"Yexi, it's not..."

But the old man just opened his mouth, and was interrupted by Yexi, "old man, this is between Ling ye and Bai Xianxian. I can't take care of it if I don't come back. But now that I'm back, I'm in charge of it. No matter whether Bai Xianxian is willing or not, she must leave Ling Ye. This marriage must be divorced."

At the moment, Li Lingye understands. It seems that Yexi finds Bai Xianxian, and then asks him who his real father is.

White thin skinned and thin skinned, when he wanted to marry her, she was reluctant to marry him because of Ning Ning.

It was he who urged her to marry him.

He didn't love her.

But when I married her, I didn't want to divorce her.

If you marry, you will have to bear the responsibility for a lifetime.

"Mom, when Xianxian married me, I used her and Ningning to want you back, so I calculated from beginning to end that she would marry me, not that she had to marry me.

In the final analysis, I forced her to marry me. Moreover, Ning Ning is not my son's business. I always knew it. I volunteered it and had nothing to do with her. I will not divorce this marriage. "

On one side, the old man was a little silly when he heard this. He sat there looking at Li Lingye, as if he were looking at a person with an intelligence quotient in arrears.

"I don't care why you married her at the beginning. In a word, our son of the night family can't marry a woman who has given birth to other people's children. You must divorce."

Li Ling Ye's scalp is a tight, light way: "who tell you rather rather is not my son?"

Intuition tells him that someone must be doing something wrong with Yexi, otherwise, Yexi can't know for no reason.

"It's my business. It doesn't matter who tells me. The important thing is that Ning Ning is not your son, not my own grandson."

The old man turns his head to see Yexi. He is more dizzy now. He shakes his head heavily and wants to say something. But he finally looks at Li Lingye playfully and doesn't make a sound.

Then, calm sitting on the sofa, watching the lively smile, looking at the mother and son between the two, a face of indifference.

Unfortunately, Li Lingye only haggles with Yexi and doesn't find the old man's facial expression at all. Otherwise, he will find something.

"Whether Ningning is my own son or not, he has changed his surname to Li. He calls me one day daddy, and that day he will be my son of Li Lingye. Whether you agree or not, you can't change it."

"You... You're a disgrace to our family."

"Yexi, what are you talking about? My old man doesn't think Ling Ye is disgraced. He gives us a long face. The slender girl is a good child. I like her. She is my granddaughter-in-law."

"Old man, Li Xiaoning is not your grandson. Do you like him too?" Yexi looks at the old man like a monster. Although he looks kind sometimes, he can't rub the sand in his eyes. She still knows what nature he has. She doesn't think that the old man will recognize a child who has no blood relationship as a great grandson.

"I like it." The old man didn't even think about it. He didn't hide his love for Li Xiaoning at all.

Yexi can't bear it. "It's your business that you like. I don't like a child who has no blood relationship with me to possess my grandson's identity."

"Ning Ning's surname is Li, but not ye, as long as we Li's family admit it." The old man is determined to stand on Li Lingye's side. He's fighting with Yexi.

"No, he can't take my son's last name. I won't allow it."

"It's too late if you don't allow it. The account book has been changed." The old man continued to fight with Yexi.

Li Lingye looks at the old man and thinks about it. The reason why the old man protects Bai Xianxian is that he once saved him. He knows Bai Xianxian's character.

But the old man in knowing Ning Ning is not his own son, unexpectedly still maintain white slender, he also feel a little strange.

However, he just wanted to ask the old man, and his mobile phone rang.

First there's a text message. He opens it. It's an address.

Then came Gu Jingyu's call.

"The message you just sent is the current address of Xianxian?"

"You just know. If you don't find someone soon, it's none of my business for her to change her place. Don't come to me then." Gu Jingyu finished and hung up directly.

Li Lingye turns around and leaves.

"Ling ye, where are you going?" Yexi is anxious. The reason why she came here today is to tell him the truth, and then let him persuade Li Lingye and Bai Xianxian to divorce with her.

Bai Xianxian's daughter-in-law, she is determined not to.

"I'm going to pick up Xianxian and go home." Li Lingye said without looking back.

Just this sentence also shows his attitude. No matter what Yexi's opinion is, he will not divorce Bai Xianxian.

The feeling of suddenly finding her missing was so flustered. He was not sure about his feelings for Bai Xianxian. He only knew that since he was married, he would be a good husband and wife.

The past of Li Che and Yexi is not his example, but his most shameless.

"Come back to me, Li Lingye." Yexi was so angry that he stood up and ran after him.

But how can she get past Li Lingye, who is determined to find him? In three or two steps, he got out of the old house, got into the car, started the car, gave the address directly to the car navigation, and soon drove out of the old house.

When Yexi chases out, he only sees Maybach's tail light.

Li Lingye leaves.

Li Lingye went to pick up Bai Xianxian.

Yexi stands there and stomps in anger, but she knows that even if she is asked to drive after Lin, she can't catch up.

Her driving skill is not as good as that of Li Lingye. It's just an ordinary step. It's unrealistic to let her drive to catch a car.

Unless she brings the driver out, it's possible. But early this morning, she came out alone and didn't bring the driver.

As soon as I turned my head, I saw that the old man was leaning on the lintel with a crutch.

That air, comfortable as if watching a good play like, not happy look.

Yexi snorted coldly, turned and went to the Maserati, which was coming by himself. As he walked, he said to himself, "crazy, all crazy. I really don't know why all of them are defending a child who is not their own child. They are sick."

The old man knocked a crutch, "Yexi, it's you who are sick."

"What did you say? How dare you say I'm sick? " Yexi's ear is sharp. When she hears it, she turns around and stares at the old man angrily. If she has a knife in her hand, she will definitely rush up and chop the old man. If there is a son, there must be a father. It's true.

The old man and Li Che also have a fight. It says that she is ill.

The one who is ill is Li, not Yexi.