Chapter 100 – Because I Won’t Accept It

Hadius immediately left the factory. The butler following behind couldn’t help but ask.

“Young lord, why did you make such a promise?”

After a moment, what came was not an answer but a sudden question.

“…The Second Foundry, wasn’t it? The place where the strike occurred because a worker died.”

The butler strained to recall as his eyes glazed over.

“Yes, probably… It was the Second Foundry in Erlen. It was truly a dreadful and unfortunate incident. But why suddenly…”

“To use that person.”

“If it’s that person…”

The butler tilted his head, trying hard to understand the enigmatic words.

Several years ago, when Caitlin Meyer was the representative of Meyer Steel, a horrific accident occurred where a worker fell into the boiling molten metal.

It was because the device that served as a platform above the furnace had been damaged, but Caitlin and her team blamed it on the worker’s careless mistake.

Hundreds of workers rebelled and initiated a strike. They not only locked the doors of the factory but also marched to the front of Meyer Steel’s office where Caitlin resided to protest.

“Who was in charge at the time?”

“Erdua Zajak, I believe.”

“No, not the manager of the factory. I mean the representative of the workers.”


The butler couldn’t help but ask again. Why was he suddenly asking about the instigator of the strike?

“…The name… it was probably ‘Andrei,’ but I’m not entirely sure…”

The moment he answered, a shocking realization swept through his mind.

Why did the master, of all things, ask about that incident?

The lack of manpower, the lack of funds, the workers’ representative who had caused a large-scale strike a few years ago and ended up taking all the blame and being imprisoned…

“I must meet that person.”


The young lord was undoubtedly trying to exploit the past situation in reverse. It could be a reckless and dangerous endeavor, but if things went well, it could resolve this faltering situation in one simple step.

“Yes, I will make the preparations.”

Thus, Hadius’ carriage, adorned with new horses and tack, set off without a moment’s rest toward the small town of Erlen, where the second steel mill was located.

It took a whopping three days for the clandestine journey from Noak to Kunt, and finally to Erlen.

Even for the butler, who had never experienced such a task of being the master’s spy, the past three days were unexpectedly intense and grueling, leaving a memorable mark in his memory.

Once all the planned tasks were completed, Hadius intended to return to Noak immediately.

However, the tired horses and the carriage were the problem. In the end, they had no choice but to spend the night at an inn.

“Young master, why are you in such a hurry?” the butler asked, pouring wine into his master’s cup.

“Do I appear to be in a hurry? I feel like I’m dragging my feet.”

“But you have always preferred safe methods, haven’t you?”

Hadius took a sip of wine without answering.

Was it due to the alcohol? The butler’s lips moved on their own.

“Young master, isn’t there an easier, safer, and faster way? Just…”

To continue his sentence, the butler had to swallow.

“If you were to marry Lady Lychenen…”

Hadius chuckled lightly.

“Yes, that would have been much easier and safer. War is inevitable, but if it were not for the heir, rather Duke Meyer, everything would have been easier.”

He turned away from the butler and approached the window. Outside the window, darkness engulfed everything.

But Emilia, would you truly accept me marrying another woman?

Cold liquor touched his already cold lips. Hadius suddenly fell into an unbearable mood.

“Get some rest, butler. We have to leave at dawn.”

The half-empty wine glass was left on the floor.

The next day, they left the inn before dawn. Hadius silently observed his nodding aide and called for the coachman. An hour later, the carriage arrived at the butler’s house, not Basilion’s.

“Thank you, my lord.”

The butler nodded and raised his hand, and the carriage moved away. As he watched the carriage shrink into a tiny dot and disappear, the butler suddenly realized.

Would the young lord really go home? Surely, he would head to the chestnut forest.

A long sigh escaped his tightly closed lips.

Just as the butler suspected, Hadius turned the horse toward Erendorf instead of Nowak.

When the carriage arrived at the forest entrance, Emilia was discussing the issue of moving to Lindsbuch with her family.

“A two-story house?”

“Yes, with five bedrooms, a stable, and a small orchard right next to it.”


Mitch and Kallia exchanged glimmering looks.

“Of course, it’s not our real home. Mrs. Ingrid agreed to lend it to us as long as we pay rent every month. But she said we could do as we please with the orchard. We can even sell the fruit.”

Emilia quickly added,

“And one more thing to keep in mind. Ingrid said not to get too excited. No one has lived there for ten years, and there are rumors that it’s a haunted house. It might take a few months just to clear away the cobwebs. But still, is it alright?”

“Is it alright, Emilia?”

Kallia interjected.

“It’s not far from school, and now we have an orchard, too. Honestly, I’m getting anxious. I don’t understand why the gods are blessing someone like me so much these days. Of course…”

She hesitated and looked at Charlotte.

“Charlotte, I’m worried about you. Moving to a new house means new furniture, a new way of life, and a completely different environment.”

Contrary to their concerns, Charlotte did not lose her smile.

“It’s alright. It means a better life for our entire family. Please don’t change your mind because of me.”

Charlotte saw this forest and the coast of Katia as a kind of earthly paradise.

Unable to overcome her guilty conscience, Emilia gently embraced the child.

“Thank you, Charlotte. Instead, I’m considering hiring a home tutor for the blind on your behalf. Ingrid will help us find a visiting home tutor.”

“But more than that, I…”

Charlotte replied as she slipped out of her sister’s embrace.

“I wish we could live with Brave and Mr. Beppy. We need them more than a home tutor.”


Emilia hesitated. It was obvious with Brave, but Mr. Beppy’s whereabouts had not yet been determined.

“Let’s ask Mr. Beppy directly. That’s the first step. I’ll go get him.”

Just as Emilia said that and was about to open the door, a carriage appeared in the distance, speeding toward them from across the peculiar forest of trees.

It must be Hadius Meyer. There was no mistaking it.

Startled, Emilia quickly closed the door again.

“Sister, what’s wrong?”

Mitty raised her head, and Charlotte stood up abruptly, asking, “Is it the young lord?” Meanwhile, the carriage arrived in front of the courtyard.

As usual, the barking of dogs and Beppy’s greeting followed.

“Why has the young lord come again?”

Kallia opened the door with a slightly darkened face. Mitty and Charlotte followed suit. Only Emilia darted in the opposite direction and rushed into her own room as if fleeing.

Emilia closed the door and leaned against the wall, placing her hands on her pounding chest.

Sounds of family members exchanging greetings came from outside. Kallia asked if he should not have some tea, and Hadius politely declined, as always.

In the ensuing silence, Emilia felt that he was searching for her.

I should go out immediately and greet him. But why am I acting like this?

The answer was right in front of her. It was because of the impulsive birthday gift she had given him a few days ago.

As she lifted the sturdy box, her hands trembled, and her heart pounded even harder. Emilia took several deep breaths before opening the door again.

As she stepped outside, the man standing at the entrance filled her field of vision and made her more dizzy.


“Greetings, my lord.”

Emilia greeted stiffly, unaware of how strange she appeared, and approached Hadius.

“Um, Mother… I’ll have a brief conversation with the young lord and come back.”

“Oh? Oh… alright.”

“Then, please excuse me.”

Hadius greeted, but Kallia couldn’t respond in time.

It was because of Emilia.

With an unusually flushed face, Emilia followed behind the young lord, tucking her hair behind her ear. Even the wooden box, which was clearly a gift, made her feel strangely uncomfortable.

“What’s going on?”

Kallia raised her head, as if something was amiss, like Charlotte.

“Isn’t something strange about my sister?”

Watching the two figures move away from the window, Kallia felt her heart sink again.

Why did the young lord keep showing up?

Of course, the Young Lord had said that he wanted to take care of the family even after the cancellation.

He had resolved the issue of Countess Mitty’s honor and, according to Emilia, even received a generous compensation from His Majesty overflowing with gratitude, all thanks to Lord Meyer.

But that should be enough.

The Duchess Meyer would never tolerate the heir showing concern for his former fiancée. It was clearly against all reason.

Why does Emilia look so strange again?

It was as if the child was welcoming a lover returning from the front lines. She was supposed to keep her distance from the young lord and hold herself together…

Many things that Kallia had neglected while working at the factory weighed heavily on her heart.


Kallia quickly turned to Charlotte.

“Will you honestly tell me? About my sister and the young lord.”

Unaware of the conversation taking place at home, Emilia walked side by side with Hadius along the forest path.

It wasn’t the first time they walked together, but today, it felt strangely unfamiliar.

No, upon reflection, it wasn’t just today.

Even when they went to the festival, Emilia found it difficult to raise her head due to the strange, spine-chilling embarrassment that surged through her.

How absurd it was to feel bashful when thinking back to the night they spent together.

Emilia found herself both amused and flustered by such a state. Her absent-minded gaze must have been rather peculiar, as Hadius suddenly stopped in his tracks and turned his head toward her.

“Why? Is something wrong?”

“Oh, no…”

Without dispelling his suspicion, he scanned her up and down.

“What’s that?”

His innocent eyes filled with curiosity as he fixed on the box.

“Huh? Oh… this is…”

Caught in a state of uncertainty, Emilia hesitated.

Hadius quietly observed her as she wavered back and forth, unsure of what to do.

“Shall I listen? It seems heavy.”

“Oh, no, it’s alright.”

Emilia clung to the box tenaciously, as if it were a treasure that must not be taken away.

Hadius resumed walking toward the beach. After a moment, a vast expanse of ocean unfolded before the two of them.

Emilia sat down on a sunlit spot, while Hadius stood a few steps away with his back to her.

“…Would you like to sit?”

She asked, and Hadius briefly turned his head.

“It’s fine.”

He casually replied and turned his body back toward the sea, slipping his hand into his pocket.

It wasn’t awkward. Neither was it fearful or uneasy. Yet, Emilia’s heart was pounding as if it could pierce through her bones, thumping loudly.

Perhaps due to excessive tension, her stomach churned, and a wave of nausea washed over her. Unconsciously, Emilia covered her mouth with her hand, and just as Hadius somehow knew, he swiftly twisted his body.


Worry filled her eyes and spilled over her eyebrows.

“Where does it hurt?”

“…No, it’s nothing… It’s just something that happens occasionally these days. Like indigestion. It’ll get better soon, so don’t worry.”

Her rigid expression didn’t relax.

“Let’s go to the hospital. Or I can call a physician…”

“Oh, wait! This!”

Emilia almost screamed as she interrupted him.


A box was blocking his approach. Hadius looked back and forth between the box and Emilia with a face that showed he didn’t understand.

“W-Well, it’s a gift. Actually.”

“A gift?”

Hadius repeated the word as if he had never heard it before.

“It’s… it’s your birthday. It’s still a while away… but it’s your birthday, sir. I’m sure…”

Emilia lowered her gaze and handed him the box once again, and Hadius accepted it hesitantly.


He murmured to himself.

A gust of wind blew over them, gently brushing against the man’s chest and caressing the flushed cheek of the woman.

“Can I open it?”



But Hadius remained frozen staring intently for a long time at the box instead of opening it.

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