One sword was killed, and Taijiang God died miserably on the spot. Taijiang God's patterns were punctured. This sword tarnished the world. This sword has been perfect and there are no flaws.

But at this time, Taigu shennian Lord appeared in the territory of Taijiang Protoss. Taijiang Protoss belongs to shennian Lord God. Taijiang God will be killed. Will she not appear?

The ancient god thought of the LORD God. She was the only female emperor in the ancient period. She was beautiful, enchanting, charming and charming. Her every move was with the charm of the limit. She had long hair and white clothes. She was extremely holy. At a glance, she would fall into her bright eyes.

She is different from the ancient emperors. Those ancient emperors, like the initial state, are very ancient and ugly, but she is a special case.

God thought of the LORD God, gently stepped on his feet, gently sighed, turned into a sound of nature and scattered in the four directions.

"The fire emperor, the wood is beautiful in the forest, and the wind will destroy it. Why do you suffer?" God thought that the LORD God is not another ancient emperor after all. As a woman, she still has some kindness. She knew that someone had to deal with the fire emperor, so she kindly suggested.

The Yan Emperor looked at the ancient god indifferently, read the LORD God, stood with a sword, and said in a deep voice, "you mean that the Taijiang Protoss slaughtered a tribe of the Yan family, and there are no chickens and dogs left. I should bear it? The Taijiang God will be your right arm. Do you know anything about his actions?"

Taigu thought that the LORD God shook his head slightly and whispered, "I know you don't believe it, but I really didn't know he would do so."

"Then please shut up!" the emperor replied impolitely.

Taigu God thought of the LORD God and took a deep breath. This time, she also came under orders. If Yan Huang listened to the advice and fled far away from home, he might be able to save the man with this gifted demon, but if Yan Huang didn't listen to the advice, it would be difficult to live today.

"Please do it! I want to see if the combat power of the first emperor in the world can really frighten arbitrary people."

The ancient god thought that the LORD God stretched out a sheep fat like jade hand, moved his fingertips, all things in the four directions stagnated, and all things in a thousand miles are fields.

Her strength is definitely the strongest among the ancient emperors. Her divine mind is strong enough to distort the emperor's soldiers and directly control the ancient emperor to death on one side. She can be a number of ancient emperors alone.


When the emperor's sword came out of its scabbard, the smell of the emperor was shocked, and the space around was shattered within 35 meters. The mind could not be controlled and was in an independent state.


Taigu God thought of the LORD God and stepped gently into the field. The space in the four directions was stagnant, but she swam fish and got water. She was very relaxed.


God thought of the LORD God and stretched out his hand to take out a soul rosary. Such a precious treasure can bless 30% of her soul. Her soul is already at its peak, in line with heaven and earth. Blessing 30% is absolutely more terrible. The Taigu emperor must surrender in front of her.


The Lord's mind moved, and a fierce tiger appeared in front. It was transformed by the mind, but it had terrible lethality. A tiger roar shook the Milky way and hurt the soul of the thorn.

However, the emperor was indifferent. His soul had been perfect and could not be shaken by foreign things.

Whew, whew!!

When the emperor Yanhuang gives out his sword, it startles the rainbow. One sword breaks through the void and the field of mind collapses. It is completely destructive.

Boom, boom!!

Wow, wow!!

Yanhuang sword constantly breaks everything and kills with the God. They are both top-notch and supreme. The void is constantly broken. The formation and destruction of the field of order is often just a moment.



The emperor's sword roared and the red flame war horse galloped in the flame. It can break the stagnant field and sweep across the four directions. However, in two days, although the God thought the LORD God retreated gradually, there was no sign of complete loss.

But on the third day, several figures galloped through the void, pierced thousands of methods from a distance, stabbed the emperor's back and red flame horses, and the murderous spirit surged like the sea.

Boom, boom!!


Yan Huang's sword echoed and smashed several attacks, but the people who galloped to kill quickly retreated faster, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

God thought the LORD God as the main attack, strong attack, and several ancient emperors as auxiliary attacks, constantly attacking and killing from different spaces, causing no small trouble to the Yan Emperor.

In the sky above the LORD God's territory, the void collapsed and there were black holes. The people who killed were terrified because they were restrained by the ancient emperor and killed for several months.

At this moment, the ancient god will lead a large number of experts to attack the supreme elders and army of the Yan family. Almost all the ancient gods and immortal generals of the first-class hall will go out to kill the elders of the Yan family. For a time, the ancient fairy world was full of blood, countless deaths and injuries, and corpses everywhere.

There was a full-scale war in the territory of the Yan family. There were enemies everywhere. Every tribe was attacked. The Yan Zu didn't even appear or even spread a word. It all depended on the death of the Yan Emperor and the Yan family elders.

The Yan tribes were slaughtered, and their bodies fell in the mountains. There was no place to bury their bones.

The ancient god will watch countless weak humans of the Yan tribe wail and struggle. He really can't bear it. He starts to slow down the attack and takes time. He has fought with a princess of the tribe for several months and hasn't decided the victory or defeat, but he is slowing down the attack here. There are no other areas. The Yan tribe has suffered heavy casualties.

It seems that the Yan family is about to be destroyed. The ancient god will not want to consume any more. If he doesn't kill himself, other gods and immortals in the first-class hall will also kill, so he forcibly defeated the princess and forcibly abducted her.

A few years later, the emperor was attacked thousands of times, thousands of times, and the source of his life was traumatized. The idea of the LORD God was too powerful. She restrained him. Coupled with the attacks of several ancient emperors and ancient Lord gods, he resisted for several years without claiming the emperor, which has never been seen before!

The blood dyed the battlefield red, and the burning emperor hit three ancient emperors hard.

The war horses hissed and the army wailed. A group of dead soldiers rushed to the battlefield and told the Yan Emperor with their lives that more than half of the 36 were killed and injured, and more than half of the army and the Yan tribe were also killed and injured. This time, they completely angered the Yan Emperor!

Yan Huang gave up his back defense directly. A Sword Pierced thousands of miles and hit the LORD God. This sword almost pierced her heart!

However, the vitality of Taigu emperor was so tenacious that he never gave up the attack even if he was seriously damaged. The price of Yanhuang's sword was a serious blow to the origin of his life, at least 30% of his vitality was lost!

The battlefield was ruthless, and the emperor's killing opportunity had appeared. He took cruel measures. He took personal risks several times and led other ancient emperors to appear. He broke the offensive one by one and hit several ancient emperors hard in succession.

The battle lasted for several years. The ancient god finally returned to the battlefield. In the face of the burning emperor, his death intention had appeared in his eyes and rushed to the burning emperor in a fighting attitude.




The emperor was already angry, and a sword pierced the heart of the ancient god general.

The Yan Emperor didn't expect that the ancient god would come up and die. He held the neck of the ancient god general in his left hand, but the ancient god general grabbed his sleeve and said hoarsely, "I have a son. His mother is the princess of the Yan family. If your highness sees it, please show mercy..."

Yan Huang's white robe was dyed red by God's blood. With a slight push, the ancient god dropped his body.

"Kill -- -- --"


A sword swept through the void, broke through the field of order, broke through the divine defense of the LORD God, and directly penetrated from her chest. The strongest female emperor of a generation died on the spot!

This sword seems powerful, but it won't let the God die. The emperor can see that she doesn't want to attack again and gives up her life automatically.

As soon as the LORD God died, those ancient emperors hidden in the dark never appeared from beginning to end, and then left quietly.

Many ancient emperors fought this war, but the historical records are completely different, because ancient Yin and Yang don't want the world to know the real combat power of the emperor, don't want the world to think that he is killing genius, and don't want others to know that he is afraid of the emperor, so he killed him!

The burning emperor looked at a corpse, exhausted and looked up at the sky. He wanted to ask the burning ancestor why he didn't do it!