Yu mu'an and Fang Wei walk away respectively. Leng Shaoqing follows Feng Yan to the rest area. A male apprentice offers tea.

Leng Shaoqing picked up his cup and took a sip of tea. He complained, "this afternoon, I also have free time."

"What? Do you also want a cheongsam? " Feng Yan then raised his cup, and his eyes reflected the picture of Yu mu'an entering the fitting room, "go and try it, too!"

"Cough..." Leng Shaoqing choked and coughed, "President Feng, this joke is not easy to open. It scared me to death!"

Fang Wei is a confident and beautiful woman who knows how to expand her strengths and how to hide her weaknesses. She picked out a red cheongsam and quickly changed it out. She swayed to Feng Yan, "general manager Feng."

Feng Yan looked at Fang Wei up and down, nodded, "good."

not bad Is it a nice person or a nice dress?

Leng Shaoqing also nodded. The flirtatious red dress on Fang Wei not only didn't make her gaudy, but made her feel noble.

"Secretary Fang is so beautiful. Looking across the room, Secretary Fang is shining, which makes people unable to open their eyes!" Leng Shaoqing did not mean to boast.

Fang Wei accepted her thanks and didn't forget to mention Yu mu'an. "President Feng's sister hasn't been changed yet. I dare not do it again."

"I don't expect her to look like that." Feng Yan drank tea carelessly.

Leng Shaoqing sneered at Feng Yan in his heart. Don't expect people to dress up and look at the fitting room from time to time?

The door of the fitting room opened a few minutes later, and Yu mu'an came out muttering, "is that ok? How short! "

Feng Yan raised his head and looked at Yu mu'an with light eyes. He only felt that his eyes were bright.

Yu mu'an sank down in the soothing eyes of the female apprentice, turned his head and looked for Feng Yan's figure. After seeing Feng Yan, he spread his hands nervously, "is this OK?"

Fang Wei frowned.

Yu mu'an is wearing an elegant short Beige cheongsam with dark patterns embroidered on it. The neck is designed with a small stand collar, and the pipa placket is matched with a pure manual buckle. He exudes a graceful temperament.

"It would be better to curl up your hair." The female apprentice's hand was very skillful. She gathered up Yu mu'an's hair. Her fingers flexibly tied a bun for her, revealing Yu mu'an's exquisite face and neck.

It is the finishing touch, setting off Yu mu'an's slightly immature facial features with an elegant temperament.

Feng Yan's eyes were brighter. Sure enough, people depend on clothes.

Yu mu'an's chest is very material, and other places are symmetrical and slender. He will not wear the cheongsam loosely, nor will he feel forced into the cheongsam. His delicate snow-white legs are exposed, which makes him look much taller. Standing there, like a man in a picture. It's beautiful!

Feng Yan thought of Yu mu'an playing the pipa. If he wore this cheongsam, he would feel more like "still holding the pipa half covering his face"!

"Why don't you talk?" Yu mu'an slightly tilted his head. Seeing Fang Wei, he sincerely praised, "Secretary Fang is so beautiful."

"Oh, where!" Fang Wei's tone was a little choking. Yu mu'an dressed like this is the opposite of her publicity. In such a contrast, it seems that she did it deliberately.

Feng Yan didn't speak. He got up and walked towards Yu mu'an. "His clothes are good. They match the charm of Qingzha Town, a water town in the south of the Yangtze River."

"Are the clothes good?" Yu mu'an blinked, turned around and asked proudly, "where are people? Isn't that nice? "

Feng Yan hissed lightly and didn't answer.

The female apprentice smiled and said, "people must be good. People with appropriate clothes will look better! The young lady has a good figure. She fits very well in this dress. It looks like it was made to measure. "

"Then wear it." Seal the direct opening.

"Is that ok?" Yu mu'an blinked and asked with bright eyes.

"Yes." Feng Yan nodded. "Do you have any shoes? With a pair of shoes. "


Yu mu'an followed her to find shoes. Feng Yan turned around and ordered Leng Shaoqing to pay the money, together with Fang Wei.

Out of the cheongsam shop, Yu mu'an looked down at the small white leather shoes on his feet and kicked more happily.

Leng Shaoqing followed several people, carrying big bags and small bags in his hands, with a calm face. The words "unhappy" were all written on his face.

"Feng Yan, this is the first time I wear a cheongsam. It's very beautiful, isn't it? So I'm also suitable for this style? "

"Hey, someone just patted me! Do you think I look good? "

Yu mu'an was elated all the way because her dress really attracted a lot of attention.

Feng Yan also noticed those eyes and was not happy at once.

His possessions were seen so openly? How does that work?

So, another person looked at it, Feng Yan looked back coldly, stared at people's scalp numb, and took the lead to look away

"Mr. Feng, there is a postcard shop here. Do you want to have a look?" Fang Wei took three people to a small shop. "The feature of this shop is that you can sell postcards, help send postcards, and make postcards. For example, you can print your own photos on the back of postcards."

"Wow, so good?" Yu mu'an couldn't believe it.

"More than that!" Fang Wei raised her eyebrows and said proudly, "customers can also specify the time to send postcards. For example, you can specify to deliver them on your birthday or a festival. It's a romantic and intimate shop. "

"I want to go in and have a look!" Yu mu'an couldn't help walking to the shop and Feng Yan followed unconditionally.

The shop is surrounded by warm lights and melodious music. There are twos and threes of customers in the shop, each choosing postcards. They are quiet and can't bear to be disturbed.

Yu mu'an also looked at postcards one by one. There were postcards with various scenic spots in Qingzha town as the background and postcards with personal photos printed on the back. Each one was special.

"Feng Yan, would you like to pick some postcards and send them back to Rongcheng?" As Yu mu'an spoke, he picked several.

"No." Feng Yan was not interested in these at all. He copied his hands back to his pockets and left them alone.

"Then I'll choose!" Yu mu'an picked out several postcards, "to my parents, to Duoduo, to brother Huairong, to..."

Gu Huairong again?

"There's not enough money. Choose less." Seal Yan's eyes.

Yu mu'an opened his mouth in surprise and almost fell off his chin. "Isn't there enough money? Mr. Feng, are you kidding? "

Feng Yan snorted.

Yu mu'an said, "forget it, I have some money anyway. Buy the postcard yourself! By the way, send yourself another one. Well, Mr. Feng, do you want to? "

"No." Feng Yan turned away from Yu mu'an.

"No, no, I've made up my mind." Yu mu'an smiled, picked up the postcard and walked to the counter. "Well, can you take a picture of me? I want to use my picture as the background. "

Feng Yan let Yu mu'an go and found a rest place to sit down.

Fang Wei has been looking at Yu mu'an. She really doesn't understand what's good about Yu mu'an. It's worth Fengyan's tolerance and indulgence. Does Feng Yan like this innocent little sister type?

In the distance, Yu mu'an has been taking photos in a concave shape, with an indifferent smile on his face. The beauty seems to fly into the painting if he is not careful. It is called "beauty is like a picture".

A long time later, after taking a good picture, Yu mu'an carefully selected the best one from many photos, and the staff went to print postcards.

"Later, you go and buy all the photos and negatives just taken by Yu mu'an." Feng Yan coldly ordered Shaoqing.

"... yes." Leng Shaoqing nodded dumbly.

Fang Wei stared at Feng Yan incredibly.

Without knowing it, Yu mu'an took a pen and began to write postcards.

"Dear Duoduo, I send you my blessing in the gentle charm of Qingzha town. I hope you won't fail this semester..."

"Brother Huai Rong, I still remember running away from home when I was a child. We dreamed of traveling all over the famous mountains and rivers of the motherland. Today, I am in Qingzha Town, although you are not..."

Yu mu'an wrote a few postcards and handed them to the staff. He said that it was OK to send them today.

After a while, the staff also took the printed postcard with Yu mu'an's photo.

Yu mu'an looked at it with satisfaction and got it in front of Feng Yan. "General manager Feng, how about it? Isn't it beautiful? "

Feng Yan raised his eyes to see that Yu mu'an's smile on the postcard was like a flower, which fused well with the background of the weeping willow and broken bridge on the postcard.

"That's it!" Seal the cold and light opening.

"Cut!" Yu mu'an repeatedly looked at his special postcard, then looked at Feng Yan, turned back, picked up the pen, set it for a long time, and then wrote, "boy, his father..."

Feng Yan wrote a postcard in separate small block letters. Yu mu'an looked at his masterpiece with satisfaction and solemnly handed it to the staff, "this postcard, please send it on the new year's day."

The staff member looked at the address, crossed a trace of magic in his eyes, and nodded, "OK, no problem."

Feng Yan felt a little curious, but he didn't ask much.

The party strolled along the street of the ancient city for a long time and went around the scenic spot. When they wanted to go back in the evening, Fang Wei said they could go back by water, so they rented a boat.

"Leng tezhu, it's really troublesome for you to carry things all day."

Yu mu'an came up to Leng Shaoqing, "come on, give me something! Thank you! "

Leng Shaoqing looked at Yu mu'an contemptuously and didn't hand over the things. "I don't dare. How dare you let Miss Yu take things!"

Over there, Feng Yan has taken the lead in going to the ship.

"In other words, Feng Yan really has no other women, right?" Yu mu'an suddenly talked about this topic again and stared at Leng Shaoqing carefully, "otherwise he wouldn't insist on my baby!"

Leng Shaoqing suddenly broke his face. "Aunt, stop asking, will you? Do you want Mr. Feng to peel me off? "

On the boat, Feng Yan sat under the canopy, raised his eyes, and saw Yu mu'an and Leng Shaoqing pulling and pulling. Just about to open his mouth, a bright red covered his eyes.