Chapter 130 - Emergancy

Olek sighted heavily. Mom was quite stubborn person, like Dominik.

"Knowing that, she immediately flew to the parish priest. His words will be the sentence. He will probably say to her, 'hate sin, not a sinner', so she will not stop loving you, but she will be nagging to you. So where are you acting now?"


"Whaaaat…? Why? Probably not because of the rumors?"

"Not really…"

"Dominik, you are my brother. Who will you tell if not your family?"

"It's a bit… complex."

"We have time."

"It's already midnight."

"Best time to talk. Only beer is missing."

Dominik got up and took two bottles from the refrigerator.

"Well, that I understand" Olek smiled.

"It didn't fit with the dinner," the actor excused himself, "and I hardly drink at all."

"It's good. Open up."

Dominik took out an opener and two bottle caps shot into the air. No one bothered to pick them up. The kitchen needed some proper cleaning anyway. It's time for a fraternal conversation over a beer.


"Then why don't you want to act?

Olek was already finishing his second beer, Dominik was still at the first one, but it seemed that his head was very weak.

"It's because of the people," he replied grudgingly.

"How is it, because of the people?"

"They… always want something. They always want a piece of me."

Olek had to admit that he did not understand this argument. He only knew one thing - his brother, although older, is a bit childish. He acts as if he doesn't know the real world. He used to be different. Teenage Dominik was well aware of the gray reality, so he went to the gastronomy, although he did not really want to. Later, when he was offered to star in a movie, he accepted it because the family needed money. The mother was happy that her son had the talent to get out of poverty, and in fact, at the beginning, Dominik supported them very financially. During these seven years, he constantly sent them expensive gifts. Olek suddenly felt stupid. Well, even he was preying on his older brother's work.

"You don't have to buy us anything! Seriously!"

Dominik looked at him with slightly hazy eyes.

"Not money! Me!" He explained.

"You you?"

"Well ..."

The older brother leaned his elbow on the table and propped his head. Olek looked at him more closely.

Dominik was lovely. In all his childhood photos, he looked like a little angel or an elf. Even now, as an adult guy, there was something ethereal and very erotic about him. He didn't take any sexy pose, he just sat and watched, but Olek felt strange. Wait, he's my brother, he thought to himself. A brother who was more by name than by actual ties, because apart from blood, they had not shared anything with each other for those almost eight years. Dominik had a lot of sex appeal that was said to be inherent in women. With his unique beauty and a certain delicacy of being, he could arouse quite a desire in people. Since even Olek, his own brother felt so strange ...

"You mustn't play any more!" He announced firmly to his brother.


"Only when you turn forty, no, fifty, will you be able to act in movies! Not earlier!"

Dominik rubbed his watery eye.

"Dear brother," he said.

Gosh, he really is too sexy!

"I will tell Andrzej this right away!"

He jumped towards the office and, without even knocking, burst into it.

Nowicki looked up from the monitor. It looked like he was really working on the computer.

"Dominik will not play in movies anymore" Olek called from the entrance in a very decisive tone.

"I know."

This calm answer disturbed Olek from the rhythm.

"You did know?"

"Of course."

At this point, Olek felt like an idiot.

"Although I'm not sure why he made such a decision," added Andrzej.

The younger brother stepped inside and slowly closed the door.

"I know you're good to him," he said softly. "It shows. But there were others, not so good, huh?"

Nowicki did not answer, he just closed the laptop.

"I thought so" said Olek. "He's amazing to some extent. Unique. As if he wasn't just… human. That's stupid what I'm saying, isn't it?"

"No. Not for me. One of my first impressions of him was similar."

"People probably want him a bit too much, and the way he is presented in the media only intensifies it. Even the last ad and posters ..."

"Shit. Do you think we have exaggerated?" Nowicki was concerned.

"I have no idea. But I saw the girls screech at the sight of them."

"I love your brother, but I failed to protect him. This stalker is my fault."

The boy sat down heavily in the chair in front of the desk.

"I do not know what should I think about it" he admitted. "I was a kid when Dominik started acting. It all seemed so cool to me. All those gifts, press articles, posters ... A small town kid making such a career! And that's my own brother! But they did something to him, didn't they? They broke him."

"No," Andrzej replied gently. "Maybe they tried to break him, but no. Dominik is the most wonderful man I know. He has its drawbacks and he has some troubles, but everyone has them. You don't know about it, but I only watched your brother's movies after I met him personally. I was curious why there was so much hype around him. I really liked his acting and I liked seeing him in the movies, but I still prefer him as his. I would love him even if he were a sewer, although we would probably never meet back then."

"So you don't make him play in the movies?"

"Of course not. Dominik decides about his life himself. I will support him regardless of his decisions."

"Hmm! You know what? I don't care what my mother thinks. You and Dominik fit together."


"I'll go to sleep. Good night."

"Good night."


Andrzej looked at his watch. He did not like to be late, but in the morning he drove Olek to the train station and accompanied him with Dominik until the boy boarded the forty-minute delayed train. The younger brother spent four days with them, which was enough for Nowicki to get used to him and like him. Olek was completely different from Dominik, not only physically but also personally. The boy was energetic and bold, and although he spent all his life in the provinces, he took his life in Warsaw as his own. Apparently Olek liked him too, because he slapped him on the back as a farewell and said: "Don't worry. I talk to my mother." The photographer got the impression that Olek might already have had a lot of experience in "talking" to his mother. Mrs. Śliwińska may have a fiery temperament, but she loved her children and had a huge heart - just like her eldest son.

Nowicki was in danger of being late, so Dominik waved his hand and said that he would return home himself. At Andrzej's protests, he only smiled, saying that he was no longer the last orphan he was six months ago, and that he probably does not need to be led by the hand (not that he would have objected to holding Andrzej by the hand). At these words, the photographer just shook his head and jumped into the car.

The road was dire.

It was not yet winter, which surprises road workers every year, but in the air you could feel it was about to arrive. Wet snow, which was constantly falling, turned into slippery mud on the streets, and the plows, as usual, did not keep up with clearing. Andrzej thought that he would get to work faster with the fast train, but since he had already taken the car to pick up Olek and his bulky luggage, he did not want to abandon car in the city.

He was late. Not tragically, but he didn't like having someone wait for him. He was just running into the building where he was working when his phone rang. He took it out as he got into the elevator. He was so caught up in being late that he didn't even glance at the display.

"Nowicki, I'm listening" he answered.

"Andrzej, we need to talk. This is important."

Marczak, Andrzej recognized the voice. What could he possibly want from him?

"I'm busy. I just got to work."

"It's urgent," the manager said emphatically. "I'm waiting for you in my office."

"What are you ..." The connection was broken. Nowicki cursed and put the phone in his pocket. He adjusted the bag on his shoulder. "What an asshole," he muttered. He felt unease starting within him.

Marek Marczak may be an asshole, but he never made much noise about anything. When Dominik informed him that after reading the script he decided not to star in the movie, he took it quite naturally. He did not interfere with the decisions of his former lover, and after teasing Andrzej a bit when Śliwiński went missing, he did not try any dirty tricks with any of them. It seemed that either he had actually come to terms with the loss of Śliwiński, or he was giving them both time to enjoy each other and get bored. Although he was despotic, he had no right to conduct them and he did not do it. Then why did this call sound so serious? Has something happened? Damn it!