Chapter 415

Name:Love's Passed Author:xiao wan zi
I was very curious and waited for Jiang to take out the contents.

As a result, it's just a very ordinary kind of glass filament.

When I was at school, the door canteen sold the kind of glass silk that girls use to make bracelets. There are all kinds of colors and many patterns.

I remember I made up one at that time.

However, he was stupid and didn't look good. He was laughed at by his little girlfriends, so he threw it into the drawer and never wore it again.

Later, I don't even remember where this bracelet went.

When Ganlu saw these glass filaments, her eyes suddenly flashed.

"Where did you buy it? I like it very much. I wanted to buy it last year, but I don't know where to buy it." Said manna.

Jiang Lai smiled proudly, "of course, it's a universal treasure."

She picked out seven kinds of colored glass filaments and handed them to manna. "Do you remember what we said at that time?"

"Of course, I remember. As long as I collect seven colors to make a bracelet and give it to the person I like, I can keep that person with me all the time." Said manna.

I can't help but make complaints about it.

"You won't believe it now, girls?"

Manna looked at me proudly, "what do you know? This is faith. Anything that has not been achieved will become a regret in my heart. Only when it is completed will I feel perfect."

"You can stay with Lawyer Liu without the convergence of glass filament." I said.

As a result, Jiang Lai disliked me.

Let me go to the kitchen to eat bird's nest. She and manna make bracelets in the living room.

I refused. "I want to play this, too. If it's a big deal, I won't talk. You say, I'll make a bracelet next to it."

Seeing my sincere attitude, Ganlu decided to believe me once.

She swept away the haze in the morning and talked with Jiang. It was hot.

I looked around and was surprised.

In the end, what a good state of mind, you can switch between these moods at will.

However, I envy manna.

If I could also have a mood switch, when I was very sad, just press the button, I could be happy, and I wouldn't have so much trouble.

When you think about things in your head, you make up a mess in your hands.

Jiang Lai was talking. He turned around and saw the bracelet in my hand. He immediately shouted and grabbed it to show manna.

When Ganlu saw it, she fell down on the sofa with a smile and burst into tears.

"Shen An, you are also a department manager. How can you have such poor hands-on ability? Don't Xiaoxing's kindergartens have manual classes?"

"In the past, I handed in the manual class like this." I said.

Hearing this, Ganlu suddenly realized.

"I said that last time Xiaoxing showed me those awards. None of them is about hands-on. Your mother is holding back."

Although I know Manna is joking, I'm a little unhappy when I'm said so.

"So I found him a godmother with strong hands-on ability. Godmother, show me how you are doing?"

Ganlu was very proud and gave me the bracelet directly.

Compared with the my simplest Two Strand Bracelet, manna's six strand bracelet is much taller.

"Why are you so powerful?" I gave up.

Manna refused to tell me, "learn well, you."

Jiang Lai, who was next to me, couldn't help but say to me, "because she made up so many bracelets. You don't know how many bracelets she made up in three years of high school."

Jiang Lai said before that making bracelets is to give them to the boys he likes.

That is to say, when Ganlu was in high school, she fell in love with a lot of boys?

"You were so good at playing in high school?" I commented.

Manna cut, "it has nothing to do with me. I only liked one at that time, but I wanted to make a good bracelet for him. It has never been successful. I threw away those defective products, which are also very wasteful. I just gave them to my suitor."

Jiang Lai nodded leisurely, "I want to admit that."

"You are so popular from childhood." I was stunned.

"Of course, my sister's beauty can't be copied by others. It's unique. Those little boys straightened their eyes when they saw me." Manna said very smelly.

Next to Jiang came and broke down, "not all of them. I remember many people are thinking about your family's money, because you said that if you become your boyfriend, your money will be spent casually. Miss Gan's boyfriend position is still very attractive."

It was just a joke.

But when Jiang finished speaking, manna's face sank in an instant.

He grabbed the bracelet from me and went straight back to the room. The door was still closed.

Jiang and I couldn't help looking at each other. We didn't know what had happened.

"I... I don't seem to say anything too much." Jiang Lai said nervously.

I don't feel anything wrong.

"Did I finally expose her and she felt that she had no face?"

I shook my head, "it should not be. Manna is not such a stingy person. It may be in a bad mood or think of something else."

No matter how I advised him, Jiang Lai thought it was his own problem.

"It's all my fault. Manna likes to say what I'm doing. She hasn't recovered yet. If she's angry and has any problems now, I'll go too far."

I pressed Jiang Lai's shoulder. "It's not that serious. Let's go to the kitchen and fill a bowl of bird's nest. I'll go up and have a look. If she's in a better mood, I'll call you in."

"That's all I can do now." Jiang Lai sighed and got up and went to the kitchen.

I also got up and took my ugly Bracelet upstairs.

If later manna asks me why I want to come in, I can use asking how to make a bracelet as an excuse.

But manna recovered faster than I thought.

When I pushed the door in, she was already sitting on the bed staring at the bracelet in a daze.

Seeing me, he felt guilty. "Is Jiang Lai angry with me? I didn't mean to lose my temper like that just now. I just thought of those smelly boys. They liked my money and were angry. "

Although I felt that manna's explanation was weak, she could open her heart to tell me this, and I nodded.

"Jiang Lai is not angry. She went to bring you the bird's nest. We won't talk about those smelly boys. Let's talk about some fun, okay?" I comforted.