Chapter 175 - Like In A Fairy Tale

The only thing Dominik had in mind at that moment was a confusion.

He believed Andrzej, he trusted him, but if Nowicki was drunk to the point of unconsciousness, if he was under the influence of a strong drug, Marek could take advantage of his weakness and then ...

And then what?

Never mind, Dominik decided, taking a deep breath. After all, he told Andrzej that it would not be a problem. It cannot be a problem, just as it was not a problem for Nowicki that Werner...

So he should completely ignore the possibility that Andrzej had betrayed him. But some facts still needed to be clarified.

"I hear what you say to me, but ... I don't understand," Śliwiński confessed. "What do you have in common with Marek? What are you gonna tell me?"

"I think ... How are you getting on with Scarlett?"

"Scarlett? Well. We are friends. But what does this have to do with ..."

"It is similar between me and Marczak. For a while it was weird, even very, but now we're buddies."

Andrzej looked at the window behind which was a gray, dark evening.

"I was wondering whether to tell you about it," he confessed, looking into the darkness. "It's so strange and… embarrassing, after all. I hung dogs on this man and then took advantage of his kindness. After all, it's your ex, whom you've loved for so long. I was ashamed and afraid of what you would think of it all. I am still afraid that you will lose your trust in me and stop loving me, but" he laughed bitterly "at the beginning of our relationship I promised you the truth. If I was to be ashamed to admit that I was doing something, I shouldn't have done it. You can kick me out if you don't trust me or think you won't accept the truth, but I won't stop loving you anyway."

"Andrzej ..."

"Today I was having a session with a beautiful woman. She was wonderful, believe me, you saw her naked too. She wanted to get me to bed. Half a year ago, I would have given my hand cut for such an offer, but today…" Nowicki sighed so forcefully that the sound echoed all over the house.

Dominik felt burning on his cheeks. He walked over to his lover and stroked his face. Andrzej looked up at him and the actor felt his heart melt under that warm, loving gaze of light brown, beautiful eyes.

He didn't know what to say to all of today's revelations. There were too many of them and he had to organize them in his head, but he knew one thing for sure, and leaving behind all logic and all reason, he acted according to his instincts.

His kiss was strong, full of that one feeling that lingered in him unwaveringly - sincere and unconditional love.



The car rolled slowly, although the streets of the capital were almost empty. It was approaching two in the morning and those who were at Midnight Mass had already returned from them. Only those who stayed somewhere longer stayed on the road.

Dominik was sitting comfortably in the passenger seat. He was playing with his new handmade ice-blue scarf, which he had received from Martynka for Christmas. He knew the nine-year-old couldn't knit it herself, so when he found out that her grandmother had helped her, he had tears in his eyes. He was very grateful to the older lady who smiled at him with motherly love and when no one heard, she whispered to him that they matched perfectly with Andrzej. Nowicki's scarf was darker, dark blue, but of the same type of yarn and you could see that they were made to fit well next to each other. Soft and warm, they brought pleasure, and even during the service, Dominik fiddled with his edge. Now he also did it, not quite consciously humming "Silent Night" under his breath as they passed the festively lit streets.

Dinner was a success, there was no doubt about it. Martynka was crazy about a gift from Dominik, where seven characters from the most popular recently fairy tales led by Brand Kitt gave her personal wishes. The adults laughed and the guilty Śliwiński even began to feel remorse for his extravagance, but Paulina laughed the loudest and thanked him for his ingenuity with a hot kiss on the cheek.

With delicious cuisine, the light of Christmas tree lights, the sound of Christmas carols and an atmosphere of cordiality, Dominik spent the most beautiful Christmas Eve in years and was sure that he would never forget it. He was filled with gratitude to all those people who gave him cordiality and warmth, and he approached with enthusiasm the elderly Mrs. Kowalczyk's offer to go with them to Midnight Mass. The church was full of people, singing and praying, happy with the Christmas atmosphere, and Dominik, together with them in a loud voice, announced to the world that "God is born, power is troubled ...". Although he had not sung Christmas carols in years, he remembered them all, because he had brought them all from his childhood, where his own Christmas was cheerful and joyful, full of anticipation for gifts and Christmas Eve dishes.

He felt like a child and saw that he was not the only one. He was happy and grateful to fate for this happiness.

"Remember that the right gift is waiting for you at home?" Andrzej asked suddenly.

"Of course," he smiled dreamily. He guessed what the gift was. He did not need Christmas to receive it, because each day with Andrzej and each night with him were the greatest gift for him. "Yours too."

Dominik's gift was an erotic game he spotted in the States. In fact, Brand Kitt had recommended a discreet place where he believed much of Hollywood was stocked. The gadgets there were exclusive, in very limited series and not available on the wider market. The producer didn't have to sell to everyone to earn a lot of money. The game was seemingly innocent and would have passed any customs inspection without any problems, but after delving into it, it turned out to be extremely exciting and spicy - especially when it was played only by men, and the related gadgets made with the greatest precision could make you dizzy.

They both smiled implicitly. After all, they knew that what they most wanted was each other. Things were just things, maybe beautiful symbols, but the real meaning was not what they were, but the intention behind them. In their case, the mere intention was enough.

The Christmas tree in their living room was tiny and artificial. Reed more than a real tree. Symbol with a small box underneath it. Dominik knew it was a gift for him, but nevertheless looked questioningly at his lover. Andrzej, who was just taking off his jacket, said:

"Open it."

The actor walked over to the package tied with a rust ribbon and unwrapped it in an interesting way. There was a box inside. In box…

"If you want ..." Andrzej spoke timidly standing behind his back. "In Poland, the law does not allow for this type of relationship, which is why they are partner wedding rings, but ..."

"Yes!" Suddenly, streams of tears spilled from Dominik's eyes. "Yes!"

He held out a box containing two matching wedding rings to Andrzej. The larger one had tiny, shiny aquamarine in it, the smaller one – dark amber. He also offered him the other hand, which was trembling with emotion.

He did not expect such a gift, he could not even dream of it. It was too much. Like a fairy tale that suddenly becomes reality.

He felt Andrzej's warm, strong fingers on his hand. He saw in the other hand the man who was his whole world holding a beautiful platinum gold disc.

"Dominik Śliwiński, although fate has brought us together recently and in quite unusual circumstances, we have gone through many tests since then, and I have found one thing - you are my whole life. Accept this ring as a sign of my love and fidelity. I swear that I will be with you in sickness and health, in joy and sorrow, and that I will not leave you until I die."

Dominik cried, he cried honestly and couldn't even wipe his tears when Andrzej put an amber wedding ring on his finger - a stone with a color resembling his eyes. They were tears of happiness so he made no effort to hold them back. Though he was crying and his nose was runny, he was smiling as broadly as ever.

"Andrzej Nowicki" he could not speak, because sobs were interrupting his voice "Since I met you, you make me the happiest man in the world. I love you so much it goes beyond my comprehension, and I swear to do everything I can to make you as happy as I am thanks to you for the rest of your life. Accept this ring as a sign of my love and faithfulness, and to assure you that I will not leave you until I die."

Shivering with emotion, he slipped the second disc onto Andrzej's finger. Amber and aquamarine stones glowed side by side as their fingers intertwined.

Andrzej pulled the sobbing Dominik to him and hugged him as if he wanted to merge with him.

"Now we'll be together forever," he said, feeling his eyes blurring under a heavy layer of tears as well.

"Forever," Dominik nodded softly, melting in his warmth.


They swore an oath - without a church, priest and witnesses, but sincerely, knowing one thing from the bottom of their hearts - no laws, no customs will stand in their way, because their love was true and sincere, full of joy and pain, but always faithful despite adversities.


…but not completely.

See you tomorrow!