Xia you sees that Xia Qiyan is leaving and hurriedly opens his mouth.

Xia Qiyan coughed again and said, "I'll take a shower. Xiao you sleep first and I'll be right back." Then he flew out of the bedroom and slammed the door.

Xia you stared at the door and hummed suspiciously, "haven't you already taken a bath?"

That is to say, Xia you soon forgot about it. All he thought about was Xia Qiyan's marriage.

One day in the future, will she really marry Xia Qiyan? Wearing a beautiful wedding dress, step by step came to Xia Qiyan and accepted the ring he put on himself

"Hee hee." Xia you smiled sweetly and fell back on the bed. After the smile gradually deepened, Xia you thought of the situation she and Xia Qiyan were facing, and the smile suddenly disappeared.

After Xia Qiyan came back from the shower, he hugged Xia you to sleep and spent the night peacefully.

This morning, Xia Qiyan and Xia you had just got up when Xia Qiyan's phone rang.

"Secretary Li." Xia Qiyan answered the phone. At the other end of the phone was another leader of the school who was on a par with him.

"Headmaster Xiao Xia, I wonder if you have time to come to school today? Hey, director Xu, director of education, called me and asked me to talk to the school leaders. " Secretary Li said bluntly, "as for what, headmaster Xiao Xia should be clear in his heart?"

Xia Qiyan looked back at Xia you. "I know. When do you have time? Um... OK, um, um. Goodbye, Secretary Li. "

Xia you looked at Xia Qiyan nervously in the back. When Xia Qiyan hung up, he asked, "brother, are you okay?"

"It's all right. I'm going to school." Xia Qiyan said, "go after dinner."

"Shall I come with you, brother?"

"You stay at home." Xia Qiyan would never let Xia you go with him. He said, "when you go, it's more and more unclear. I'm fine. I'm just talking. My principal position is still there. No one will dare to take me. Xiao you, what would you like for breakfast? "

Xia you bit her lip and looked at Xia Qiyan with a complex look.

Rongcheng experimental middle school was on duty during the winter vacation, so it was Meng Jiaren's turn to be on duty. Feng Ruien came to the school with Meng Jiaren.

As soon as we got to the door, we met Xia Qiyan. The three said hello and went to school together.

The school is quiet.

"Why are you here today?" Feng Ruien asked Xia Qiyan.

"You can't come to play." Xia Qiyan said, "the school leaders knew about me and Xiaoyou. They came to talk to me. School will start in a few days. I just take the opportunity to solve it. "

Feng Ruien said, "Hey, you're the headmaster! Can you still be talked? Isn't that terrible? "

Xia Qiyan chuckled, "is it difficult for me to cover the sky with one hand? Both the Education Bureau and the parents of students are better than me. I have to provide good students. "

"Headmaster Xia, we will support you." Meng Jia's mouth is fixed.

"Thank you." Xia Qiyan thanked and joked, "then I'll go first. You'll be on duty. Don't make trouble for me anymore. I can't protect myself now."

The words were directed at Feng Ruien, who was arrogant, "you can't protect yourself, and I'm going to make trouble! Let's have a big experiment in Rongcheng and turn the place upside down. Let's see who dares to talk to you. "

Xia Qiyan smiled. "Mr. Meng, manage your family. I'll go first."

Meng Jiaren flushed and waved to Xia Qiyan, "President Xia, go slowly."

Seal Ryan's mouth.

"I hope everything goes well." Meng Jia Ren sighed, "although I don't agree with the fallacy that 'love is above everything', the love between Xia Qiyan and Xia you doesn't hinder other people's affairs. If everyone comes to get involved, it's too nosy."

"One of the root causes of a person's inferiority is that he likes to tell others what to do. Standing on the commanding height of morality and criticizing others can bring vanity. What's more, Xia Qiyan and Xia you, one is the school principal, the other is the school student, and they are the so-called brothers and sisters. Some people can't see it. " Feng Ruien put his hands into his pocket. "Don't worry. Although Xia Qiyan and Xia you are very peaceful people, they won't die in silence. Fighting up is their only way out."

"Where did you learn these great principles?" Meng Jia's lips were curled.

"I can't create it myself?" Feng Ryan smiled and put his arm on Meng's shoulder. He said angrily, "let's go, Mr. Meng, take me to school. I didn't enjoy it last time."

Meng pushed him away angrily and walked angrily to the office, saying, "I have to be on duty! Play by yourself! "

"Hey, hey, hey! Forget it, I'd better follow you! " Feng Ruien kept up with Meng Jiaren, "baby, wait for me!"

On the other side, Xia Qiyan came to the conference room. In addition to Secretary Li, there are several other vice presidents and directors of several departments in the conference room.

Xia Qiyan is the youngest here.

When Xia Qiyan took office as the principal of Rongcheng experimental middle school, several Vice Principals and directors were very unconvinced, but the above meaning could not be violated. In addition, Xia Qiyan had strong ability to manage the school in an orderly manner and the enrollment rate was high. Several people took other ideas and obediently became Xia Qiyan's subordinates.

Who knows, something like this happened today.


As soon as Xia Qiyan entered the door, vice president Wang had a big stomach and smiled, "is our energetic president Xia coming? How's it going? Why didn't you bring your little girlfriend? "

There were only two female leaders present, and the others were men. Almost all laughed at this.

Xia Qiyan looked at the vice principal coldly and said coldly, "when Secretary Li called me, he only asked me to come, but didn't ask me to bring others."

There's nothing wrong with that. As soon as Secretary Li listened, he immediately stared at vice president Wang and shouted, "sit down for me! Look at you! Are you such a teacher? Principal Xiao Xia or principal, is always your superior. Is that how you talk to your superior? If you don't want to stay, just go! "

Vice president Wang quickly swallowed and sat up straight. The others sat tight and closed their lips.

Xia Qiyan and his party leisurely came to the front left of the conference room and sat on the chair representing the position of the president.

"Headmaster Xiao Xia!" On the seat next to Xia Qiyan, Secretary Li smiled and said, "how do you plan to solve the problem between you and Xia you?"

"Question?" Xia Qiyan respectfully but with a alienated opening, "Secretary Li, I don't think I have any problems to solve."