when she thought of sandwiches, her mouth started to water as she imagined biting into the chewy flesh.

“I think I can do it if the event is about eating grapes.”

“What is it?”

“The eating contest.”

Charlotte quietly thought and giggled to herself.

To get to the villa, they needed to pass through the town square where the festival was taking place. Even if the festival hadn’t started yet, the hanging large garland by the entrance made Emilia feel excited.

Why had she forgotten? Although reality is sometimes rough and heartless like a torrential downpour, it also hides shiny things. Like the joy of everyday life, having the confidence to overcome [challenges], hope….

In the past few days as she helped organize Lha Trang’s account books, Emilia realized that she had been through a dark and desolate cave.

Their wagon diligently drove through the hill road as they held onto the feeble excitement. They were greeted by two guards and Pip when they finally reached the driveway to the cottage.

“Young Master has yet to arrive. Things must have been hectic in Nowak, and that’s why he is running late. It looks like he could only come directly to the plaza where the festival is held. Since we still have time, shall we go and see Moria?”

As he spoke, Pip led Emilia and Charlotte into the garden. Emilia couldn’t believe her eyes as soon as they arrived at the entrance. There was a large two-story wooden house built in the middle of the bushes. It must have been for Moria.

How could that coldest and most indifferent man in the world have this childish thought? Emilia’s lips made an arc, and her eyes darkened. Whenever she thought of him lately, Emilia felt her heart split with conflicting emotions. Is there anyone else as unpredictable as he?

She felt both hot and cold whenever she was near him, as if ice and fire coexisted inside her. But now, Emilia felt she might be able to find the middle ground in those raging extremes.

“That’s strange. During this time, the cat would be playing here and catching bugs….”

Pip looked at Charlotte and Emilia as he murmured to himself. He didn’t want to disappoint his Master’s secret and honorable guests. But how could he control a stray cat he let loose?

“Shall we go and look for it in the flower bed?”

As Pip walked, he also diligently explained Moria’s schedule so it sounded like he was making some excuses. The whole time, Beppy held Charlotte’s hand to keep her from tripping over the steps, railings and ledges. Emilia followed them but gradually slowed down until she completely stopped at some point.

Since earlier, she had tried not to look at that place, but by some irresistible force, Emilia’s eyes were drawn to that pavilion. Her heart skipped a beat. Beyond the pillar, the quiet pond began to unravel suffocating scenes, instantly loosening the bolts of the memories that had been tightly locked.

The roar of thunder in the pouring rain; the scent of the man’s damp and clean body that enveloped all her senses, and his broad shoulders that covered the sky….

That place was as beautiful as paradise that day, and he was like a demon eaten by lust. The memory of her with one of her legs hanging on the man’s forearm and willingly spreading her body for him, she couldn’t dare lift her head on that suffocating memory. That’s right. Even when she despised him the most, her body was like a flower in full bloom waiting for bees to come. Everytime her body was spread out and violated, the sense of joy and the soundless screams were evidence of pleasure.

Right here, right on the place she was standing….

Emilia let out a heavy breath and put her hand on the railing of the pavilion. Then she saw Charlotte on the pond across from her.


Emilia managed to calm her trembling body by taking deep breaths. Pip then came.

“Shall we go now?”


The cheerful answer swallowed much of her boiling inside, but Emilia’s subconsciousness was slowly being eaten away by her floating memories.

The four of them left the garden and headed back to the carriage. The carriage returned the way it came and arrived at the plaza where the festival was held. As soon as the horses stopped, the scene in front of Emilia made her doubt her eyes.

Ahh, so that’s why….

She now realized that the reason why Charlotte was able to muster up her courage so easily. Everyone was wearing a mask in the middle of the plaza where clowns performed tricks, and the music resonated.

“It is said that it has always been like this every time they hold a festival on St. Michael’s Day.”

Emilia didn’t know whether she should laugh or cry, so she turned her head toward Charlotte.

“Young Master said that wearing a mask might give me some courage.”

Emilia’s heart throbbed as she looked at Charlotte smiling brightly.

“Yes, and that’s why I prepared this for you.” Pip said as he unfolded the sack he had slung over his shoulder. As expected, there was a mask. “Here, this is something I made after Moria….”

Pip put the cat-eared mask on Charlotte’s face while Emilia took it from behind and tied it around her head. When the little girl turned around and Emilia checked on her, she found that the nodule occupying almost half her face was completely hidden. No one would think that Charlotte is a monster.

“Charlotte, you now have become a real cat.”

“Really?” The child’s face lit up with anticipation.

It was Emilia’s turn after. The mask that Pip pulled out was a normal one and not of animal design. The rim of the bright red leather was embroidered with gold thread, and at one end was a large bird feather.

“It’s really pretty.”

Pip felt strange for some reason as he saw Emilia admiring the mask. I thought that Young Master was enchanted by a witch, but why does she look like an innocent girl?

Oblivious to his thoughts, Emilia tied the mask, looked at the mirror and smiled contentedly. Masks have magical effects. You become a completely different person and feel as if you are in another world.

“Beppy Dilson, here’s yours.”

Emilia couldn’t help but burst into laughter when Beppy put on the mask Pip gave him. The middle-aged man was a tree. With each step he took, dozens of real leaves clinging on his maroon hide swayed to and fro. When Emilia explained to Charlotte how it looked, Charlotte laughed as well, holding her stomach.

“This is mine!”

The little attendant dared to dress up as an emperor with his crown. Come to think of it, he was also wearing clothes full of ruffles, just like a real king’s clothes.

“Now, shall we go?”

They made their way among the people, each of them wearing a unique mask. There were all kinds of masks, ranging from shapes of animals, trees, or insects, or decorated with ornaments or flowers. Others imitated humorous clowns or mythical figures.

Emilia couldn’t calm herself as she held Charlotte’s hand tighter and watched the sea of people. At that moment, a dog came out of nowhere. Emilia was surprised and hugged Charlotte tightly, then Beppy blocked them as if protecting them. The dog frantically ran past them and then headed somewhere else again. After the dog,

“Come back here! Coco!”

Several snotty little girls were running after the dog. Immediately after the children had passed, Emilia blinked her eyes and looked alternately at Charlotte, Beppy, and Pip. Then in an instant, she burst into laughter. It was her first laugh in months.

Emilia turned her head forward again. He appeared in the middle of the crowd. Emilia felt like she was struck by lightning in front of those silver-gray eyes staring at her. The senses she had thought dead flared up again, and her whole body began to feel hot.

Hadius stopped a few steps away from them and stared at her blue eyes emphasized by the red mask. As always, the calm and composed man opened his mouth. His low, deep and pleasant-sounding voice tickled her ears.

“… It suits you.”

Thankfully, she was wearing a mask. If it wasn’t for that, he would have noticed the heat rising from the tip of her chin.