Chapter 38 - Even Lower Than Amateurs

David pulled the trigger of the HK G36C firearm in his hand, looked at the optical shot at the top of the assault-rifle-type firearm and pierced the heads of Croydon's gang one by one.

He ran towards a pillar supporting the nightclub building where he was located to protect himself from being hit by bullets while reloading his ammunition.

With a very fast motion, David presses the small circle on the right side of the gun, which is located behind the trigger, allows the empty ammunition box to fall to the floor and pulls a new ammunition box from the pocket of his jacket, pulling the HK G36C firearm whimper he modified back until the reloaded bullets enters the firing chamber and is ready to fly.

David's hand speed to reload ammunition is unquestionable. In less than three seconds he had re-aimed his optical aim at the enemy and pierced their heads like he was playing an FPS—also known as First Person Shooter, a video game genre whose main feature is the use of a first-person perspective with a screen that simulates what is happening, when the player can see through the eyes of the played character.

In less than a split second David changed his target point, moving the red dot in the optical aim of his firearm from one person's head to another. Replace the empty ammunition box with a new box of ammunition again very quickly and walk out of his shelter.

David stepped into the rain of bullets, aiming for all of them in the head and taking them down continuously.

David is not a superhuman who is immune to bullets or who has the ability to dodge bullets like in the Matrix movie scene. What David did was the result of his five sensory reflexes that he got thanks to his years of being on the battlefield.

David spent the first three minutes reading the opponent's movement patterns. From the way they fired, the length of time between the shells, the angle of the shot and also their reaction when David gave a resistance shot.

One that David can conclude with certainty.

They were all just amateurs who only knew how to pull the trigger, and it was very easy to panic if they received a counter-shot.

In fact, the time it took them only to reload their empty ammunition was more than fifteen seconds.

In the Underworld, people who refilled their weapons in after ten seconds would be categorized as trash clowns. More than that, they couldn't even enter the amateur circle of the Underworld. They will only be spat on and peed on by people who are even in the amateur category.

Fighting fools like them made David's emotions run high. He had never fought an enemy as pathetic as this.

Leisurely, David stepped into the middle of Croydon's gang shooting area and knocked them down one by one. Until in the end there were only three enemies left. They sat down, trembling as they saw David walking toward them.

Their expressions seemed like they were looking at the figure of a Grim Reaper, even though they didn't know who David was.

It just goes to show that Croydon, the gang that society is quite fearful of, is just a bunch of brainless people looking for trouble with the wrong people.

Of course. David is in the first rank of people who should not be provoked in this life, while the second and third place goes to your own mother and your mother-in-law.

The title of the Demon Prince on the battlefield was not something that could be underestimated by anyone.

David didn't want to waste time. He immediately killed the three of them in an instant and walked up the stairs to the top floor to find Angeline's whereabouts.

David fired at the doorknob and smashed it in with one hard kick, knocking the door off its hinges.

Someone stood behind Angeline with a gun beside Angeline's head.

David exhaled lazily. It turns out that the main reason why an amateur gang like Croydon has been able to survive this long in the Underworld circles is the person who is holding Angeline hostage.

Cohort Carlito, a big businessman in the field of prostitution, he is the main supplier of lustful women to corrupt government officials. The man who was kicked out of the Hendrick Brasco mafia syndicate because of his cowardice, weakness in all combat skills, and always causing trouble by messing with every beautiful woman who was in his sight regardless of age or social status.

The highly respected Hendrick Brasco mafia syndicate has suffered a reputation damage thanks to Cohort's act of hooking up with the daughter of one of the corrupt officials, whose official is Hendrick Brasco's pet who always provides access to the illegal arms trafficking route he is doing back then.

Thanks to that, Hendrick Brasco himself kicked him out of the mafia group by tying him in a sack and putting him on a cargo ship that was going to sail to South Africa.

David did not expect to meet an old friend at this place.

"Can we just get over this? Get off my wife and I'll just gonna make a new hole in your dick with my gun." David asked to negotiate, throwing the HK G36C assault rifle on the table and leaning back on a very soft and comfortable sofa.

Corhot's body temperature dropped drastically when he saw David's face. That idiot actually left his brain on the cooling machine by kidnapping the wrong woman.

David took a cigarette out of the pack, sandwiched the nicotine stick between his upper and lower lips and lit the tip of the pleasure stick slowly, feeling the soothing sensation of the morphine he inhaled before releasing it into the air.

"Or you can shoot your disgusting dick yourself so I don't have to be bothered anymore."

Cohort, the trash dumpster from the Hendrick Brasco mafia syndicate is still silent. The girl whom she nearly got addicted to drugs and turned her into a sex slave to satisfy his lust all the time is David Stockholm's wife?

This isn't a dream, right?

David turned his head, casting a cold gaze so piercing right into Cohort's eyes. "Hey, don't you want to do it?"

Now Cohort's eyes stared blankly at the floor he was stepping on, releasing Angeline who immediately ran towards David and collapsed into his arms.

David stroked the top of Angeline's head while glaring intently at Cohort. Cohort's eyes were blank, as if he were a soulless undead who had no direction or purpose in the world.

"Should I count to three?" asked David, who was still stroking Angeline's head while the girl sobbed in his loving arms.

Unexpectedly, Cohort had already stuck the tip of the gun on his own head. "Looks like I really can't create my own paradise in this world." he said in a hopeless tone.

Bang! ...

The sound of the gunshot made Angeline cry even louder in David's arms. Cohort's body immediately collapsed on the ground where he stood with a bullet lodged in his head.

David was silent, letting Angeline cry contentedly in his arms.

Although David was annoyed that he had wasted time dealing with an even lower group than amateurs, David was still relieved that Angeline was fine.

From now on, Croydon, the group that even lower compared to the amateurs within the circle of the Underworld was just a memory.. Because, in less than ten minutes, David had slaughtered them all.