Chapter 151 - Countdown To Peace - Part 7

Name:Loving the Forbidden Prince Author:

Once Ayleth exited the privvy, Falek walked so closely behind her he almost stepped on the back of her slippers. She shot him a glare over one shoulder, but his face was a fixed mask of disapproval and concern.

"You said yourself that there is no threat," she whispered as they stepped through the large, double-doors into the Banquet Hall. "So why do you hover like a mother hen watching over chicks?"

"We cannot discount that the disturbance was a distraction, designed to hide the actions of someone who has ill will towards you—or Etan," Falek added when Ayleth's lips thinned.

That gave her pause.

"What did you learn while out on your walk?" she asked quietly. 

"Too much to share now. I will fill you in when we return you to your chambers later. For now, attend your mother. She is wearing her hawk eyes."

Ayleth looked ahead to where her mother sat on the raised platform above the hall, her eyes glittering and fixed on Ayleth.

Ayleth was suddenly glad for her hot cheeks and quickened breath. She could blame them on embarrassment for a digestive upset that had kept her in the privvy far too long…

Falek ushered her past her ladies in waiting—who were all now well in their cups, and shrieking about whatever the sorcerers had done in her absence—back to her seat at her mother's left, bowed, then stepped back to the end of the small stage to stand guard. He turned to scan the hall and his eyes, fierce and dark, warning anyone against trying to mount the stage. 

Ayleth frowned. Falek was even tenser than usual. Was it just the alarm over the morbid? Or had Etan told him something that made him more nervous than usual.

"Ayleth, dear," her mother drawled in a low husk, barely above a whisper. "Where were you?"

Ayleth placed a graceful hand at her stomach and grimaced. "I'm believe the lamb sauce must have been too rich for me," she said, keeping her eyes low and sheepish. "Then Falek panicked when there was a commotion in here and told me to lock the door and not come out until he came for me. So my visit was rather longer even than it needed to be. But I've been in the privvy this entire time."

Her mother stared at her, and Ayleth stared back, knowing her gaze was clear, and confident. It was, after all, true. She never mentioned whether or not she was alone.

Her mother's lips twisted a moment later. "How unfortunate."

Ayleth gave a delicate snort and turned to face the hall. The Adepts tricks had raised people from their seats. Many of the nobles milled around the hall, laughing and drinking, talking to each other too loudly, their gestures bold and erratic.

Ayleth could feel Trayn's eyes on her from her left, but she didn't look at her First Lady. She was too busy searching the hall to see if Etan had returned, or used the distraction to leave. 

"I was looking for you," her mother murmured, low, below the level of noise in the hall, "because your father has had a… query."

"Oh?" Ayleth's skin went cold. 

"Yes. A nation we had not considered, though their offer is… quite generous. Have you chosen, Ayleth? I delayed your father until after the feast, but unless you have already chosen and your heart is certain, he will wish to speak with you tonight. A declaration tomorrow, after the signing, would be advantageous."

Her breath stopped—then started again immediately. "I know there will be announcements tomorrow, Mother, but not all of the unions have been decided. Many will wait until the end of the festival to—"

"Do not underestimate the strategy of tomorrow, Ayleth," her mother said coolly, her eyes on the crowd below them. "Many of the nations have already established their alliances and will announce tomorrow, then leave the festival entirely. Which means they will no longer be available to you as options. At least, not easily. 

"While there is no shame in waiting until the end of the festival, we should be aligning your future now if we can. Zenithra is the most powerful nation, hence our alliances are the most desirable. Despite many established contracts, I can assure you, should you wish to have any Heir here, we can make him yours—until he is betrothed. Things then become… distasteful. We would prefer not to create scandal on the heels of the signing. Even after the festival."

One more day, Ayleth reminded herself. That was all that was needed. She just needed to hold her parents off for one more day.

"Have…" she started uncertainly, as if she were nervous, "Have Andeluve declared? Will they announce tomorrow?"

Her mother's lips thinned, but she didn't look at Ayleth. "Not as yet," she said carefully. "But many others have."

Ayleth nodded as if this was good news. "Who will be off the list, so to speak, as of tomorrow?" she asked, praying she was successful in keeping eagerness out of her voice.

"Many of the Lords… let me see. The most prominent would be Horace, heir to the Jaspers, and Keen, the widow King of Fountaine. Though I never liked him for you. Too old," her mother said, wrinkling her nose." Ayleth held her breath, wondering if she could ask without danger, but then her mother folded her hands in her lap and said quietly, "And of course, Lord Summit—though that is of no account to you. But I hear rumors that several of the other…" her mother continued, prattling on about marriage contracts and the secret negotiations between nations, warning her not to let any eligible male slip through her fingers. But Ayleth was too busy keeping herself from heaving a sigh of relief. 

Etan had been true. He had declared. He was not delaying. 

He was only getting through the signing first. 

Her heart sang. 

One more day. That was all that was needed. One more day and she would be in Etan's arms. And no matter what her parents thought, they would be forced to keep the peace because the Accord would be signed, and the declaration would be made publicly.

Ayleth's gaze was hooked by the large, broad figure of Trystan, standing from his seat and walking towards her. Their eyes caught and Ayleth used it as an excuse to beam, to release the smile that had been building ever since her mother said the words, "Lord Summit." 

Trystan blinked, but then smiled widely back and nodded at her once.

Her mother didn't miss the exchange, but that just made Ayleth smiled wider.

One. More.. Day.