Chapter 45 - Win-to-Win Agreement

Angeline slid all the fingers on her right hand into between the fingers on her left and grasped it tightly, praying in her heart that nothing happened to David. She sat in a very comfortable chair that was provided for her, complete with a few snacks and refreshments.

Meanwhile, David was in a room with a police chief who had four gold stars on each of his left and right shoulders, with an aide who had two gold stars on both shoulders standing behind him.

And one more person who was kneeling begging for forgiveness from the police chief and also to David in turn while putting on a pathetic expression that wanted to be pitied.

The pathetic person begging for forgiveness was the interrogator who had previously had ill will towards Angeline, someone who previously had absolutely no idea who David was.

"I-I don't know ... I'm-I'm sorry ... I'm so stupid ... I deserved to die a hundred times."

David, with his bloodshot pupils and a broad smile on his lips, stood up. "Since you mentioned 'dying a hundred times', I will grant your wish."

A two-star police aide was about to pull out a gun from its holster, but the police chief who had four gold stars on his shoulders held back his intention of aiming his gun at David.

He knew, pointing a weapon at a Demon Prince of the Underworld was a very fatal mistake that you didn't want to commit in your life.

The police chief took a step forward and lowered his head. "Please let me take care of it, I beg you."

A man in the highest rank of the police force to bow his head to David and plead politely?

Anyone who saw this would definitely drop his eyeballs to the floor in disbelief at what they saw. David is not just a tourist.

David was silent for a moment and chose to return to his seat.

In his mind, besides his anger that still could not be contained, there was one thing that made him hold back his intention to turn a country into a mass grave.

Yep. David was able to hold back a bit of his anger because of the threat from Angeline who would not give him "sex portions" for every life he took for a whole month. Truth be told, not being able to have sex with Angeline for a whole month was something David was more afraid of than having to fight a thousand armed mobsters alone barehanded.

David closed his eyes, took in as deep a breath as possible and exhaled roughly before opening them again. Slowly the redness of the pupil returned to normal.

"I'll give you two choices." David said to the police chief, causing the middle-aged man to raise his head again. "Shoot his dick, or I'll separate the heads of the three of you from your bodies instead."

Without further ado, the chief of police took over the gun of the adjutant standing behind him, pulled the gun's tip so that the bullets from the ammunition box inside entered the bullet room indicating that the weapon was ready to be fired. Without hesitation, aimed the gun at the interrogator's crotch and pulled the trigger of the pistol-type firearm in his hand without a second thought.

Bang! ...

"Aaakkkkhhhh!" shouted the poor man who had just lost the ability to carry on his offspring.

The police chief did not hesitate to comply with David's request, leaving the aide standing behind him staring without disbelief.

Maybe no one knows this yet. But, the police chief has a long history with David's past.

Back in the dark era when the Underworld was controlled by a legendary mafia syndicate headed by Hendrick Brasco, the police chief was still an ordinary police officer. At that time, there was not a single person who didn't know the horror of a big mafia boss, even hearing his name could make a person's heart stop from fear.

When word spread that Hendrick Brasco had died, people who knew about the vicious circle of the Underworld began to breathe a sigh of relief. But fear comes back to haunt them when they find out that the adopted son of a very feared figure is still alive thanks to the spread of word that a successful businessman named David Stockholm will end his bachelor's age. It was the moment when David announced his marriage to a very lucky girl named Angeline.

Because information about the current Underworld is so minimal and so kept secret by the United Nations, only certain people know about it. For example, such as high-ranking defense organizations in all countries of the world such as the minister of defense, general army chiefs, and police chiefs.

Very few in this world know who David Stockholm really is apart from the people within the circles of the Underworld. No wonder the adjutant with the rank of two gold stars who stood behind the police chief could only make an expression of disbelief at what was happening in front of his own two eyes.

The chief of police turned to his aide and handed back the gun he had grabbed from him earlier, "Take him out, I have something to discuss with this young master."

The young master he means is David. Despite his mature appearance, David was still twenty-seven years old. Of course it is still considered very young for someone in his forties like the chief of the police.

Without the slightest intrusion or objection, the aide dragged the poor man who had just lost each man's most precious body part out of the room, leaving the chief of police alone with David.

The chief of police sat across from David, only separated by a table.

David looked at her dryly. "What else do you want?"

The middle-aged man took off his police cap and put it on the table. "Dear Lord Demon Prince, there is something I have to discuss with you."

A smile grew again on David's lips when the police chief who sat in front of him mentioned his title in the Underworld--Demon Prince. "Say it."

"Some time ago, there was an infiltration at a military prison in Hawaii, causing the escape of a prisoner with the highest crime rate. From the testimonies of living eyewitnesses, the infiltration was carried out by someone who was about two and a half meters tall. And as I know, the one who capable of infiltrating the prison with the highest level of security and height as I mentioned earlier is only one person if we mention about the Underworld. "

"Benedict Rivaro." said David interrupting, making the police chief a little dumbfounded. "That little brained bear still likes to do really flashy things. Fucking useless trash."

The police chief rubbed his own hands. "If I'm not mistaken, that person is in the same mafia syndicate as you, aren't he?"

The question asked by the police chief made David's alert level slightly increase. "Just say what you wanna say, old man. Stop fucking around."

"According to the order given directly by the great general of the United Nations, for anyone who has the possibility to stop any member of the Hendrick Brasco mafia syndicate, is permitted to immediately execute on the spot. And since I am also a high executive in the defense and security sector of the United Nations, of course I have the responsibility to carry out that order. "

David's smile widened, "So you are planning to execute me? Are you really tired of the country you live in now?"

David's threats were still the same; turning Hawaii into the largest burial place in human history. And it is not a mere threat.

"Of course I'm not that stupid. I don't even have the intention of making your wife the guarantee of your life. I just have an offer that might interest you a little."

"State it." said David dryly.

"I have heard that for the past few years you have been moving alone to hunt down every other member of the Hendrik Brasco mafia syndicate. Although I do not know exactly why you did it, but I'm sure, apart from you, no one else can do it. There is a saying, 'the enemy of your enemy is your friend'. When the time comes, I want you to use my name as the one who did it. I will give you my personal contact, whenever you succeed in hunting down one of them, contact me. I will send my men to retrieve the corpse I'll use it as a gift for the great general of the United Nations. Of course I will prepare a very large gift for you in return. "

David paused to think for a moment. When it comes to wealth, nothing in this world can attract him. After all, his business was only finished if he succeeded in his revenge target. After that, he had no business with their corpses.

Thinking that a pile of useless corpses would instead give him an unknown advantage, didn't seem like a bad thing.

David brought his face closer with a smile, making the police chief sitting across from him swallow his own saliva before spitting out the words again. "What can you offer?"

"I will register each of your descendants as a VIP register at the United Nations. Starting from your wife, your children, to your future descendants. We will guarantee all aspects of your bloodline life from birth to death."

David, who had been trained for years to be calm on the battlefield, could now also be taken aback. What the police chief was offering was not something that could be bought by treasure or reputation in the Underworld.

David also laughed with satisfaction, making a big smile spread on the lips of the police chief who is also a senior United Nations official.

Now the two of them have agreed on a win-to-win agreement.