Chapter 8 - Black Swan

Chapter 8 – Black Swan

She boasted in front of Charlotte but, as soon as she arrived at the Cavendish mansion the next day, a problem arose.

Because the commoner Emilia Bern dared to arrive in a carriage.

There is no law that prevents commoners from riding carriages. The problem was that it was a very luxurious carriage, hard to find in Erndorf.

A scuffle broke out at the entrance. The servant locked the gate and Beppy growled. With his glaring eyes, he looked like a lion from hell.

The frightened servant ran straight to the butler, Haspel. As expected, Haspel sweated profusely in front of the big man.

“Emilia, how about you just get off here and go inside? I’ll discuss it with the Master and let you know what to do.”

Emilia somehow tried to send Beppy back.

But Beppy was as stubborn as a bull. As he stood in front of the main gate, Haspel had no choice but to declare surrender. He ran to the Master, Bernen Cavendish.

Oddly enough, Baron Cavendish was more interested in the carriage than in Beppy or Emilia.

“This is strange… How did you…”

As he looked around the small carriage, he was startled to find a mark on the handle. A shield and three arrows, the symbol of the Meyer family, was engraved.

Emilia, who belatedly discovered it, was also taken aback.

Bernen Cavendish frowned and thought about it for a while, holding his chin, then he nodded as if he could not help it.

“All right. I will let you in. From now on, use the back gate in the warehouse instead. You shouldn’t think we are treating you badly. You know that Countess Odelia Lüen is staying here, right?”

Asking that, Cavendish’s face was full of pride. She thought he was too childish, but Emilia nodded without a word.

“I want you to know that there are guests coming from all over the country to see her. The reality is, we do not have enough space for the carriages, and we can’t ask them to use the warehouse. And this is legally unavoidable. There is absolutely no article in the law for ‘carriages owned by commoners’.”

In the common law, it is written only as ‘carriage’. She wanted to point out that there is no article about ‘carriages owned by nobles’ either.

But, as always, Emilia put up with that.

“Thank you.”

Thanks to her polite answer, the commotion surrounding the carriage was quickly cleared up.

The servants opened the back gate and the bystanders disappeared like a falling tide. There was only one person that didn’t calm down, the growling Beppy.

“Cavendish bad! Bad!”

Emilia had a hard time calming down Beppy, who was panting and kicking the ground.

“It’s okay, mister. I really don’t care. Here, you gain as much as you lose. There is also such a saying. You need to know how to lose to be able to win.”

Beppy didn’t budge, as if he had heard a different language from another world. Emilia sighed.

“If you keep insisting like this, I may end up going to Young Master Meyer. If I do that, we won’t be able to save your sister.”

Beppy, who was burning like fire, quickly calmed down. But Emilia felt disgusted.

Using the other person’s desperate feelings, how different would she be from Hadius Meyer?

Treating someone as one pleases never matched Emilia’s personality.

“Of course, it will never happen. I was just trying to send you back. Now, please go. Charlotte is waiting for you to play on the swing.”

Beppy closed his mouth, seemed to think about something, and immediately nodded.

After seeing him off, Emilia showed the card and stood at the door, as usual. Today too, the door opened after a long time.


“That kid.”


“The rat Shayla was talking about. Today, she came in a carriage!”

“A carriage? It must have been a cheap two-wheeler.”

“No, I heard it had four wheels? Plus, it had Meyer’s crest engraved on it.”

“Oh my God, that is weird…”

Emilia slipped past the crowd.

Unshakable aloofness can cause even more irritation, and the woman, whose mouth was twitching, rolled her eyes in search of a new partner to gossip with.

And she found it. A young man who definitely stands out among the countless visitors, Nathan Malvin, the oldest son of the Malvin family who owns a large ranch in the western region.

“You know, that kid who just passed…”

Under the dark brown hair, vivid green eyes turned to the woman.

In front of an extremely aristocratic, refined face, the woman gasped. He ignored the woman and spoke first.

“I know. A rat entering and leaving this place. The fiancée of the Meyer family, Emilia Bern.”

There was a hint of amusement in the eyes of the man who muttered so.

It was a week ago that she first came into Nathan Malvin’s eyes.

It was the first time he saw a woman with such a mysterious hair color. From the sunny side of the window, it was as soft as honey, but under the shaded bookcase, it was dark like a hazelnut.

Whatever color it was, while looking at the voluminous hair that curled softly, the resentment was forgotten for a moment.

“Look at that. Those gloves, the parasol, and even the umbrella.”

“Oh my God, it’s a rag out of fashion.”

“Shayla, she’s older than your maid, Mia.”

Laughter burst out here and there.

“By the way, until when will Sir Cavendish allow access?”

“I want her to stop coming now. Honestly, it’s like being abandoned by the Meyer family, isn’t it?”

“So, I’m thinking of requesting them to check their visitors more thoroughly. So that she can realize it herself.”

The nobles he knows would never do that. For them, hypocrisy is a virtue. A real aristocrat should smile in the front and slap them in the back.

Nevertheless, the reason why Shayla and her group do that is because Emilia Bern is a ‘commoner’, completely different from them.

Of course, if she were just a commoner, it wouldn’t have been a problem. Because most nobles enjoyed pretending to be kind and generous in front of those lower than them.

But that girl was a black swan. She didn’t know her place and dared to fly into a group of white swans.

The door opened after a while, and a middle-aged woman wearing a bustle-style dress appeared. It was a private tutor who was visiting suddenly, Odelia Lüen.

Sir Cavendish invited her to his mansion by mobilizing his son-in-law’s parents and even his third cousin, in order to make his daughter’s debut successful.

The news that a socialite had been staying here for months quickly spread, and the local nobles sent visiting cards.

As a result, many young men and women gathered in one place to receive a kind of ‘lesson’.

“Sit down, everyone. Today, we’re going to learn how to move from the ballroom to the dining room when you’re invited to a ball.”

Everything Odelia talks about is also in the cheap etiquette books you can find in the market.

Nevertheless, the only reason why all the young people come here is because of her influence on the social world.

“If a man moves to the dining room with a woman, he must come out with exactly the same woman. You should never change your partner…”

Listening to a dull voice like that, his eyelids keep getting heavier.

Should he just sleep?

Nathan had already struck Countess Lüen’s nerves several times with his rude and rebellious attitude. Even now, unlike other people, isn’t he lying on his back on the sofa, alone?

However, a moderate arrogance that does not cross the line was like a symbol of the Malvin family. Nathan decided not to doze off, at least in front of others.

Time passed too slowly.

The yacht competition sponsored by the Royal Family, held next month in Fisher Bay.

At which cottage will we enjoy fox hunting this winter?

Send a message to Tilson and tell him to train the dog starting from now…

His thoughts wandered like fallen leaves on a river.

Suddenly, Emilia Bern came into his eyes.

The sun shone like a halo on her shoulders. Glancing through the beautiful lines, from her forehead to her nose and chin, he met her deep blue eyes for a moment.

Are there any other eyes that look so heartless?

Emilia Bern caught his attention without a moment’s hesitation. Perhaps what really stimulates Nathan’s curiosity is that terrible indifference.

“That’s it for today. Unfortunately, I have an important appointment, so I do not think I can attend teatime. Please have fun among yourselves.”

The maids brought tea as soon as Countess Lüen left the salon, and the young men and women sat in a circle.

Only Nathan and Emilia were far away from the crowd.

“Nathan, come on.”


“What are you doing?”

Harriet asked again. Nathan kept looking at the ceiling without answering, opening and closing the lid of the pocket watch he had in his hand.

Arrogant guy.

Harriet must have been babbling like that. Nathan enjoyed it.

How mean.

As expected, it’s disgusting and unpleasant to be at the top of the pyramid and see yourself stepping on the ones below you and see the ones below you step on the ones below them.

Is it because it feels like seeing one’s own face? Or because he feels compassion for that black swan?

At that moment, the black swan quietly got up. She wanted to hide her existence somehow, so she moved very quietly.

The door opened and closed again. Nathan stormed out of his seat.

“Nathan, where are you going?”

Pretending not to listen, he left the salon and went straight to the study.

The black swan will probably be there. She had declined teatime before and spent the rest of her time there.

As expected.

He found her as soon as he opened the door. The pair of gloves and parasol that she was ridiculed for were placed neatly on one side of the wide table.

He deliberately chose a seat that was hard to see. He picked any book, held it in his hand, and chased after the small figure with his eyes.

Finally, she appeared through the bookshelves.

Emilia approached the servant in charge of the study, holding a book in one hand and a visiting card in the other.

As soon as the servant saw it, she had a troubled look on her face. When Emilia showed her the card again, she sighed and nodded as if she couldn’t help it.

So, she’s trying to borrow a book.

Nathan thought. If it were someone else, the servant would not have hesitated to approve it.

The size of the study was big enough to be close to a library, and Sir Cavendish was a generous person. He left the study open to anyone who visited his house and said they could borrow books at any time.

But it seemed that black swan needed a visiting card from the Meyer family to be able to borrow a book. Just like when she came in and out.

It’s amusing. Shall we say it’s original? Playing with a visit card or something.

Nathan observed her in earnest, with a crooked smile.

Emilia picked up another book and sat down. Then she quickly fell into the book.

She read the book with a very colorful expression. She frowned, opened her mouth in surprise, and laughed suddenly, too. She twirled her hair around, or suddenly hugged the book, staring into the void as if she were deeply moved. He could guess the contents, just from looking at her face.

Looking at the moist, blue eyes, the air around him feels refreshing.

Shall we say something now?

Something unexpected happened as he was about to get up from his seat.