Chapter 67 - Too Sweet Temptation

Dominik sighed heavily. The young actor probably did not want to answer Andrzej's question, but he was too simple-minded boy to avoid an answer.

"He wanted me to come back to him. I got angry. He kissed me, and I felt like something nasty was touching me. I couldn't take it and we left."

It was predictable that Marczak might show up at this event, but Andrzej did not think that he might try something in front of people.

"Sorry," he muttered. "I insisted that you go to that party and you met so unpleasant surprise."

"I'm all right. I'm glad Marek was there. Thanks to this, I understood that it was impossible for me to ever return to him. That evening prompted me to think about a few things. Marek ... will never be a part of my life again."

Dominik was honest. It was evident that he believed in his words with all his heart. Good, thought Andrzej. It is really good that the shadow of this relationship does not fall so much on his heart.

"Probably with the whole scenario you won't have time for it, but Martynka has her birthday in November. There will be a small party in the restaurant. The girls wouldn't forgive me if I didn't invite you."

"Really? Man, what can I buy as a gift for an eight-year-old girl?"

"I have no idea. Though I'm just guessing, she would enjoy the date with you the most."

"Don't talk nonsense. She is at least ten years away from dating. Who do you take me for?"

"Hey, modern kids date in kindergarten. You don't have to go to a romantic dinner with her, but I bet all her friends would be jealous of her if you took her to the movies. Or ponies," Andrzej joked.

"Ponies, ponies ..." Dominik took the suggestion very seriously. "In November it may already be cold, but if you dress warm, she can really like it."

Andrzej had to admit that he was speechless. Śliwiński really planned to take her for a pony ride?

"Thank you," the actor smiled brightly at him. "I'll buy her a pony!"

"Hola, hola, are you not exaggerating?"

"Of course not! Every little girl dreams of a pony. I can make this girl's dream come true."

"But horses are expensive!"

"Not at all. It won't cost more than my one shooting day."

"Well ... unless so.

Dominik was completely, absolutely incorrect, and blind to reality, but it wasn't that bad. If he had money and wanted to spend it to please the child, it was his right and even a privilege, judging from his sparkling eyesight. Maybe with this little horse, as during a walk in a zoo, he compensates for his prematurely stolen childhood?

Screw it, get her that pony. Andrzej will somehow convince Paulina to this idea.

"Only if you decide to buy a small horse, also add hay in the package."


Andrzej was wiping the last plate when Dominik appeared at the sink, sitting on its edge. He was so close that the vessel almost fell from Nowicki's hands. He felt his hip on his hip, and his beautiful face was dangerously close to his.

"Sorry to handle the script that way," the actor said guiltily. "The thing is, I didn't get any offers for so long and the description of the character looked so interesting that I had to check the story and then I started looking for a pony ..."

"You don't have to explain to me" said Andrzej. Dominik was far too close.

"But I want. I've ignored you for too long, and I feel very bad about it."

"Don't overdo it. It was only a few hours and it was work related. After all, we spend our days in our company."

"Of course you are right, just…" Dominik shifted another centimeters. His hip was pressing down on Andrzej quite intensely.

After a while it turned out that his hand was pressing on something else.

Nowicki started. The hand rubbing him through his pants was something he could not take with indifference.

"We weren't supposed to go back to it ..." Andrzej turned his face towards Dominik and he could almost feel his hot breath on her. His mouth felt dry.

"We weren't supposed to talk about it, and that's the difference" Dominik explained. "Actually, I wasn't supposed to say anything until you started the topic yourself. There was nothing in the agreement about touching."

It's true, Nowicki admitted silently. Although Dominik caressed him through his clothes, his action was not without effect.

"What if we were not talking about what was, but about what could be?" suggested Śliwiński. "About a dream that I wish to come true?"

"About a dream?" Andrzej's breathing was getting heavier.

"Yes. There is someone special in this dream, whose touch makes my senses, body and heart go wild with delight. Someone who will fill my every cell with himself."

"Dominik ... Why?"

"Why what? Why do I want you? Why do I love you?"


"Because since we've known each other, you never wanted anything for yourself, always for me. And I guess I'm an egoist because I want even more from you."

"You, an egoist? Bad joke. After all, it was me ..."

Śliwiński shook his head.

"Believe me, you gave me a piece of heaven then."

How could he say such words? How can a man get so much pleasure from being with another man? Is there any pleasure in taking someone's penis into you?

"If what you are doing now is an invitation, then ..."

"It is."

Andrzej looked away. He felt weird. His whole body was on fire with the thought of Dominik caressing his skin and then putting his penis in that hot tight channel making the actor squirm with ecstasy.

But how could he do that? How could he use this beautiful man for his own desires? Dominik invited him, claimed that he felt great pleasure, but Andrzej was unable to convince himself to do so.

Dominik was taught to take pleasure in such behavior because he had never experienced the opposite, proper male role.

"Why are you hesitating?" The actor asked bringing his mouth closer to him. "I can see your body craves mine. You're so tough ..."

"Stop it."

"Come inside me, please."

"Dominik ..."

"Please ..."

"Stop it!" Andrzej moved away from him sharply enough to surprise the actor. "I ... Wait for me at your room. If I come, it must be my decision, without the pressure you are putting on me."

Dominik's eyes widened so much that they turned into two black and aquamarine saucers. The lips smiled radiantly. Śliwiński did not say a word. He withdrew from the kitchen, never taking his eyes off the photographer, and walked lightly to his bedroom.

Andrzej swallowed hard.