Chapter 100 - Facing The First Suspect

Marczak was definitely capable of pretending and lying, as evidenced by this little press conference in front of the actor's house. He invented the deceptions on the spot without changing the tone of his voice, expression or even eyesight. After all, he had years of private and professional practice.

And yet Nowicki had the impression that this time he heard something really honest in his voice. His joy, surprise, and then matter-of-factness had traces of the same tension that he felt himself. It could be a lie, but it could also be absolute honesty. It will be easier for Andrzej to unravel it if he looks into his eyes.

At least he hoped so.

At present, Dominik's disappearance remained a mystery. The policeman who visited their home did it completely unofficially. He investigated the scene and stated that he did not officially see any grounds for reporting. There were no signs of a break-in, no abduction, threatening letters, ransom demands, so far everything indicated that Śliwiński left the house and had not returned yet. He might as well have fun with some little lady right now. That would be the official position. Yes, with such a public person there was a heightened risk of a crime, but official reporting would have given them nothing more than they had now. The only thing they would get would be a media sensation and they didn't necessarily need it. Leaving house, the inspector stopped in the doorway.

"You're afraid of a sexual abduction," he said matter-of-factly. "You have reasons. People like Śliwiński are extremely attractive to this type of attackers. But it is good. In most of these cases, the kidnapper isn't about killing his victim, it's about making them his own. There is a very high probability that your friend is alive."

Andrzej turned pale. He preferred not to think about what was happening to his Dominic right now.

Inspector Adamski has promised to look into this matter. Although the first impression was unpleasant, and their temporary contacts in the past were not the best either, at the end of the meeting, Nowicki decided that for some reason he could trust him. This man not only loved his job, he was his job, so in fact, he would do everything in his power to find the actor as soon as possible. It was as if the case of his disappearance had a special resonance for him.

Bambus also did not remain passive. He launched his entire network and even awarded a prize for providing information on the current whereabouts of Śliwiński. His channels, completely unofficial and not always legal, were reliable, and Andrzej knew that sooner or later they would bring some results. It surprised him that someone like Bambus had brought a policeman to the case, especially this one, but he didn't have time to wonder where the idea came from, or why the cop agreed. He was only glad that someone experienced would help him find Dominik. It was the only thing that mattered to him at this point.

Going to Marczak, Nowicki felt bad. It wasn't the best idea to recall case from years ago, and it only made his head confused. He should focus on Śliwiński and only him. If Marczak has anything to do with his disappearance, he will pay a lot for it. He will pay for it with his own blood.

In fact, the security guard at the entrance had been warned about his visit. He just asked for his name and was kind enough to even point him upstairs and explain how to get to the appropriate office. Nowicki thanked him and, feeling how his anger was building up in him, went to meet Marczak.

The corridors were empty, lit only with alarm lights, but it was impossible to get lost. The agency occupied half floors, and the president's office was at the end of a hallway lined with posters.

He didn't even knock. He opened the door with momentum and his eyes found Marczak standing at the desk.

"Where's Dominik ?!" Andrzej attacked from the threshold, grabbing the skirts of Marczak's jacket. "Answer, because if not ..."

Instantly he found himself on his knees with his arm painfully twisted back. The situation seemed strangely familiar to him, although he was a witness at the time, not a participant.

"Relax, Mr. Nowicki, from the beginning" he heard right next to his ear. "Something happened to Dominik?"

Andrzej was pissed off, no, that's not enough to say, he was pissed off to the max.

"Let me go, you bastard! You know very well!"

"I assure you that no" the grip eased and Andrzej jumped up from the ground. The man in front of him was staring at him with the same irritated, defiant gaze as his own.

"Dominik is gone."

"What? What do you mean? How did this happen? When?"

"Would I be here if I knew?!" He exploded. "He did not wait for me at home, although he promised ..."

Andrzej already knew that it was not Marczak who had Śliwiński in his hand. This discovery hurt more than a twisted arm. He could handle Marczak, he would know how to play everything. He had photos of him, he had Bambus men prepared. He was not afraid of Marczak. But if Dominik was in the hands of some unknown madman ...

Andrzej's mouth opened by itself when he began to talk about everything. He didn't have much to say, but he felt that despite his confused past, Marczak still loved Dominik in his own way and would do anything to find and help him.

"Did you notify the police?"

"Sort of. One inspector is already on the case."


"Adamski. Robert Adamski."

"Suitable for this?" Marczak went to the telephone on the desk and picked up the receiver. With his other hand, he was flipping through his contact pad.

"Yes, I think so. What are you gonna do?"

"I'm calling the commander of the capital city police."

"At this time?"

"If the crime is awake, so should the police."

Somehow, Andrzej was not surprised either by Marczak's answer or the fact that the manager had a number to the commander of the capital police. As it turned out, private.

"Marek Marczak from this side. Sorry to wake you up, but one of my people may be in danger ... Yes, he's missing this evening, and he's not the type that would run on his own ... Of course, as always ... Yes, there was some initial research. A certain Robert Adamski…" Marczak frowned. "What? Why? I see… In this case, it won't be a problem. The boy is clean as a snow. I understand that I can count on help? Thank you. And again, sorry to interrupt your sleep. Good night."

Nowicki looked at him with like a wolf. In the conversation with the commandant, Marczak was so soft that he was almost slimy. But when he hung up, his eyes grew predatory and his expression tight.

"You don't like me," he said bluntly. "It's no secret. I would also like you not to exist and not to bother with Dominik and me, but because of the situation, I propose an alliance. A truce at least."


"Please have a drink," he handed him a glass of whiskey.

"In such a situation I don't think…" growled Andrzej.

"And I am. You are so upset that you are about to explode."

"How am I not to be, if at this point Dominik ... ?!" His voice stuck in his throat. He was so scared at the thought that someone might be hurting him ... And all this because instead of protecting him, he wanted to take some idiotic pictures ..."

"Sit down and drink," said Marczak imperiously. For some reason, his voice had power over Andrew, and he obeyed. The alcohol burned his throat, but after a while the tension he felt eased slightly.

"Thank you," he muttered. He rubbed his forehead with his hand. "I'm sorry…"

"I'm not surprised you suspected me," said Marczak, pouring it into his glass and filling one for himself. "The circumstances in which we met were not the best. I do not deny that I am not the cleanest man, but Dominik ... He is really someone special to me and I cannot forgive myself for hurting him, that's why ... That's why I agree to your relationship."

Andrzej wasn't looking at him only at the carpet on the floor. In his hands he held a glass of amber liquid and a pleasant warmth spread over his body. But the heart still ached. He should be anywhere else now, looking for Dominik, looking into every house and room he could find, but it would take a million years, and it probably wouldn't work. Meanwhile, his Dominic ...

The thoughts hurt too much. He drank his glass immediately.

It was truly difficult, almost impossible to bear.

"This Adamski" continued Marczak "has a reputation. It is rare for a commandant to immediately recognize the name of someone who does not work directly under him. He's a good cop, though ... difficult. He has results, and this is the most important thing. Tomorrow morning he would be ordered to deal with this as a priority."