Chapter 102 - In The Hands Of Someone's Madness

Dominik woke up feeling chill. He tried to open his eyes, but the sharp pain in his head made him close them immediately. He wanted to reach for the covers with his hand, but couldn't. Instead, he heard a metallic sound.

Immediately, despite the pain and numbness, he opened his eyes.

Where was he? What happened to him?

He didn't recognize the interior he was in. He couldn't see clearly in the twilight, but he definitely didn't know the gray concrete walls without any decorations or windows, as if he were in some basement or shelter. He didn't understand how he got inside and what exactly happened to him? The panic, however, made no sense. He took a deep breath.

Slowly he began to remember.

He talked with Maciej Werner about the film. It was their first meeting after the doctor let him return to the set. Andrzej was not at home - he went to his first photo session in his new job. He was supposed to come back late in the evening and Dominik promised him a delicious dinner and almost all the time during the meeting he only thought about what he would cook and how quickly he would get Andrzej to bed.

The shooting of the film was actually supposed to start in December, because the director, who is optimistic about Śliwiński's health, has not yet changed his plans. Werner was discussing the schedule with Dominik when the actor felt unwell. He felt dizzy. He staggered. He remembered the director supporting him and anxiously asking if he could help - and that was it. Dominik didn't remember anything else.

He tried to move his hands again. His wrists felt pain as if they were in shackles. Were his hands actually in handcuffs? But why?

He couldn't see well in the twilight, but despite the unpleasant thud in his head, he quickly realized that he wasn't wearing clothes. The light quilt which he was covered with slipped to the side, giving only one leg warmth. Who for God's sake could do this to him? For what?

The last thing he remembered was Maciej Werner, bending over himself, but he probably didn't ...?

His heart skipped a beat with fear. He was naked, handcuffed to the bed - that could not be a good sign. Whoever did this to him surely had no pure intentions. What is he going to do with him? Humiliate him? Take dirty photos and then blackmail him, or maybe ...?

Dominik pulled up his legs for warmth and to hide his exposed manhood. He swallowed hard.

He only remembered Werner, but he couldn't imagine why this nice young director would do this to him. After all, they communicated well and Werner assured him more than once about his devotion to the actor. But what if his devotion was completely different that Dominik assumed?

What if it's not Werner, but someone completely different? If someone burst into his house to kidnap him and the director got in their way and so that he wouldn't disturb them, they decided to remove him? Could they even… kill him?

Śliwiński huddled as much as he could, rolled up into one small grain.

Who is doing this to him? Why? For what? What does he want from him?

Oh, Andrzej, he sighed wistfully. Do you know someone has kidnapped me yet?


Time passed slowly. Dominik, huddled on the bed, was very cold. He was trembling. His head was pounding, so he suspected that some drugs had been administered to him to put him to sleep. From time to time he would fall into a restless nap with blurry figures passing before his eyes. Someone was bending over him, shining into his closed eyes, but when he opened them, he couldn't see anyone above him. He was falling asleep again.

Finally, a fluorescent lamp shone on the ceiling. This time the light was real, because he was painfully stung when he opened his eyes.

"Good morning, Dominik" the man who entered sounded overjoyed. The light from the light bulb he turned on blinded the actor, so he could not see his face yet. "Did you sleep well?"

Dominik's eyes grew used to the light. Now he could easily recognize the man who approached him with his breakfast tray. His heart beat faster - not with fear, but with anger. So it's him after all!

"Wrong," he admitted softly. "I was cold."

"Oh sorry. The blanket has come off of you?"

"I would have straightened it back, but my hands are tied a bit," he indicated.

"I was afraid that if you wake up and do not recognize the place, you might try to do something stupid. Unfortunately, I couldn't be with you all the time. I had to act like I didn't know anything about your disappearance. Your Nowicki is terribly annoying."

"Andrzej?" Dominik couldn't contain the hope in his voice. Andrzej is looking for him!

"This is not good partner for you," Werner mentally said, setting the tray down and pulling the covers over Dominik. "You can afford someone better."

Werner brought his lips closer to Dominik's and slowly placed a warm kiss on them. Śliwiński started - it was his only reaction.

"I do not understand why…? Why are you doing this to me?"


"Why did you kidnap me, undress me and put me in bed?"

"You silly! Because I love you and you can't see it. I had to get your attention somehow" explained Werner in a tone so calm and gentle as if he was explaining something to a little child.

"But ... Didn't you think to buy me flowers, send me a gift? Say what you feel…"

"I sent you a gift, but you are looking only at Nowicki. I'll prove to you that I'm better than him."

"Gift? What gift?" Dominik felt a shudder, this time not from the cold, but from disgust and rising fear. „Do you mean ... this ... You sent me the dead cat?"

"It was a little joke. I really didn't mean to hurt you. I figured if you're gonna be in a black comedy, you'd get a joke, but you're so sensitive, even more than I thought."

This time the kiss was longer and deeper, but Dominik felt as if he had something disgusting in his mouth. He hated this feeling. He was under the impression that his disgust would suffocate him. He managed to break away and turn his head. He felt severe nausea. He began to cough.

"Stop it," he asked. "I'm feeling sick."

"Not true. The doctor said you were healthy. You told me that yourself."

"But this night ... I was very cold. And this drug ..."

"It was just a sedative, nothing more."

Dominik gritted his teeth. Werner seemed to only hear what he wanted to hear and find answers to everything. How was it possible that this talented writer and director had such cruelty about him?

"That kitten ... did you kill him?"

"Why do you care so much about him? It's just a pet. Oh, Dominik, I dreamed of a moment when I could hold you in my arms. I will prove to you that I am the best choice for you."

The man leaned over him and began to caress his chest and lick his nipples. When Andrzej and even Marek did it, it was a caress. Now Dominik felt nothing but a growing disgust. These hands had innocent blood on them. True, it was just a kitten, a stupid animal, but it did nothing to be murdered.

"Stop it," Dominik asked again. He was stronger than he was before, but the disgust still made him feel weak."

"You're right," surprisingly, Werner obeyed. "You must be hungry. I have prepared breakfast for you. Hope you like scrambled eggs. Please say "a"."

Dominik did not want to.

"Why don't you cooperate with me? You should be more polite. I am asking you nicely."

"You kidnapped and imprisoned me! You think these are the circumstances in which I might be inclined to be polite?"

"You should!!!" Werner seemed to be losing control of himself. "I'm just doing this to make you understand!"

"I understand very well! You are sick! If you really loved me, you would never treat me that way!"

Werner calmed down and smiled.

"Soon you will understand everything, my dear. My beautiful." He stroked the actor's cheek. "You will soon understand that this is my true love. Most sincere. Oh, your penis is so curled up like a bird shivering with cold. We'll warm him up soon."

"Leave it!" growled Śliwiński trying to dodge but he had a limited range of movement and his member disappeared in hot, male mouth.

Dominik knew what was happening, and yet he hoped it was some foul dream that he would awake from. He felt sick. Why does someone reduce him to the level of a sex toy, ensuring that he loves him? How could anyone lie to him and himself so hideously?

Werner's head worked hard, and so did his tongue, but Śliwiński felt no pleasure. His organ didn't even twitch.