Chapter 595

Name:Love's Passed Author:xiao wan zi
Although manna quickly realized her lie, Su Xiangyang still looked at us suspiciously.

"Strange, what's the matter?" He asked with a frown.

Manna squeezed out a bright smile. "What can I do as a pregnant woman? Can't I jump three times to give birth to Nezha?"

"You've been fat for six months. If you're pregnant with Nezha, who was born three years ago, don't you want to be a ball?" Su Xiangyang make complaints about it.

"What are you talking about? Who are you talking about? Believe it or not, I'll beat you into a pig!" Manna rushed up and began to twist according to Su Xiangyang's arm.

But Su Xiangyang's legs and feet are not very convenient now. He can only watch manna twist him.

Finally, Jiang couldn't see it. He smiled and pushed the manna. "Well, he's just kidding. Don't be angry. The pregnant woman is in a good mood and the baby's skin is good."

"Hum, I don't care about you for the baby." The dew went down the slope.

"By the way, we'll pick up Huo Shao early the day after tomorrow. Do you want to prepare anything?" Ruan Tang asked.

The most active manna raised her hand again, "I'm ready, I'm ready! Don't worry about any of you. I'll take charge of it. "

I looked puzzled, "it's just to pick up people. What else do you need to prepare?"

"You don't understand. Taking people out of detention is to wash away their bad luck." Manna said solemnly.

I nodded, "so it is. I really don't know how to wash away bad luck? Dip grapefruit leaves in water? "

"Isn't that the way to hell?" Ruan Tang asked weakly.

Manna doesn't want to tell me anything about how to wash away bad luck. She looks mysterious. I'll know when it comes to time.

Ruan Tang gave me a look, "sister Shen, you should be careful. Maybe she's holding back some bad moves."

"Do you also want to get Su Xiangyang's same scar?" The sweet dew said leisurely.

Ruan Tang immediately ran away with a smile.

Everyone talked until ten o'clock in the evening before yawning back to their room to sleep.

I also went upstairs to coax Xiaoxing to sleep.

Xiaoxing holds the puppet bear and looks forward to me. "Will daddy be back the morning after tomorrow?"

"Yes, you miss him?" I touched Xiaoxing's head and asked.

Xiao Xing nodded heavily, "the teacher said that there is going to be a sports meeting. I want to participate with my father."

I was stunned when Xiao Xing said so.

The kindergarten sports meeting was originally for parents and children to participate in. As a result, when Xiaoxing put forward this request, he looked forward to it, for fear that we would not agree.

Is it because we give her too little company?

"Mom, why don't you talk?" Xiaoxing asked again.

I recovered and smiled at Xiao Xing, "of course, dad and I will go. Shall I go next to cheer you on?"

"Then I'll take the first place!" Light burst out of the little star's eyes.

"Well, Xiaoxing is so powerful that you can be the first, but you should sleep well so that you can be strong and win over other children." I smiled softly.

Xiaoxing immediately closed her eyes, didn't even ask me to tell the usual bedtime story, and directly began to fall asleep.

I sat beside, turned the lamp dark, and silently watched the sleeping face of Xiaoxing.

Actually, I feel guilty.

Other children have a particularly happy childhood. Their parents accompany them and participate in everything.

And Huo Tinggui and I, even the small matter of participating in the sports meeting, should make Xiaoxing crave with expectant eyes.

We are really absent for too much time.

I think after Huo Tinggui comes back this time and solves the wedding of Jiang Lai and Su Xiangyang, we should plan our future days and spend more time with Xiaoxing and Xiaoye.

Confused thinking, the little star on the bed has made a uniform breathing sound, which is obviously asleep.

I turned off the light completely, and then I crept out.

As soon as I got to the door, I ran into Ruan Tang and scared me.

"Why are you standing here in the middle of the night? It's very scary." I patted my chest and asked.

Ruan Tang looked up at me and hesitated. "Sister Shen, I want to talk to you."

"Now?" I raised my hand and looked at my watch. "It's almost eleven o'clock. Are you in a hurry? If you're not in a hurry, talk about it tomorrow."

"I'm in a hurry. It won't take long. Ten minutes at most." Ruan Tang's tone began to become urgent.

She said so, and I can't refuse again.

"Then go to the room. It's tired to stand outside the door." I said.

Ruan Tang followed me into the room, stood cramped in front of the bed, and looked straight at the small leaves in the cradle.

I went to the small refrigerator in the house and brought Ruan Tang a bottle of mineral water. "It's not too cold. Have a drink."

Ruan Tang took it and said thank you, but he didn't unscrew it and drank it, just held it in his hand.

"Come on, you have to say something now." I asked.

Ruan Tang hesitated and took a deep breath. "Sister Shen, I got a job. In the neighboring city, the salary is five times that of now. Should I go?"

Five times your current salary?

I was very happy, "yes, it's a pity not to go to such a high paid job, but what exactly do you do?"

"It's almost like now. The other party met me at Huo's dinner, so they planned to dig my corner." Said Ruan Tang.

After that, he looked at me nervously, "is it too much for me to say so directly?"

I nodded sincerely, "to be honest, it's a little, but our relationship is like this. It doesn't matter. Besides, this is digging the foot of the wall."

After a pause, he asked Ruan Tang, "what do you think?"

"I want to make more money while I'm still young." Ruan Tang answered me.

When he was young, everyone wanted to earn more money, not to mention Ruan Tang was not married yet, so he had to save some capital for the future.

If you stay in Huo's, you can't raise your salary five times, at least not for a short time.

"I really hope you can stay in Huo's to help, but I also hope you can make more money. If you want to go, go." I answered seriously.

Ruan Tang said well, but he didn't look happy. Instead, he was a little depressed.

"I see. If I can, I will go to apply for entry recently." Said Ruan Tang.

So fast?

"Do you want me to go with you? After all, you're going to a new city. Don't be cheated after you go there. I'll rent a house with you. When it's done, we'll send you to work together." I said.

Ruan Tang's reaction suddenly became excited, "no, I'll go myself!"