“Obviously not. I'm not asking you to take over the class. I don't want to.”
Jegal Hassol refused to cut it without even looking at me. Is something offensive? The ball is greasy and the eyes are thin enough to remind me of thread. Rather than being arrogant as usual, I feel like I'm trying to avoid your gaze. But his voice was very firm. I clasped my hands together and opened my mouth quietly.
“I'm not giving it to you. ”
“Suddenly half-words.... No, what, what? ”
Haha. Is this unexpected? The furious face is quite amusing. However, I chewed my lower lip to see if I saw him giggling. Oh, my God, are you really mad?
“I'm kidding.” Tr ans lat e d b y jpm t l .c om
“You, really…. ”
However, I was not unexpectedly angry. I just closed my eyes as if to swallow and turned my head. At this rate, he grunted. You should moan once. It's like a puppy.
“Anyway, let's hear it. Why?"
“Whoo-hoo. ”
“Everyone wants and wants a class succession. But why is the user's favorite hash bowl. ”
“Wait, I'll tell you, I'll tell you. ”
At that time, Jegal Hassol, who came in after hanging up his words, struck his hand very hard. Then point to the left and make a pleading face. T r ansl a t e d by jp mt l .c o m
“Can I have my eyes back there, please? ”
“Give me my eyes back? ”
“Yes. So don't make eye contact with me. ”
“What the…. ”
What the hell is that sound?
“Clan Lord, please. It's like saving a person. If we keep going... I…."
“… Me? ”
“Maybe sooner or later, tonight, you'll be trapped under your body. ”
“And I'll feel the scars coming in, tearing through my cherished virgin veil, and writhing my arms and legs in disgusting solidarity. Right there in bed. ”
“ ……. ”
I understood what you meant. I lost my words at the same time. I knew I had great imagination, but I never dreamed it would be like this. It's like swimming in fantasy, fantasy.
“I don't like it any more than death. There's so much I still want to do, so much I want to do. I really don't want to be your body slave like this. ”
“Oh, don't look at me, please! Don't you think people talk? ” Tr an s l a te d by jpmtl.c o m
“Then don't let it feel strange in the first place! ”
“Why! What am I supposed to do with my favorite atmosphere?" ”
“Ha ~ ah. ”
Eventually, I closed my eyes at all. It was because I felt like I was suddenly drying up.
“Are you done now? ”
“Yes. I think I still am, but I'm better at it. ”
After returning to the mystical voice in an instant, Jegal's seagull clears his throat.
“Well, before I say it, can I have a look at those two? ”
As I gestured to take it, I could feel the movement coming in loud. Soon the static settles down to see if you start reading the Google Apps.
Moon Hee of the White Yarn
(Explanation: Muhee was originally meant to be a dancing woman, and in the ancient hall plains was perceived as a sacrifice of hope for prosperity and well-being. However, after the emergence of white night, that perception completely changes. The unique origin of this virtue begins with a woman who walked on her own from the Blessed Songs of the Sun during the Dark Days.
The woman was in charge of protecting the roads () and the blessings (), blocking the breasts (+20982;) and Tuesday (+3117;), travelling all over the continent. The elegant dance son-in-law soothed the dead land and once removed the prophet, he overcame the darkness that covered the sky, and received the wrath of all mankind. T rans lated b y Jpm t l .c om
Despite being defeated by a powerful spirit in the end, she is the unlucky woman who chose to be corrupted by the evil spirit herself. Even though the end was not so beautiful, there can be no doubt that it was a beautiful miracle to save the world.
White Night's Moors are rooted in supernatural beings, or indigenous spells that harness mysterious powers, and have an absolute polar relationship, particularly against evil.)
This is a big deal, by the way. There were two reasons why I chose Muhee of the White Night in the first place. The description of absolute dramatic relationships with demons caught my attention, and on the other hand, I remember reading a record about the 'New Songs’ in the secret library. And even if I don't like my seaweed, it's enough to raise a new user. There doesn't seem to be any restrictions.
Crystals Of Light And Darkness
(Explanation: It's a ‘chaos’ decision with half the mixture of light and darkness. It is a decision that is linked to a very powerful spirit that has never been revealed in the world except once. If you are not a very talented user, we recommend that you do not use it immediately.)
However, the decisions of light and darkness are different. Even with a relatively brief description, such attention can never be taken lightly. I want a truly talented user, not literally busy. So I thought of my seaweed....
“Clan Road. I was wondering, is there a difference between an incognito class and an Awakening one? ”
At that moment, I heard the curious voice of Jegal seaweed. I could barely bear to open my eyes reflectively.
“It doesn't make a difference. The expression process... That's about it. ”
“Uh-huh. I see. Anyway, nice view. But I think it hasn't changed. ”
Clean refusal. Jegal seaweed probably doesn't want to make a decision. As a matter of fact, I didn't understand it myself, but I'm in all kinds of places. First, I decided to listen.
“Mmm-hmm. Of course, I appreciate you taking care of me like this... ”
I waited a little, but then my voice sounded a little troubled.
“I don't want impurities getting in the way that I want to go. ”
“Impurities?” Tr ansla ted b y jp m tl.co m
“Yes. I don't want to involve anything in this world except what's given to me. ”
“You don't want me to intervene? So these things get in the way? ”
“That's not true. I know how Hall Plane works. Of course it will help. But the way I want to go is definitely a distraction. ”
“ ……. ”
Shit, I want to see your face. You're awfully stuffy with your eyes closed.
“How do I explain…. So, should we say we want to protect purity? ”
“Yes, only enchanted, enchanted, enchanted, user-defined seaweed. because I'm a wizard, and I want to get to the source as a wizard. I definitely felt it on the expedition. ”
“The source.... ”
It followed a pretty long question. And all the way through, the high voice of Jegal's seaweed had very little spark. Leaving is not nonsense. At least I mean it. I thought about it quietly.
‘Since childhood, she works hard to build up her magic, her head explodes, she reads magic books, and she spells to break her fingers. So I don't want you to doubt our accomplishments on a subject that looks like nothing, like training and using abilities. ’
Marbolo's ridicule.
‘It's impossible to make a human heir.... Anyway, the human being is Jegal Seaweed. In thousands of years, have you seen about five or six people with that kind of talent? If you were born in the Hall Plain of ancient times, you would have wrinkled an era. ’
Helena, no. Magna Carta's admiration has hit her head.
I feel like I know something. I'm not sure exactly, but I think I know what I want to say. At the same time, it gives me a slight chill. When I think about it, I know that Jegal seaweed was a common class even in a single car. I mean, no matter how good the intentions were, maybe.... I could have ruined Jegal's shining future.
“Don't you regret it? ”
Eventually, I decided to give up persuasion. I have a strong will, but I can't force you to inherit it. It would be convenient to think that it wasn't just fate.
“Regret? Hehe. Not at all. At least I won't lose to anyone about magic. ”
“Enthusiasm is good, but sometimes humility will be nice. ”
“What should I do? What should I do with my confidence? ”
“Ha, who's going to stop it? ”
After making a smile, I put back the elixir of magical power that I had been rubbing. Later, Jegal Hassol was dragged away from the study and asked me if I could leave. I nodded my head. Immediately, I heard a familiar sound of magical bursts, and when I opened my eyes, Jegal's seaweed was not there.
“That's hard.”
After burying myself in a chair, a long sigh comes out. It feels harder to share than to earn. After all, all that remains are the three Spirit Decisions and the White Night Dance. And the elixir of strength, durability and magic.
“By the way, what was your magical ability? ”
Consequently, since that day, the Mercenary Clan has had two Awakening Incognito Classes and one Incognito Classroom. And rumors spread at a terrifying rate. It's not just a rumor, it's about class succession, but it's not something you can just hand off.
I made a public announcement at the meeting based on the rumors. There are still four classes left to inherit, and everyone is fine (minimum class restrictions have been placed.) I was told to come as long as I was confident. Just ‘cause.' If you think you're coming, you'll break it.
On the other hand, there was a way to scout new users or foster prospective users in the future. But I wanted to give the clans a chance first. Because it was right, and it won't come out behind me.
In the meantime, after several days, I received reports that my city had progressed considerably and that I had completed the special building transfer. Of course, in time, we also entered into the construction of the Machinery Academy. It seemed that such a day without such a big incident lasted, but in fact, it was not very anxious.
(Sorry, Young Master? If you're in a hurry, we'll call you...)
“No, thanks. You said you were still in the Steel Mountains. ”
“Then it's better to wait. Will you call me as soon as you get back? ”
(Yes, I will.)
“Thank you, then. ”
You have been disconnected after receiving confirmation. I looked at the missing communication bead and asked for a candle.
Isn't it strange? My brother told me I was in the Steel Mountains when I left for the expedition. However, he is still in the Steel Mountains without returning. So you're about two months, or almost three months now.
“Where the hell are you doing...? ”
After exhaling the smoke, I look at my desk, and I see three flashing crystals and a debt flowing with blue light. The more I look at it, the stronger I feel I want to deal with it quickly.
There's only one reason why I'm so anxious. Technically, it doesn't matter if you give me the elixir later. The stat point increase should take a few seconds to complete. However, the case of the class is significantly different. The longer you wait, the less you feel like you're going to lose, as you need to work hard after succession. And I've been putting it off for a long time, and I wanted to make sure that I could do it this time.
It was then.
“Ah-ah-ah! ”
Suddenly the door opens, and someone calls out to me in a hurry. As I hurriedly turn away the lotus grass, the thirteen pairs of wings were crushed in hot springs. Oops, it's getting heavy. They've grown up again.
“Is Mar here? ”
Is there something exciting going on? As he patted his back and asked, Dry nodded with a clear face. Then he looked around and pointed at the desk with his shiny eyes.
“Dad, what is that? ”
“That one, that one. A pretty box.”
“A pretty box? ”
Not decisions or debts?
The rear horse swallowed into his stomach and turned his gaze.
In the direction that Marv is pointing,
“Oh, that? ”
Six crates were stacked flat.
It was a ‘Monster Summon Box 4’ purchased for a million GPs.
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
* * * * * 9487; * * * My hands are glowing,
The keyboard will judge.
* * willingly respond to readers,
* * * 9495; * * 9491; * * 9487; * * * * I paid for the mockery.
Oh, my God.
* * * gasp * * * Please put me next to a man and appoint me among the men.
It will be Solo this Christmas, who sells other people's sex.
* * * * That's the will of God.