A sentence "pregnant" made Ouyang Ruihang suddenly come back. As soon as his action stopped, he looked at Huang rong'er depressed.

Huang rong'er was so happy that he kept laughing that his body shook, "why don't you kiss?"

Ouyang Ruihang also held Huang ronger in his arms. After a long time, he vomited, turned his mouth and said, "do you know a word called booty scratch? It's no use kissing around. You can't do anything else. "

"What do you want to do?" Huang ronger came over again, hugged Ouyang Ruihang, hugged his neck, rubbed his body, and pecked his thin lips.

"Guess what I want to do?" Ouyang Ruihang's eyes were instantly familiar, and his tone became a little deep. With a little meaningful smile on his face, he couldn't help kissing Huang ronger again.

During this period of time, Huang rong'er has intensified his "torture" of Ouyang Ruihang. Every time he grinds Ouyang Ruihang in bed, he deliberately teases him. Seeing that he can touch but can't eat, he can roll happily in bed. It's not that she deliberately provoked Ouyang Ruihang. In fact, when she was not pregnant before, Ouyang Ruihang "bullied" her too much, and she had to return it.

Huang rong'er smiled and deliberately spoiled her and said, "people don't know."

"Then I'll let you know." Ouyang Ruihang rolled over and pressed Huang rong'er on his body. He felt his hands and said, "little girl, you'll be in bed for another two months. After two months, I promise you won't get out of bed!"

"Two months? In two months, my stomach is not big! You're wrong. " Huang ronger smiles.

"No mistake." Ouyang Ruihang bowed his head, leaned close to Huang ronger's ear and said low, "I heard that if the child is older, it can be that in four months."

Huang ronger's Apricot eyes opened. Before he could say anything, Ouyang Ruihang got up and rolled out of bed.

Huang rong'er sat up with her arms in her arms and asked, "Why are you going?"

"Go take a cold bath!" Ouyang Ruihang lost his smile.

Huang ronger burst out a few rude laughs and fell back on his back on the bed.

Three days later, a small wedding was being held in a club garden in Rongcheng. The protagonists of this wedding are the groom Xiao Yan and the bride Jia Li.

Although the wedding scene is small, the number of people attending the ceremony is not small.

As Xiao Yan's boss, Feng Yan came with Yu mu'an; Ouyang Ruihang, as Jiali's boss, also came with Huang ronger; Feng Ruien and Meng Jiaren, one is Jiali's colleague and prospective brother-in-law, and the other is Jiali's close sister. Naturally, they were also present. There are Xia Qiyan and Xia you, Xiao Yan's nephew Yang Junshu, Jiali's agent and assistant, and Xiao Yan's colleagues in the little white house.

Xiao Yan and Jiali got their licenses yesterday and got married today. They can't keep a low profile.

The wedding process is also very simple.

The wedding scene built in the open air has an arch made of flowers, a red carpet and an audience with neat white chairs.

There was a faint sound of music floating on the wedding site, and the relatives and friends watching the ceremony were chatting.

Xiao Yan has stood in front of the arch in a handsome and decent tuxedo, waiting for his bride to arrive. He has a shy smile on his face. He looks at the end of the red carpet from time to time, and his hand occasionally grabs his clothes, showing his nervousness at this time.

"Here comes the bride."

After a few minutes, I don't know who shouted. Everyone turned back and looked back.

Meng Jiaren held her sister Jiali and walked slowly onto the red carpet.

Applause broke out in the audience.

Xiao Yan's chest heaved violently, stared at the slowly coming beauty, and his Adam's Apple moved up and down excitedly.

She was wearing a white wedding dress and a veil on her head. When she saw Xiao Yan, she couldn't help smiling. She remembered that Xiao Yan's red face looked like a child when she went to get her marriage certificate with Xiao Yan yesterday; Xiao Yan took the marriage certificate carefully, cherishing and excited. She never thought that one day she would bring happiness to others, so please let them be happy all the time!

Jiali slowly came to Xiao Yan's body. Meng Jiaren held her hand and put her hand in Xiao Yan's hand.

"Sister, brother-in-law, you should be happy." Meng Jia Ren sobbed and opened her mouth.

Xiao Yan and Jia Li both nodded at her.

Meng returned to her seat and sat next to Feng Ryan. Feng Ryan patted her hand and said, "they will be happy, just like us."

"I, Xiao Yan, am willing to marry Meng Jiali, love you, take care of you, face the future ups and downs with you, and share the future happiness with you. I will treat you wholeheartedly. Promise in front of everyone that I will always be a husband who loves you and is loyal to you. "

Xiao Yan's voice was very firm, and his eyes were full of love, but his fingers trembled when exchanging rings.

When the veil was lifted, the tears on Carrie's face were painful and pitiable.

Xiao Yan stepped forward with some embarrassment, bowed his head and kissed Jiali.

Yang Junshu whistled excitedly.

After the wedding, we still got together and had a meal. This is a necessary link and indispensable.

Jiali posted a photo of herself and Xiao Yan on her microblog. Both of them were wearing wedding rings. The two red copies in the photo were also obvious. Jiali added words and said, "we will be happy."

The news of Jiali's wedding went on hot search just a few hours later. Although I don't know who the bridegroom is, the majority of fans and all kinds of passers-by still sent the most sincere wishes to Jiali.

Harmony is beautiful.

At the wedding banquet, Xiao Yan didn't drink much wine. At eight o'clock in the evening, he went back to his new house with Jiali. He was very sober.

Xiao Yan scratched his hair when he entered the door. His face was embarrassed. Yes, embarrassed. Up to now, he has never "slept" with her. He has just been lying together all the time. Even yesterday, he got his license and didn't do anything else because he had to prepare for marriage. Now, he feels a little embarrassed.

I knew I'd drink some wine. I can use the strength of wine

Or now, where do you start?

"Hello! Stupid? Why don't you talk? " Carrie smiled and said to Xiao Yan, "why didn't you answer me when I said you wanted to take a bath?"

"Ah I, I didn't hear. " Xiao Yan's Adam's Apple moved up and down, and suddenly felt his throat a little dry, "then go take a bath first!"

Carrie raised her eyebrows and pursed her lips. Her face turned red unconsciously. "Shall I... Go by myself?"

Xiao Yan was stunned and quickly reacted. The expression on his face was both excitement and shyness. He said, "let's go together."