Chapter 271

Name:Love's Passed Author:xiao wan zi
It's not a small thing that someone died.

This night I tossed and turned, my heart is always uncomfortable.

At dawn, I was a little sleepy, but I suddenly dreamed of a lot of bloody scenes.

When I woke up, my back was full of cold sweat, which almost soaked my pajamas.

"What's the matter?" Aware of my abnormality, Huo Tinggui stretched out his hand and took me back into his arms.

Afraid that he might notice my discomfort, I immediately struggled out and forced out a smile, "it's all right, just woke up suddenly."

Then he got up and went to the bathroom to wash.

Looking at myself in the mirror, my eyelids began to jump uncontrollably, as if something was going to happen.

Before I could comfort myself, manna was banging on the door outside, which scared me.

When I opened the door, I found that she didn't even wear shoes. She wrapped a coat around her bare feet and came over.

"Shen An, I'm afraid it's not so easy to solve this time!"

With that, manna handed me her cell phone.

My heart sank when I saw the news on the screen.


On the way to the hotel with Ganlu and Ruan Tang, our hearts were very heavy.

No one thought that earth shaking changes had taken place in just one night.

When I arrived at the door of the hotel in silence, I found that the media reporters had blocked the front and rear doors.

When you see our car, you won't let it go.

A swarm of bees rushed up and blocked the road, reaching out to beat the window glass constantly.

The frame rang, as if it were on my heart.

"Manager Shen, please answer. The deceased died unexpectedly in the hotel. What's your attitude towards Huo?"

"Mr. Gan, your company has been making the slogan of safe travel, but something happened this time. How do you explain?"


Despite the window glass, these people's inquiries could not be stopped.

Ruan Tang wanted to step on the accelerator to leave, but he was lying on the front cover and couldn't move at all.

After swearing, he turned his head and looked at me, "otherwise I'll go down first and lead them away?"

Yesterday, we tried our best to suppress this matter in order not to cause too many losses and negative effects to the Huo family and Gan family.

But early in the morning, the bright headlines still appeared in front of us.

How can these journalists give up when they have got the news?

What's more, we are here today to solve the problem.

It's no use escaping.

Ganlu thought the same as me and looked at Ruan Tang, "stay in the car. If these people are vicious, you can't imagine. I'm afraid you can't help beating people in a moment."

"But..." Ruan Tang didn't trust us. "Their mouth is poisonous. Can you stand it?"

"It doesn't matter." Manna raised her hand and patted her on the shoulder. "I grew up in the upper class. I haven't eaten pork. Haven't I seen a pig run? There is more than enough to deal with these people. "

Then he got off the bus with me.

As soon as manna and I showed up, everyone's microphones stretched out and almost poked into my nostrils.

Manna directly stretched out her hand and dragged the nearest one with a very calm expression. "I know you have a lot to ask now, but I can't answer you here. If you want to find any news, be quiet and come in with me. What do I have to say?"

"When such a big thing happens, Mr. Gan, are you still in the mood to tell us that this is news?" Someone immediately asked sharp questions.

Who knows Manna is more sharp, "you put people's things out bloody. In the end, we will distinguish who is digging."

After a conversation, everyone finally calmed down and was willing to follow manna into the hall.

Today, the staff in the hall are twice as many as they do security work.

There's no way. The reporters are crazy. It's hard to control.

Manna stood in the center of the hall and accepted their interview.

Face one question after another and answer calmly.

Gradually, everyone found that it was difficult to pry out any news from manna's mouth, so they immediately moved to my side.

"Miss Shen, according to the police, the railing was tampered with. Did you find this person?" The reporter asked.

I took a deep breath and asked the reporter, "if we had found the man, we wouldn't be interviewed here. In addition, the truth hasn't been found out yet. Your wanton reporting has a great impact on the police and us. The murderer behind the scenes will hide well when he sees the news."

With these words, the audience was silent for a long time.

But someone still spoke unconvinced, "manager Shen means that what happened is only related to our reporter? If you can check these places every day, you can find them in advance even if the murderer moves his hands and feet. "

"I think you've got the wrong point. It's not that we can prevent the accident by ensuring the safety of the handrail, but that we can really put an end to the murderer. Otherwise, even if you don't appear in this hotel, you will appear in other hotels."

Manna quietly gave me a thumbs up to show that I said great.

But my heart is not happy.

On the contrary, it is full of desolation.

There's really nothing to be happy about.

When a man dies by accident, justice must be done before justice is done.

I think the girl in heaven must also be very sad.

"Well, everyone, we've said everything we should. I understand your mood of going back to do some exclusive news, but please understand our side and the families of the dead. We still have to be busy. Sorry."

With that, manna took my hand and walked out of the hotel.

The reporters were still chasing after us. Fortunately, when we got to the door, they were temporarily stopped by security guards and employees, which won us half a minute to leave.

People left the hotel, but their ears still seemed to echo the voices of the reporters just now.

It's like a mess.

When I felt that I was about to fail, manna held my hand.

"Cheer up. If others want to hurt us, we must not fall down. Otherwise, won't the other party get what he wants?"

But when he said this, the dew's lips turned white.

Like me, she is facing great suffering in her heart at the moment.

But what's different about me is that she chose to face it bravely and fight back resolutely!

I think I should learn to be like her, and never give up until the result is not determined completely!